Misc: Coroner'S Casebook Of Robert Hamilton Reed (Reid) 
Pages 19-22

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Monaghan Index


File contributed by: Sharon Oddie Brown s.brown@dccnet.com


These are part of a 40 page document. There may be some 
errors in transcription as some passeges are not quite clear 
to me. Names include: Dr. R. HENRY; Dr William O'REILLY; 
John BOYLAN; Joseph MOORE; Patrick HUNT; Robert GRAHAM; John 
McDONALD; Thomas REILLY; Constable James FINEGAN; Constable 
HUNT. Sharon Oddie Brown. October 8, 2006


Distance travelled to Inquest 15 miles; to adjournment of Do 
3.0 Miles  40 Miles.

Fee to Dr. R. HENRY fro post-mortem Exam £2.2.0 Same to Dr. 
O'REILLY £2.2.0

Police car hire of car from Sub-Inspector SMITH with 
dispatches. 7.6 paid for room for Jury 2.6 18.0

Held on view of the body of John BOYLAN 26 September 1876 in 
the town of Clones, Parish of Clones & Barony of Dartrey.

Joseph MOORE - Constable. Now identifies the body as that of 
John BOYLAN whom he identifies as being the person whom he 
took and lodged in the lockup on yesterday for drunkenness. 
Saw him fall on Fermanagh Street. In the lockup, searched 
and took from him 4 /12 pence, a key and a knife -- saw him 
fall ere taking them. The fall caused him a slight cut on 
the temple. This at 4:00 p.m.

Constable Patrick HUNT was Barracks orderly on yesterday at 
Clones Barrack. I remember John BOYLAN being brought to the 
barrack for being drunk and at 5:00 p.m. Robert GRAHAM was 
put into the lockup by me and at that time there was no 
other person there but BOYLAN and at 7:00 p.m. John McDONALD 
was put into the same cell with BOYLAN on a charge of 
drunkenness and the next person put into the same cell on a 
similar charge was Thomas REILLY.

After McDONALD was put into the lockup and I was putting in 
REILLY, GRAHAM complained to me that McDONALD had assaulted 
him, in consequence of which I put GRAHAM into a separate 

About 8:15 p.m. I again visited the lockup and at that time 
there were in it Deceased, John McDONALD & REILLY. I 
observed them particularly and on none of them did I observe 
any injury say the slight cut on BOYLAN's forehead and those 
three-man were quite quiet and no appearance of quarreling. 
McDONALD was more drunk than the others.

Between four o'clock & 8:15 I visited them eight or nine 
times to see that all was right and found them so and no 
complaint made by any -- save the one made by GRAHAM. Again 
about 15 to nine o'clock. I went out from BOYLAN's wife 
wanting the key of their house which without his sanction I 
would not give. I then went out alone and observed BOYLAN 
lying on the floor face downwards at the far end of the 
cell. On this I went to awaken him and found his face all 
bloody and a great good deal of blood on the floor under his 
face. I tried to arouse him but could not. I turned him on 
his back on which I saw his face all bloody and his tongue 
partly out and a cut on his lip. Seeing the state he was in 
I went for the Head Constable, but previous to this I 
observed McDONALD on his knees and elbows his head resting 
on the ground and REILLY lying on his side beside McDONALD 
and both near the door. When leaving the strong room after 
each visit I bolted the door after me and also locked the 
door outside and kept the key in my pocket; when I strove to 
rouse him and could not I rested him against McDonald whose 
head was towards the door, but deceased head and body were 
in a different direction.

Robert GRAHAM. Deposed. Was arrested yesterday even and put 
into the lockup, when put in John BOYLAN was there. Next 
came in a stranger. About an hour after this person 
assaulted me. On my complaint the constable took me out and 
put me into another cell and shortly after I heard a noise 
in the cell I had left but could not say what the noise was 
like. Twas before I went into the cell that I got my eye 

Constable John McDONALD. Deposed that about 8:15 o'clock on 
yesterday evening I went into the lockup to see if Thomas 
BOYLAN was sober enough to go home. While there Graham 
complained to me that he had been assaulted in the other 
cell, but as he could not by whom on this he was brought 
back to his previous cell on which he pointed out John 
McDONALD a prisoner there as the person. On this he was 
returned to his previous cell. I then made an examination of 
the three prisoners. I saw they were all sitting on the 
bench. BOYLAN next the wall adjoining the other cell. REILLY 
next & McDONALD between them. I removed McDONALD from where 
he was and put REILLY in his place and this in consequence 
of Graham's complaint of him. I then spoke to BOYLAN and 
asked him how he was doing. He replied well. I asked at any 
one stirred him. He replied not as no one would stir him. 
All were quiet at the time. BOYLAN had no cuts on him at the 
time saved the one on his eyebrow, had before being put into 
the lockup.

McDONALD appeared to be more sensible. Saw nothing strange 
about him. One of my reasons for going into the cell was to 
see if BOYLAN was fit to go home, but at the time he was 
not. I then left the lockup and heard nothing moretill near 
nine o'clock, at which time the Head Constable called me and 
that one of the prisoners was dead. I observed no pool of 
blood on the bench, but did on the floor where he was lying. 
But afterwards saw the blood on the bench. I took the 
deceased by the pulse to see if there was life in him and 
thinks there was but that it was just departing.

Head Constable James FINEGAN, deposed. To being in the 
Barrack room ? two 9:00 p.m. heard some Constable HUNT 
calling me from the direction of the yard. I promptly went 
out when he told me he feared there was something wrong with 
one of the prisoners. I went into the cell. I went with HUNT 
and found John BOYLAN lying on the floor of the cell with 
his head towards the door and partly on his back and left 
side. I observed a cut on his underlip and his tongue 
slightly protruding. His face covered with blood, his coat 
pulled partly over his head. I turned him on his back. I 
tempted to pull him up but got no response. I then felt his 
pulse and found a slight pulsation. Then assisted by 
Constable HUNT lifted him up on the bench. I put my hand in 
his breast over the heart and found him very warm. I 
observed his hands open. I then sent for Dr. HENRY who was 
with me in two minutes, but ere his arrival I began to 
examine the cell more closely. I saw quantity of blood on 
the floor on the offside of the cell as you go into on the 
right hands side and talk of the bench I observed more blood 
and on the wall, back and sidewall. I then turned round and 
saw REILLY lying on the floor close to the door and his head 
towards it lying partly on McDONALD. I lifted REILLY up and 
he was able to walk about the cell. I then turned back 
towards McDONALD who was on his knees on the ground and 
forearm and his head down close to the ground. I tried to 
lift him but could not. I then turned him over on his back 
and moved him across to the other side of the cell. I done 
all I could to lift him up but could not. He presented all 
the appearance of the most helpless drunkenness. I then 
examined him and found his hands covered with blood quite 
wet, his hands both back and front and even the wrist[?] Of 
his shirt or the same especially the left one. Blood on the 
breast of his shirt and on his trousers and coat. There were 
no wounds on his body or face, say some slight scratches on 
his face, as if done with fingernails but for not on it when 
he was locked out, nor blood on either hands or face. 18 
minutes after McDONALD was removed to the day room and 
REILLY to the other cell I locked the door of the cell where 
the dead man lay and kept the key in my pocket till the jury 
went to see it. In 10 minutes after McDONALD was moved into 
the day room he was sitting on the four and apparently 
perfectly sober.

Thomas REILLY I examined previous to removing him from the 
cell. There was fresh blood on his hands and also on his 
clothes and when put into the lockup there was no blood on 
his hands. On the bench I found a small lock of human hair 
now produced.

Doctor R. HENRY. Deposed has made a post-mortem examination 
of the body of deceased age 75 years -- 17 hours after 
death. Found the face covered with blood, eyes closed, and a 
lacerated ragged wound on the left side of the lower lip a 
portion of which was wanting one tooth out of the lower jaw. 
And confusions over the face and for head and one wound over 
the left temple. Skin off the two fingers of the right hand. 
In cutting through the scalp a quantity of black fluid blood 
escaped, found a clot of blood fully one ounce in weight 
resting over the left internal ear and pressing on the left 
hemisphere of the brain. On removing the skull a large 
quantity of fluid blood escaped. On opening the chest and 
abdomen found nothing to account for death. I am of opinion 
deceased died from pressure on the brain, caused by the 
extravascular blood which I consider the cause of death.

Dr. William O'REILLY. The Post has assisted Dr. HENRY in 
making a postmortem examination of the body of John BOYLAN 
and I quite concur in opinion with Dr. HENRY as to the 
causes and effects of said injuries connected with the death 
of said John BOYLAN.

Verdict. Death on the 28 September 1876 from violence but 
how or by whom we have not had evidence to determine.