Meath - Wills: Dillon, Henry April 18, 1609

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Meath Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning May 4, 2018, 10:48 am


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: April 18, 1609
Recorded: May 4, 2018

Memorandum that Henry Dillon of Kentstone in the County of
Meathe Esquier made this his last Will and testament
nuncupative the eighteenth daie of Aprill in the yeare of
our Lord god one thowsand sixe hundred and nyne in mannr and
forme followinge or to the like effecte vizt. In the name of
God: Amen: I Henry Dillon beinge sicke in bodye but of
perfect minde and memorie doe make my last will and
testament as followeth first I bequeathe my Soule to
Almightie god and my bodie to the earthe from whence it came
Alsoe I leave the care of my Children to my Wife for they
are hers as well as myne And doe make my saide wife my Sole
and onlie Executrix Being present at the utteringe of these
wordes and effectinge of this will nuncupative wee whose
names ensue Elizabeth Dillon _ John Farewell
12 December 1610 Administration with Will annexed to
Elizabeth Dillon relict for the benefit of Henry Dillon and
Catherine Dillon during their minority
PCC Prob11/116