Ballysumaghan (CoI) Church Graveyard, County Sligo, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Cavan Index
Contributed by Dave Hall
Additional Transcriptions from David Burrows dbur0757 at
Transcribed by: C. Hunt


Plan of Graveyard
*Some transcriptions marked on the map as #29-35 are included. The numbering
has been included along with our numbering. There is an asterisk next to those
with a photo. The ones without photos are at the end of the headstone

Photo No.0

Photo No.1
Church View

Photo No.2
(GRAVE 36)... Affectionate Remembrance | of | RUTLEDGE BURROWS |
of Moorefield | Died Oct 10 1887 | Aged 70 Years | Also Of | ANNE
His Wife who died Feb 11 1895 | 'orever with the Lord. The gift
of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ Our Lord' ROM. VI.23.

Photo No.3
In Loving Memory of | My Dear Wife | MATILDA BARBER |
Carrowcashel Riverstown | Died 28 Nov 1984 | Aged 74 YRS. | Safe
in the Arms of Jesus | Erected By Her | Loving Husband ROBERT.

Photo No.4
JOHN ____ BRIDGMAN [illegible] Also His Wife | DOROTHEA
BRIDGMAN | Born in Tasmania | ___ February 1880? | Died in
Saffron Walden Essex | on _4 April 1953 |[illegible] Radlett
Herts. England

Photo No.5
In | Loving Memory Of | ELIZABETH | Died 4 Dec 1942 Aged 42
Years | HILDA MARIAN | Died 2 Jan 1943 Aged 1 Month | FRANCES |
Died 13 July 1965 Aged 46 Years | JAMES | Died 30 April 1979 Aged
82 Years | At Rest | BRIGHT.

Photo No.6
In Loving Memory of | THOMAS JOSEPH (TOMMY) BRIGHT | Lavally
Ballintogher | Died 23 April 1997 Aged 67 YRS.

Photo No.7
(GRAVE 35) WM A. BURROWS died Jany 23rd, 1875 Aged 34 yrs, 7
mts & 13 days Gone Before us on December 1Oth 1875. JANE BURROWS
Aged. 66 years when christ who is our Life shall Appear then
shall we also Appear with Him in Grory. God shall wipe away all
tears from their Eyes and there shall be no more death Neither
sorrow nor.crying. Neither shall there be anymore pain for the
Former Things are Passed Away Rev. XX1. 4. Gone before THOMAS
BURROWS M.D.L.R.C.S. Edin. Fell asleep in Jesus on Aug. 6th 1953
Aged 8i years. He that believeth on the son Hath Everlasting
Life. John III. 36 .

Photo No.8
In | Loving Memory | Of | The CONBOY Family | Lisconny.

Photo No.9
In Loving Memory of | HILDA CONBOY | Who Died At | Cartronduffy
Ballygawley | 3rd October 1957 | Aged 8 Years. | "Suffer The
Little Children To Come | Unto Me."

Photo No.10
MARY FUREY | 4th November 1997 | MARGARET FUREY | 12th June
1900 | NICHOLSON _ FUREY | __th October 1904 | "They Rest From
Their Labours" | Rev. XIV-13". [Parts of the headstone are
covered over and illegible.]

Photo No.11
... Memory of | ROBERT GRAHAM | ... in June 18__? | ... | Aged 29
Years | MARY (?) GRAHAM | Died in April ___? | Aged 72 Years.
*Mary Graham died 10 April 1872 Aged 72 Yrs. Location
Castledargan.   Source:

Photo No.12

Photo No.13
(GRAVE 30) In loving memory of JOHN HOSIE of Castle Dargan who
passed away Decr 19th 1919 Aged 76 years and his wife MARGARET
MARY died 23rd March 1932 Aged 76 years and their son JAMES A.
HOSIE died 21st February 1949 Aged 62 years also his wife AMIE
FRANCIS HOSIE died 6th May 1955 Aged 60 years. "Thy will be

Photo No.14
In Loving Memory | Of | MARGARET JOHNSTON | Who Died April 1914 |
Her Daughter ANNIE | Who Died October 1914 | Her Sons | WILLIAM
Died 11th August 1948 | SAMUEL died 16th July 1954 | And His Wife
ELIZABETH | Died 4th March 1966 | Their Son ALEXANDER | Died 11
Sept 1986 | And His Wife | MARGARET FLORENCE (FLORRIE) | Died 27
Nov 2007 Aged 79 YRS | JOHNSTON.

Photo No.15
In Loving Memory of | WILLIAM LATTEN | Gadden | Died 26 Nov 1965
Aged 66 YRS | His Wife MARGARET JANE | Died 6 Jan 2001 Aged 90
YRS | Their Daughter in Law | AMY GEORGINA LATTEN | Died 15 March
1999 Aged 55 YRS.

Photo No.16
CHARLES LAYNG | Died 10th ___ 1889 ? Aged 77 (?) | FRANCES
His wife | [illegible] Aged 84 | [illegible] WILLIAM ___? Their
Son | Died Dec 26th 1877 Aged 13 YRS | CHARLES EDWARD Their Son |
Died Sept 1st 1937 Aged 69 YRS. | Their Daughter FRANCES | Died
Nov _th 1940 Aged 74 YRS | Also KATHERINE | Died ... 1945
Aged 81 Years | (verse)

Photo No.17
(Right Side)
In Memory of JAMES PALMER McCLOGHRY | M.R.C.V.S. (EDNB.) | Died
13th Jan 1962 | Also His Son | HENRY PALMER McCLOGHRY | Died 27
Dec 1973.

Photo No.18
In | Loving Memory of | THOMAS HENRY PLATT MOULSDALE | For 8
Years | Rector of this Parish | Who Died on the 19th May 1894 |
Aged 47 Years | 'Father in Thy Gracious Keeping | Leave We Now
Thy Servant Sleeping'

Photo No.19
In Memory Of | CATHERINE ANNE ORMSBY | Second Daughter of | JOHN
YEADEN ORMSBY ESQ of Castleneynoe | Born Nov 25, 1837 Died Aug 16
1858 | Isaiah 40 11.

Photo No.20
Rev Canon RICHARD ALBERT ROBINSON | Born Stoneyford Co.
Kilkenny | 26th December 1914 | Died Sligo 2nd October 1992 | For
31 Years Rector | of Taunagh Parish | (verse).

Photo No.21
(Grave 36) In Loving Memory | Of | JOHN RUTLEDGE | Who Fell
Asleep in Christ | 12th April 1909.

Photo No.22
... GEORGE SIMPSON ... | IRWIN... 13 July 1922 | L... SIMPSON
1960 | MA... SIMPSON 1965 | ORME SIMPSON 1970?
George Simpson died 22nd September. Rusheen. Present at Death
*Orme Simpson. Irwin Edward Simpson died 13 July, Dublin Hospital,
Orme Simpson "brother" present at death. Source:

Photo No.23
(GRAVE 33) In memory of FOSTER JOHN SLEATOR who departed this
life 1Oth Sept 1883. Aged 11 years. Also DAVID HENRY SLEATOR died
3rd June 1884. Aged 11 years. Oh not in cruelty, not in wrath.
The Keeper came each day. Twas an angel visited the Green Earth
and took the Flowers Away. So he giveth his beloved sleep. 127
Psalm. & 2nd verse.

Photo No.24
WILLIAM WAUGH | Died 14th May 1944? | Aged 73 Years |
CATHERINE WAUGH | Died 19TH August 1952 | [illegible]

Photo No.25
In | Affectionate Remembrance | of | EMILY J. WHITESIDE | Who Died 30th June
1917 | Aged 38 Years | ROBERT JOHN WHITESIDE | Who Died 2nd March 1963 | Aged
53 Years | also JOHN WILLIAM WHITESIDE | Who Died 9th Nov 1963 | Aged 92 Years
Who died 9th April 1887 | Aged 71 Years | Also of HENRY WHITESIDE | Who Died
6th April 1919 | Aged 72 Years | And are Laid To Rest at Kilross | (verse)

Photo No.26
In Loving Memory | Of | EVELYN MARGARET WHITESIDE | died June
15th 1936 | Aged 26 Years | JOHN WHITESIDE | died April 13th 1941
(?) | Aged 74 Years | His Wife SUSAN | Died October 31st 1938 |
Aged 73 Years.

================= Not photographed:

GRAVE 29 In loving memory of JOHN TURLEDGE who fel1 asleep In
Christ 12th April 1909. "Death is swallowed up in Victory". COR
XV. 54.

GRAVE 31 BENJAMIN P.E. MAC DOWEL died 1st Feb 1930, Aged 7 years.

GRAVE 32 In loving memory of the CHARLTON and HUTCHINSON Family.

GRAVE 34 In loving memory of WILLIAM P. BARROWS, who fell asleep
13th Oct 1903. "God is love, Jesus said, I Am the Resurrection".

All images Copyright by Photographer