Headstones: Gloshpatrick Cemetery, Murrisk
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Mayo Index
File contributed by: Dympna Beckett Joyce dympnaj@gmail.com
Transcribed by Marie Gallagher


No. 0

No. 1
In Loving Memory of | JAMES FAIR | also his wife BRIDGET | and
their family | Rest in peace.

No. 2
In | loving memory | of | JOHN FARRELL | Lecanvey | died 10th
April 1934 | aged 79 years | and his brother PAT | died 10th
June 1935.

No. 3
In | loving memory of | AUSTIN GAVIN | Carramacloughlin | died
11th Nov 1918 | aged 57 years | and his wife ELLEN | died 23rd
Jan 1955 | aged 89 years | Also their son AUSTIN | died 22nd
Mar 1946 | aged 28 years | BRIDIE GAVIN | died 10th Aug 1981 |
aged 63 years | R.I.P. | Erected by their son PATRICK |
PATRICK GAVIN | died 20th April 1984.

No. 4
Pray for the soul | of | JOHN GAVIN | Monamore | died 25th Dec
1935 | aged 59 years.

No. 5
Left: In loving memory of | MICHAEL GAVIN | Carramacloughlin |
died 5th April 1952 | aged 72 years.
Middle: In loving memory of | NOREEN LENNIE | NEE GAVIN | died
1st Dec 1989 | aged 42 years | Always loved and remembered.
Right: Partial view only

No. 6
In loving memory of | KATIE GAVIN | Thornhill | died 28th Mar
1957 | and her husband DAN | died 24th Mar 1988 | also PETER
GAVIN | and his wife BRIDGET | R.I.P.

No. 7
JOHN GRADY | died January 8, 1929 | MARY GRADY | died March 8,
1938 | R.I.P.

No. 8
In loving memory of | MICHAEL GRADY | Murrisk | died 21st June
1932 | and his wife ANNIE | died 13th May 1949 | R.I.P. |
Erected by their family.

No. 9
Lord have mercy on the soul | of | ANNE JOYCE | Durless | who
died Jan 1896 | and her husband | JAMES JOYCE | who died April
1914 | also their sons | THOMAS | who died April 1908 | PETER
| who died June 1913.

No. 10
Pray | for the soul of | JAMES JOYCE | Durless | died 25 Nov
1964 | aged 93 years | and his brother | PATRICK J. JOYCE |
died 6th June 1966 | aged 97 years | R.I.P.

No. 11
Joyce plot

No. 12
In loving memory of | MICHAEL KEENAN | Cortoor, Kilsallagh |
died 26th Feb 1937 | his son THOMAS | died 13th Mar 1978 |

No. 13
MARY MACKELL | died 3rd? Dec 1923 | aged 65 years | BERNARD
MACKELL | died 23rd Oct 1925 | aged 72 years | R.I.P.

No. 14
In loving memory of | AUSTIN MCNEELA | and his wife |
CATHERINE | also their daughter | MARY | Rest in Peace.

No. 15
In loving memory of | MARY WALSH | died 1st Oct 1957 | and her
husband PETER | died 5th Mar 1965 | R.I.P. | Erected by their

All images Copyright by Photographer