Castlebar Old Cemetery, Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Mayo Index
File contributed by: Dympna Beckett Joyce
Transcribed by GC


Photo No.0
Old Castlebar Cemetery Entrance

Photo No.1
O Lord have mercy on the soul | of | THOMAS ANDERSON | who
depd this life Decr 15th 1877 | aged 70 years | also his
daughter | ELLEN ANGEL A | depd 28th March 1882 | aged 26
years | and MARTIN GERARD MAYE | who died 31st Jan 1931 |
aged 4 years | and his mother | ALICE MAYE | died 11th June
1936 aged 40 years | JOHN A MAYE | died 24th July 1947 |
MAUREEN MAYE | died 22nd October 1947 | MOLLIE MAYE | died
2nd March 1851.
(See No 29 for bottom view

Photo No.2
Sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the soul of | JAMES
BRADY | who died July 1st? 1946? | aged 63? years | also his
wife | NORA BRADY | died Dec 27th 1955 | aged 79 years | and
their son MARTIN | died 30th Nov 1987 | and their daughter |
KAT[HLEEN] | died 9 July 1998.

Photo No.3
Baby CAFFERKEY | Bangor-Erris | 17-12-1992.

Photo No.4
In Loving memory of | MARGARET CLARKE | Main Street | died
23rd Jan 1971 | and her husband THOMAS | died 18th Jan 1940
| R.I.P.

Photo No.5
To The Loving memory of | RICHARD CONDON | who died October 31st
1920 | aged 76 years | also his wife KATE | who died July
22nd 1926 | aged 82 years | RICHARD CONDON | died 31st Jan
1969 aged 84 years | and his wife KATE CONDON | died 6th Jan
1991 aged 92 years also their son | RICHARD CONDON | died
14th Oct 1991 ....

Photo No.6
(Close-up of No 5)

Photo No.7
In Loving memory of | JOHN CONWAY | Raheenbar | died 7th Sep
1984 | and his parents | MICHAEL & MARY | CONWAY | also his
brother | MICHAEL | and his sister | MARY | who are buried |
elsewhere in this cemetery | R.I.P. | Erected by his niece |

Photo No.8
In Loving memory of | FRANCES CUNNINGHAM | Market Sq,
Castlebar | died 8th Feb 1956 | aged 69 years | and his son
SEAN | died 2nd Feb 1955 | aged 11 months | also his wife
BRIDGET | died 11th Sep 1943 aged 45 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.9
Pray for the soul | of | CATHERINE DOHERTY | who died Feb
28th 1915 | aged 57 years | and her son PATRICK | died 18th
Feb 1966 | his wife ANN | died 1st June 1970 | their son JOE
| died 20th Nov 1996 | R.I.P. | Erected by her loving

Photo No.10
In Loving memory | of | DANIEL DOWNES | who died 17th Nov
1934 | his wife ELLEN | who died 18th July 1904 | and their
daughters | ANNIE, NELLIE and MARGARET | and MARY AGNES |

Photo No.11
In Loving memory of | JOHN J. DWYER | Ellison St Castlebar |
died 6th April 1941 | R.I.P.

Photo No.12
In Loving memory of | MICHAEL J. EGAN | died 1st March 1944
aged 69 years | his wife KATIE EGAN | died 22nd August 1957
aged 81 years | their daughters | NAN EGAN | died 7th Feb
1980 aged 75 years | MAURA EGAN | died 18th April 1990 aged
83 years | and their son | MICHAEL J. EGAN | died 11th May
1997 aged 80 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.13
In Loving memory of | THOMAS FADDEN | Thomas Street,
Castlebar | died 11th April 1975 | GARRETT FADDEN (GERRY) |
died 30th June 1980 | and his wife | NORA FADDEN (BABE) |
died 5th March 1996 | and their daughter | MAURA FADDEN |
died 2nd October 2002.

Photo No.14
In Loving memory of | JOHN and MARY FREYNE | Thomas St | and
their son PATRICK | R.I.P.

Photo No.15
In Loving memory of | PETER JOSEPH GIBBONS | St Patricks
Ave, Castlebar | died 28th Jan 1974 | his son PETER JOSEPH |
died 9th April 1979 | aged 26 years | also MICHAEL FRANCIS |
died 18th April 1997 aged 39 years | a loving wife and
mother BRIDIE | died 5th May 2001 aged 85 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.16
The good shepherd | giveth his live for his sheep | John 10
11-V | To the memory of the | Very Rev RICHARD GIBBONS | 21
years Parish Priest of | Castelbar Ballhean and Breafy | who
died of fever caught in the discharge | of his sacred
ministry in the ever | memorable year 1817 | He was indeed a
holy pious and good pastor | for he gave his life for his
flock | May he rest in Peace.

Photo No.17
In Loving memory of | MICHAEL HASTINGS | Moneen | who died
20th March 1945 | aged 63 years | and his daughter JULIA |
died 8th Jan 1959 | also his wife SARAH | died 5th Aug
[1969] | PHILOMENA HASTINGS | died 7th [June 1972] | and
son TOMMY HASTINGS | died 28 [June 1998].

Photo No.18
In Loving memory of | BRIDGET HAUGH | Moneen | died 27th Sep
1973 | her husband PATRICK | died 30th Dec 1979 | also baby
GERAGHTY | 14th February 1983.

Photo No.19
In memory of | JANE HEALY | died 18th Nov 1939 | aged 70
years | R.I.P. | Erected by | The Sisters of McRoy |

Photo No.20
In Loving memory of | ANTHONY HOPKINS | Snugboro | died 10th
April 1957 | and his wife Ann | died 30th Oct 1975 | R.I.P.
| Erected by the family.

Photo No.21
Pray for the souls of | MARGARET and | PETER HORKAN | R.I.P.

Photo No.22
In Loving memory of | FRANK HUGHES | Thomas Street | died
6th April 1975 | and his wife BRIDIE | died 28th Feb 1992 |
also infant | CAOIMHE McMAHON | 18th April 1983.

Photo No.23
JENNINGS | Aingil de | JOHN 8-1-1943 | Agus Leanbh gan ainm 1941
agus a deartfhaireacha | BARRY, GUS, JOE, GERALD, KEVIN,

Photo No.24
In Loving memory of | TOMMIE KELLY (Jnr) | Westport Rd
Castelbar | died 14th Mar 1976 | aged 19 years | and his
parents | THOMAS KELLY | died 12th Sept 2004 | NORA KELLY |
died 13th Feb 2007.

Photo No.25
Baby | GERARD KILCOYNE | Achill | 12-11-1959 | Loved and
remembered | by his family.

Photo No.26
In Loving memory of | BRENDAN LARKIN | died 21st March 1952.

Photo No.27
In Loving memory of | NORA LAVELLE | also | Baby BERNADETTE
LAVELLE | R.I.P. | Erected ny the LAVELLE family.

Photo No.28
Pray for the soul of | EDWARD LOFTUS | Knocknascibole | who
died 10th July 1945 | his wife | ANN died 6 Jan 1901 | and
their son WILLIAM | who died 7th Dec 1998 | R.I.P. | Erected
by their family | R.I.P. | Erected By Their Family.

Photo No.29
(See No 1 for full view)
and MARTIN GERARD MAYE | who died 31st Jan 1931 | aged 4
years | and his mother | ALICE MAYE | died 11th June 1936
aged 40 years | JOHN A MAYE | died 24th July 1947 | MAUREEN
MAYE | died 22nd October 1947 | MOLLIE MAYE | died 2nd March

Photo No.30
In Loving memory of | MARTIN McCORMACK | Spencer St
Castlebar | died 20th Mar 1939 | and his wife JULIA | died
8th Jan 1945 | their daughter ROSALEEN | died 14th Oct 1947
| R.I.P. | Erected by their son THOMAS | and daughter ANNE |

Photo No.31
In Loving memory of | KATHLEEN McDONNELL | Balinew | died
6th Feb 1986 | her husband PADDY | died 14th March 1988 |

Photo No.32
In Loving memory of | THOMAS McDONNELL | Graffybeg | died
11th May 1925 | his wife CATHERINE | died 29th April 1972 |
their children | PATRICK, JAMES | and CATHERINE | R.I.P.

Photo No.33
In | Loving memory of | MICHAEL McGOUGH | Snughsburo | died
April 26th 1890 | also his brother | Rev Fr. McGOUGH P.P. |
died 1896 | his son EDWARD | died June 25th 1918 | R.I.P.

Photo No.34
O Mother of God | pray for the soul of | the Rev JAMES MAC
MANUS | after 17 years on the mission | this beloved priest
| died of fever caught whilst | attending the fever victims
| on the 7th (?) April | the fatal year 1847 | aged 49
years | the Parishoners of Castlebar & Other Friends Having
Obtained | The Consent of his Relatives | Erected This Tomb
to His Memory.

Photo No.35
In Loving memory of | MARTIN McTIGUE | Burren, More | died
17th Aug 1947 | his wife CATHERINE | died 13th Mar 1945 |
and their daughters | ANNIE died 13th May 1950 | MAGGIE died
16th July 1970 | their son PATRICK | died 28th Oct 1980 |
their daughter NORA | died 24th April 1994.

Photo No.36
Pray | for the souls of | ANNE MORAN | Lough.. L. | died July
1944 | also her husband | JOHN MORAN | interred in Breaffy |
died April 1925 | their son JAMES MORAN | Newport Road |
died 21st Sep 1977 | R.I.P.

Photo No.37
In Loving memory of | PATRICK MORRISON | .... | died 20th
Feb 1943 | aged 62 years | his wife BRIDGET | died 11th
April 1983 | aged 93 years | their son PATRICK | died 24th
Sept 1986 | aged 66 years | WILLIAM | died 10th May 1993
aged 69 yrs | Ercted by his wife and family | MORRISON.

Photo No.38
MOYLETTE | Spencer Street | R.I.P.

Photo No.39
In Loving memory of | the MURRAY babies | Carrowkeel
Turlough Castelbar | DANIEL 6th January 1983 | twins PARAIC
and MARY | died 17th October 1985 | Three little angels
asleep together | missed every day by Mam Dad and Mary.

Photo No.40
PEADAR SEAN O DUOBHAIG | a caillcad | 3ad la d Canair 1924 |

Photo No.41
SEAN O COILEAIN | a marbhuighead a gcath | 1 gcill Miodna |
19ad la de bhealthainc 1921 | R.I.P.

Photo No.42
TOMAS O DOMHNAILL | a margeadh i gcat i Cill Mhodna | 19au
La de Bealtaine 1921.
(Thomas O Donnell)

Photo No.43
In Loving memory of | PETER PHILBIN | Commauns, Burren |
died 17th Oct 1963 | and his wife NORA | died 7th Feb 1948
| also their son PATRICK | died 24th Aug 1942 | R.I.P. |
Loved and remembered always | Erected by the family |

Photo No.44
In Loving memory | of | JOHN RABBETT | Main St Castlebar |
who died 11th June 1941 | and his wife MARY ANNE | died
March 24th 1944 | R.I.P. | Erected by their family.

Photo No.45
(See No 44. for Full view)

Photo No.46
In Loving memory of | ANNE REILLY | Islandeady | died 25th
Sep 1966 | and her daughter KATHLEEN | died 1936 | also her
husband EDWARD | died 8th June 1978 | R.I.P.

Photo No.47
In Loving memory of | THOMAS ROTHERY | 1920-2006 | his wife
PATRICIA (CONVEY) | 1926-2008 | Too dearly loved | to be

Photo No.48
Pray for the soul | of | EILEEN RYAN | Ellison St Castelbar
| who died July 29th 1923 | aged 29 years.

Photo No.49
O sacred heart of Jesus | have mercy on the | soul of |
MICHAEL RYDER | who died Nov 14th 1912 | aged 62 years | and
his wife ANNE | died 4th Nov 1939 | JOHN HENEGHAN | died
26th Dec 2000 | (Rathbawn Road Castelbar) | R.I.P. | Erected
by his fond wife | ANN RYDER.

Photo No.50
Infant | RITA SALIH | 25th Mar 1993 | Jesus called a little
angel home.

Photo No.51
MICHELLE TIERNEY | Mountgordon | died in infancy | 19th Feb

Photo No.52
See No 53 for Full View.

Photo No.53
In Loving memory of | MICHAEL TOLAN | Moneen | died Jan 14th
1956 | aged 78 years | his wife ALICE | died Feb 29th 1952 |
aged 66 years | their sons | JOHN died aged 7 years |
MICHAEL (JNR) died 1963 | their daughter | MARY YOUNG died
1995 | her son ALLEN died 1995 | R.I.P. | Erected by their
family | TOLAN.

Photo No.54
In | loving memory | of | ROBERT TREACY | Newtown Castelbar
| died 28th Mar 1941 | aged 78 years | and his wife DEBORAH
| died 4th Dec 1955 aged 80 years | R.I.P. | Erected by the

Photo No.55
In Loving memory of | JOHN TUNNEY | Mountgordon | died 1st
Jan 1931 | and his mother BRIDGET | died 3rd Feb 1957 | his
father THOMAS | died 22nd Aug 1972 | R.I.P. | Erected by the

Photo No.56

Photo No.57
In | loving memory | of | MICHAEL VERDON | born 1879 | died
March 22nd 1944 | ...

Photo No.58
In | Loving memory of | MICHAEL WALLACE | died 6th Mar 1933
aged 74 years | his wife ELIZABETH | died 1st Feb 1933 aged
74 years | their son-in-law PATRICK CONVEY | died 29th Dec
1935 | his wife MARGARET | died 11th Dec 1967 | their son |
Fr. FRANK CONVEY, S.M.A. | died 2nd Jan 1990 | also MADELINE
WALLACE | sister of MARGARET | died 24th Nov 1993.

Photo No.59
Two stones, left stone:
In Loving memory of | NELLIE WALSH | Aughadrina Castelbar |
died 16th Feb 1987 aged 67 years | and her husband ULICK
| died 4th Aug 1990 aged 69 years | R.I.P. | Erected by her
Right stone:
In Loving memory of | CHRISTOPHER WALSH | Spencer St
Castelbar | died 24th Oct 1975 | also his father THOMAS |
died 31st Aug 1943 | and his mother MARGARET | died 22nd Jan
1954 | his brother FRANK | died 24th Aug 1975 | R.I.P. |
Erected by his wife ANN.

All images Copyright by Photographer

All images Copyright by Photographer