Drumswords (CoI) Cemetery, County Monaghan, Ireland Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Monaghan Index Copyright File contributed by: Bertie Mills Photos ------------------------------------------------------------- DRUMSWORDS (COI) CEMETERY, COUNTY MONAGHAN, IRELAND Photo No.0 Ruins of the Church Photo No.1 BURKE | 1828 Photo No.2 Here Lyeth The Body of | JOHN ENGLISH Who | Departed This Life The | 4 of December in the Year of | Our Lord 1698 Photo No.3 GRAHAM | In Loving memory of | WILLIAM LAWSON | Born 1851 - Died 1935 | Also His Wife JEAN LAWSON | Born 1861 - Died 1939 | ANNIE GRAHAM | Born 1898 - Died 1966 | Also Her Husband ALEXANDER GRAHAM | Born 1889 - Died 1984. | "Till We Meet Again" Photo No.4 Here Lyes the Body of Mr | JOHN GRIFFITH of Cornapeaste | Who Departed this Life | June the 17th 174 Photo No.5 Here lyeth the body of JAMES GRIFFITH Esqr of Drum who departed this life May 22nd 1798 aged 56 years. Also MISS FRANCES GRIFFITH his 4th daughter who departed this life July 2nd 1800 aged 21 years. Also here lyeth the remains of ELENOR WHITE late of Ballybay who departed this life on the 8th May 1852 aged 19 years. Sincerely regretted by her beloved husband JAMES. Photo No.6 Here Lyeth The Body | of THOMAS HAMILTON La | te of of Currinshegoe wh | o departed This Life The | 12 Day of October in | the Yeare of our Lord | 1708 Aged 58 Years. Photo No.7 KEATING | In Loving Memory of | BEN KEATING ( Druminan) | Died 27th January 1940 Aged 77 Years | His Wife JEANIE | Died 23rd April 1966 Aged 83 Years | Their son GEORGE | Died 3rd June 1993 Aged 74 Years | Also Son JAMES | Died 9th April 1999 Aged 83 Years | Their Daughter EILEEN | Died 15th January 2010 Aged 93 Years. Photo No.8 KEATING | In Loving Memory of | A Dear Wife, Mother, | Grandmother and Great Grandmother | ETTA REBECCA (Corkish) | Died 11th April 2008 Aged 66 Years. Photo No.9 In | Loving Memory of | GEORGE KEATING, Corkish | Died 17th Feb 1951 Aged 49 | Also His Wife MARY JANE | Died 1st March 1964 Aged 61 | Also His Sister JANE | Died 12th May 1913 Aged 14 | And His Mother MARTHA | Died 14th March 1934 Aged 71 | Also His Father DAVID | Died 17th Sept 1941 Aged 76 | And His Brother WILLIAM | Died in Salisbury England | March 1953 Aged 51 | And His Ashes Buried Here. | “Resting Where No Shadows Fall” | KEATING Photo No.10 In Loving Memory | of | JAMES A. KEATING | Lislongfield | Called to Rest | 21st November 1965| Not Gone from memory or from Love | but to our Heavenly Home Above | KEATING Photo No.11 KEATING | In Loving Memory of | ROBERT BRADSHAW KEATING | Who died 8th June 1941 | And also his beloved wife | REBECCA | Who died 9th December 1942 | And their cherished daughter | REBECCA VIOLET | Who died 28th July 2006 | Bless are the dead which die in the Lord Photo No.12 This Stone | Erected By THOMAS LEARY | of Lissarley | To the Memory of his Father | DANIEL LEARY | Died May 6th 1843 AGED 69 YEARS | TO HIS BROTHER DANIEL LEARY | AGED 44 YEARS | TO His Brother JOHN LEARY Aged 27 YEARS | To his nephew THOMAS FRAZIER | Aged 17 years | To his Mother ANNE LEARY | Aged 79 Years Photo No.13 LYONS | In Loving Memory of | JAMES LYONS, Drumlaney | Died 14th April 1955 | His Wife MARY ELLEN, died 7th February 1962 | Their Son JIM, died 13th September 1931 | Also their son RICHARD, died 3rd November 1998 | Also their son THOMAS WILLIAM, died 17th March 2002 | Also their daughter SADIE, died 19th November 2004 | Peace Perfect Peace Photo No.14 In | Loving Memory | of | DANIEL MORGAN | Racaufield | Who Died 18th May 1917 | Aged 77 Years | “Peace, Perfect Peace.” | Also His Wife | RACHEL MORGAN | Who Died 1st June 1919 | Aged 62 Years | Their Son WILLIAM | Died 25th July 1958. Photo No.15 DAVID CLIFFORD REEVES | Grandson of | DAVID AND JANE LYONS | Died 16th July 1895 | Aged 18 months | Also THOMAS LYONS | Drumacrieve | Died 1st June 1948 Aged 76 | And His Wife MARY ELLEN LYONS | Died 31st Oct 1939 Aged 74 | And Their Son WILLIAM LYONS | Died 26th June 1976 Aged 74. Photo No.16 In Loving Memory | of | A dear husband and father | GEORGE WRIGHT, Tullyard | Died 27th July 1990 | His Wife ELIZABETH LILLY | Died 12th January 2012 Bottom: A token of Love | In Memory of | GEORGE WRIGHT SNR. | Died 22nd October 1955 | His Wife SARAH | Died 28th November 1926. All images Copyright by Photographer