Land: *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Mayo Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: In the Matters of the Estate of GEORGE R. ACTON and SHEFFIELD BETHAM, Esquires, 1859 Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Mayo Index Land Records Copyright Transcribed by C. Hunt ___________________________________________________ In the Matters of the Estate of GEORGE R. ACTON and SHEFFIELD BETHAM, Esquires Trustees of HENRY SHAWE JONES and CONYNGHAM JONES, Esquires, Owners & Petitioners Cuillare, Curryealawn, Ballinlassa, and Washpool, situate at Belcarra, Lower Roslahan & Upper Roslahane near Castlebar, in the Barony of Carra, and County of Mayo: Held in Fee To Be Sold, in Ten - crossed out to Four Lots, By the Commissioners, On Friday, the 7th day of November, 1859 "SOLD" _________________________________________________________________________________________ LOT NO. 5 Rental of Lands of Lower Roslahane, held in Fee, situate in the Barony of Carra and County of Mayo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENURE STATUTE MEASURE TENANTS' NAMES A. R. P. TENURE ============================================================ MARTIN GORMAN 7 1 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. PATRICK GORMAN 14 3 8 Lease from CONYNGHAM JONES to PETER GORMAN, dated 28th June, 1828, for 3 lives or 31 years; rent reserved £78 14s. 10d. temporarily abated to £76 11s 1d.; lives, GEORGE ORMSBY, CHARLES MAHON, and EDWARD BLAKE, all in being THOMAS GORMAN 7 1 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. JOHN M'CANN, Senior 9 2 26 Lease from CONYNGHAM JONES to MICHAEL HENRY, dated 28th June, 1828, for 3 lives or 31 years; rent reserved £75 16s. 6d. temporarily abated to £74 10s.; lives, GEORGE ORMSBY, CHARLES MAHON, and EDWARD BLAKE, all in being. JOHN M'CANN, Junior 7 1 0 Lease from CONYNGHAM JONES to JOHN M'CANN, Junior , dated 28th June, 1828, for 3 lives or 31 years; rent reserved £74 7s. 5d. temporarily abated to £73 7s 5d.; lives, GEORGE ORMSBY, CHARLES MAHON, and EDWARD BLAKE, all in being. PATRICK M'DONNELL, (FRANK) 7 1 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. PATRICK WALSH (LONG) 7 1 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. JAMES KENNEDY 3 2 20 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. JAMES LYNCH 14 2 0 Lease from CONYNGHAM JONES to PATRICK LYNCH dated 28th June, 1828, for 3 lives or 31 years; rent reserved £78 14s. 10d. temporarily abated to £76 15s.; lives, GEORGE ORMSBY, CHARLES MAHON, and EDWARD BLAKE, all in being. JOHN DOWD 14 2 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. JAMES DOWD 3 2 20 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. ELLEN CARROLL 7 1 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. THOMAS BURKE 5 0 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. PATRICK HENRY 7 1 0 Tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on the 1st of November in each year. Source: *Encumbered Estates vol 20 part 2