Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
1824 Pigot Directory
Abbott, Saml. |
William st. |
Public Notaries |
Abbott, Samuel |
William st. |
Commissioners of Affidavits (chancery & exchequer) |
Achison, Chas. |
Johnson-st. |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Aldwell, Rev. John |
Rector of Newchapel |
Ardagh, Arthur |
Warren-st. |
Corn Merchants |
Armstrong, Geo. |
Main-street |
Gun Makers |
Bagwell, Benjamin esq. |
Bagwell-street |
Excise office (collector) |
Bagwell, John esq. |
Larchgrove |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Bagwell, Lieut. Col. |
Bagwell-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Bagwell, The Right Hon. Colonel
William Marlfield |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Baker, Walter |
Gordon-st. |
Attorneys |
Baldwin, Rev. John |
Irishtown |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Banfield, Robt. |
New Quay |
Provision Merchants |
Banfield, Robt. - British Fire
Office & Westminster Soc. |
New Quay |
Fire &c Offices |
Barry, Ann |
Bagwell-street |
Confectioners |
Barry, John |
Main-street |
Leather Cutters & Sellers |
Barry, John |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Barton, Wm. |
Main-street |
Hatters |
Rev. Dr. Robt. |
Richmond-house |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Bell, Robert D.D. |
Richmond-house |
Academies |
Bianconi, Charles |
Bagwell-street |
Carver & Gilder |
Blackmore, Major, M.P. |
Westgate |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Bolger, Jas. |
Main-street |
Grocers (wholesale) |
Bourke, Edmund |
Irishtown |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
Boyle, Rev. Thomas |
Irishtown |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Bradford, John |
Main-street |
Hardware Warehouses (& cutler) |
Bradshaw, William Harding esq. |
Sommerville |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Brenan, Richd. |
Mary-st. |
Pawnbrokers |
Brennan, Rev. Edmund |
Irishtown |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Burgess, Richard |
Warren-st. |
Surgeons |
Burke, Edmund |
Johnson-st. |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Burke, James |
Johnson-st. |
Woollen Drapers |
Burke, Rd. |
Irishtown |
Taverns & Public Houses (Rock of Cashel) |
Burke, Thos. |
Dublin-st. |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Butler, James - Great Globe |
Bagwell-street |
Hotels |
Butler, John |
Main-street |
Woollen Drapers |
Butler, John |
Irishtown |
Leather Cutters & Sellers |
Butler, Pierce |
Main-street |
Soap Boilers & Tallow Chandlers |
Byrne, James |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers (& woollen) |
Cahil, Margaret |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers (& woollen) |
Cantwell, Denis |
Gordon-st. |
Merchants - (General) (timber) |
Cantwell, Patrick |
Old Quay |
Corn Merchants |
Cantwell, Ths. (?) esq. |
New st. Irishtown |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Cardy (?), Rev. L_ugar |
Ann-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Carey, Mary |
Main-street |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
Carroll, Margaret - Spread Eagle |
Main-street |
Inn |
Carson, Wm. |
Bagwell-street |
Printers (general & proprietor of the Clonmel
Advertiser; published on Wednesdays & Saturdays) |
Carty, Rev. Robert |
Rector of Donoughmore |
Cashin, Timothy |
Little-island |
Tanners |
Cassin, Jas. |
Main-street |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Castell (?), Wm. |
Main-street |
Saddlers & Harness Makers |
Castell, Jas. |
Main-street |
Merchants - (General) (timber) |
Chaloner, John esq. |
Nelson-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Chartr_s (?), Thomas |
Irishtown |
Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers |
Chaytor, William esq. |
Bagwell-street |
deputy major |
Chaytor, William esq. |
- |
Butter Market (weigh master) |
Clancy, Cornelius |
Irishtown |
Dyers |
Clarke, Godfrey |
Dublin-st. |
Glaziers & Painters |
Cleary, Pat. |
Main-street |
Haberdashers |
Close (?), Burrowes |
Coronation-row |
Attorneys |
Collett, Anna |
Main-street |
Saddlers & Harness Makers |
Collett, Stephen Mara |
Old-quay |
Attorneys |
Colt, Edward |
Irishtown |
Bakers |
Coman, Michael |
Dublin-st. |
Apothecaries |
Connell, Patrick |
Dublin-st. |
Bakers |
Connell, Thomas |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Connor, Patrick |
Main-street |
Coopers |
Connor, Walter |
Johnson-st. |
Coopers |
Constable, Robert |
Johnson-st. |
Physicians |
Cooney, Wm. |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Cooney, Wm. |
Johnson-st. |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Cooper, Thos. |
Johnson-st. |
Ironmongers |
Cott, Nicholas |
Irishtown |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Cr_an, Richard & Sons |
Irishtown |
Dyers (& serge & broad blanket manufct.) |
Cradock, Frederick esq. |
Mary-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Craven, Patrick |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Crotty, Eliza |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Cunningham, William |
Bridge-lane |
Boat Owners |
Curtis, Richard |
Johnson-st. |
Agricultural Implement Maker |
Curtis, Richard |
Johnson-st. |
Coach Makers |
Dalton, Rev. Charles |
Irishtown |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Daniel, John |
Old Quay |
Corn Merchants |
Davis, Michl |
Irishtown |
Tanners |
Robert |
Main-street |
Glass China & Eathenware Dealers |
Davis, Robert - National Assurance
Co. of Ireland |
Main-street |
Fire &c Offices |
Davis, Robt. |
Main-street |
Grocers (& drug warehouse) |
Davis, Thos. |
Johnson-st. |
Pawnbrokers |
Dee, John |
Mary-st. |
Bakers |
Delany, Jeremiah |
Dublin-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses (Little Globe) |
Demnead (?), Adam |
New-quay |
Attorneys |
Dewe (?), Phillip |
Bagwell-street |
Physicians |
Dillon, William |
Morton-street |
Surgeons |
Domville (?), John |
Raheen |
Attorneys |
Donnelly, Peter |
Main-street |
Haberdashers |
Donoughmore, The Right Hon. Earl |
Knocklofty |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Downey, John |
Johnson-st. |
Leather Cutters & Sellers |
Duckett, Richard M. |
Bagwell-street |
Attorneys |
Duckett, Samuel |
Duckett-street |
Attorneys |
Duckett, Thomas Esq. |
- |
Excise office (Permit Officer) |
Duckett, William |
Warren-st. |
Attorneys |
Duggan, John |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Duggan, Michl. |
Bagwell-street |
Haberdashers |
Dunn, Michael |
Mary-st. |
Miniature painter |
Dunn, Philip |
Flag-lane |
Taverns & Public Houses (Old Blue Achor ?) |
Dunphy, John |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Edw. |
Mary-st. |
Tailors |
Eagle, Edward |
Johnson-st. |
Physicians (& staff surgeon) |
Eagle, Rev. Geo. Edward |
Warren-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Edmundson, William |
Johnson-st. |
Corn Merchants |
Edmundson, Wm. |
Johnson-st. |
Salt Manufacturers |
Edmundson, Wm. |
Charles-st. |
Tanners |
Edwards, Thomas Morton esq. |
New-quay |
Surveyor of excise |
English, Mark |
Morton-street |
Machine Makers |
Esterby, James |
Dublin-st. |
Watch Makers |
Evans, Eliza |
Irishtown |
Haberdashers |
Fahy, Martha |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Falkner, Frederick, esq. |
Nelson-street |
clerk of the crown |
Fayle, Samuel |
Bagwell-street |
Hardware Warehouses |
Fell, Nicholas |
Main-street |
* Tobacconists |
Finn, Wm. |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Fitzgerald, Gerald |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Fitzgerald, John |
Johnson-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses (Clonmel Arms) |
Flanagan, John |
Dublin-st. |
Pawnbrokers |
Flannery, the very Rev. Dr. Thomas |
Irishtown |
P.P. |
Fleming, Jas. |
Johnson-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses (Plough) |
Fleming, Wm. |
Mary-st. |
Glaziers & Painters |
Floyd, Thomas |
Irishtown |
Dyers |
Fogarty, Rev. Patrick |
Irishtown |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Giles, Rev. ___ |
Dublin-st. |
Vicar of Rathnonan |
Gilliard, Philip |
Nelson-street |
Wine & Spirit Merchants |
Glascott, Geo. |
Main-street |
Grocers (wholesale) |
Glascott, Geo. |
Main-street |
Haberdashers (wholesale) |
Glascott, Sarah |
Main-street |
Milliners & Dress Makers (& straw bonnet
manufacturer) |
Goggin, William |
Main-street |
Booksellers & Stationers |
Going, Stephen |
Irishtown |
* Tobacconists |
Goldrisk, James esq. |
Ann-street |
assistant commissary general |
Gordon, Samuel |
Ann-street |
Commissioners of Affidavits (three courts & special bail
King's bench) |
Gordon, Samuel esq. |
Spring-garden |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Gordon, Samuel esq. |
Ann-street |
Attorneys |
Gorman, Ellen |
Main-street |
Booksellers & Stationers |
Gorman, Ellen |
Main-street |
Printers |
Gorman, Wm. |
Bagwell-street |
coach smith |
Robt. |
Irishtown |
Gun Makers |
Grady, John |
Old Quay |
Merchants - (General) |
Grady, Pat. |
New Quay |
Merchants - (General) |
Grady, Patrick |
New-quay |
Boat Owners |
Graham, Geo. |
Duncan-street |
brazier & tinman |
Graham, Geo. |
Duncan-street |
Machine Makers |
Graham, Geo. (?) |
Duncan-street |
Iron Founder |
Graham, Jacob |
Duncan-street |
Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers |
Greene, Colonel |
Kilmanahan |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Greene, Eccles |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Greene, John |
Jervis-race (?) |
Attorneys |
Greer & Murphy |
Nelson-street |
Brewers & Maltsters |
Greer, Thos. |
Old Quay |
Wine & Spirit Merchants |
Grubb, Abm. |
Duncan-street |
Wine & Spirit Merchants |
Abraham - Albion Fire & Life Insurance Co. |
Old Quay |
Fire &c Offices |
Grubb, Francis |
Bagwell-street |
Haberdashers (& linen draper) |
Grubb, John & Joseph |
Gordon-st. |
Grocers (wholesale) |
Grubb, Joseph Thomas |
Suir-island |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Grubb, Robert esq. |
Johnson-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Grubb, Robert Samuel |
Suir-island |
Corn Merchants (and oil crusher) |
Grubb, Robt. Geo. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Grubb, Sarah & Co. |
Anner-mills |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Grubb, Thomas S. |
Richmond-st. |
Corn Merchants (& iron & timber) |
Grubb, Thomas Samuel |
Richmond-st. |
Boat Owners |
Grubb, Thos. Saml. |
Richmond-st. |
Merchants - (General) (oil colours & dye sutffs) |
Guilfoile, Alice |
Dublin-st. |
Bakers |
Hackett, John |
Main-street |
Booksellers & Stationers (& binder) |
Hackett, Wm. |
Main-street |
Printers (medicine & foreign __ warehouse) |
Hamerton, Major |
Hamerton |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Hanly, Thos. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Hanrahan, Timothy |
Main-street |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
Harris, Benj. |
Bagwell-street |
Gun Makers |
Harvey, Henry |
Bagwell-street |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
Harvey, Hill |
Johnson-st. |
Linen Drapers |
Harvey, Wm. |
Dublin-st. |
Saddlers & Harness Makers |
Harwood, Edw. |
Mary-st. |
Glaziers & Painters |
Hayden, Thomas |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Hayden, Thomas |
Tubraheen-mills |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Hayden, Thos. |
Irishtown |
Tanners |
Hayes & Cobden |
Warren-st. |
Corn Merchants |
Hayes, Garratt |
Dublin-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Hayes, Pat. |
Dublin-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Hayes, Richd. & James |
Old Quay |
Corn Merchants |
Heffernan, Wm. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Hemphill, Samuel |
Gordon-st. |
Physicians |
Hennessy, Arthur |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Hennessy, Robt. |
Main-street |
Glaziers & Painters |
Heuston, Richd. |
Bagwell-street |
circulating library |
Hickey, David |
Irishtown |
Grocers |
Hickey, David |
Irishtown |
Merchants - (General) (iron, oils & colours) |
Higginbotham, Ann |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Higgins (?), Eliz. & Son |
Duncan-street |
Nursery & Seedsman |
Higgins, Corn. |
Dublin-st. |
Booksellers & Stationers (& binder) |
Hill, John Roe |
Bagwell-street |
Watch Makers (& working jeweller) |
Hill, Rev. James |
Knocklofty |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Hinds, Co_te F. |
Main-street |
brazier & tinman |
Hinds, Eliz. Coote |
Main-street |
Milliners & Dress Makers |
Hogan, Mary |
Dublin-st. |
Bakers |
Hogan, Patrick |
Blue Anchor lane |
Boat Owners (& coal & corn dealers) |
Hogan, Patrick |
Flag-lane |
Taverns & Public Houses (ship & Anchor) |
Holmes, Thomas |
Dublin-st. |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
Howell, John |
Main-street |
Apothecaries |
Mrs. |
William st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Hudson, Wm. |
Main-street |
rope maker & sacking & sail cloth warehouse |
Hughes, John esq. |
Duncan-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Hughes, Joseph |
Main-street |
Hardware Warehouses |
Hughes, Thomas |
Bridge |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Hutchinson, the Right Hon. Lord |
Knocklofty |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Jacob, Elizabeth & Ann |
Suir-island |
Academies (ladies) |
Jacob, Henry - Royal Irish
Insurance Co. |
New Quay |
Fire &c Offices |
Jacob, Isaac |
New Quay |
Merchants - (General) |
Jacob, Isaac |
Suirville-mills |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Jacob, Saml. |
Watson |
* Tobacconists |
Jones, Morgan |
Johnson-st. |
Bakers |
Jones, Mrs. |
New-quay |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Joyce, Henry |
Irishtown |
Merchants - (General) |
Joyce, Henry |
Irishtown |
Provision Merchants |
Julian, James |
Bagwell-street |
Coach Makers |
Kearney, James |
Main-street |
Booksellers & Stationers |
Kearney, Michl. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Kearney, Richard |
Main-street |
Apothecaries |
Keating, Mr. John |
- |
Butter Market (inspector) |
Keating, Patrick |
Main-street |
Apothecaries |
Keating, Walter |
Main-street |
Ironmongers |
Kellett, John Dalton esq. |
Mary-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Kelly, Esther |
Main-street |
Glovers |
Kelly, Jeremiah |
Main-street |
Soap Boilers & Tallow Chandlers |
Kelly, Mrs. |
New-quay |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Kelter, Andrew |
Bridge-lane |
Taverns & Public Houses (Harp) |
Kempston, Robert |
Johnson-st. |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
Ken_y, Joseph |
Bagwell-street |
Attorneys |
Kennedy, Denis |
Johnson-st. |
Nursery & Seedsman |
Kerrigan ___ |
Bagwell-street |
Physicians |
King, Wm. |
Charles-st. |
Tanners |
Laharte, Edward |
Duncan-street |
Attorneys |
Lalor, Terrence |
New B____ |
Tailors |
Landry, Michl. |
Main-street |
Haberdashers |
Lane, Ambrose, esq. |
Mary-st. |
County Treasurer |
Langan, Nicholas |
Dublin-st. |
Hatters |
Lawlor, John |
Main-street |
Woollen Drapers |
Leacey, Pat |
Mary-st. |
Tailors |
Leahy, Patrick |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Lean, Francis |
Irishtown |
hard wood turner |
Legge, John |
Dublin-st. |
Boot & Shoe Makers (ladies) |
Legge, Rd. |
Bolton-st. |
parish clerk |
Lonergan & Daniel |
Bagwell-street |
Saddlers & Harness Makers |
Lonergan, Alice |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Lonergan, John |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Lonergan, Wm. |
Main-street |
Grocers |
Luther, Guy Anthony esq. |
New St. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Luther, John |
Main-street |
Public Notaries (& general agent) |
Luther, John |
Main-street |
Commissioners of Affidavits (four courts) |
Luther, John - Sun Fire & Life
Insurance Co. |
Main-street |
Fire &c Offices |
Luther, William |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Lyster, Geo. |
Dublin-st. |
Glaziers & Painters |
Lyster, John |
Johnson-st. |
Glaziers & Painters |
Maddin, Denis |
Dublin-st. |
Hardware Warehouses |
Maher, Michael |
Johnson-st. |
Bakers |
Mahony, Michael |
Main-street |
Apothecaries |
Malcomson & Jacob |
New-quay |
Boat Owners |
Malcomson & Jacob |
New Quay |
Merchants - (General) |
Malcomson, Dav. & son |
Bridge |
Merchants - (General) |
Malcomson, David, & Son |
Bridge |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Mara, James |
Main-street |
Woollen Drapers |
Mason, Sarah |
Bagwell-street |
Academies (ladies) |
Massey, Wm. |
Main-street |
Ironmongers |
Maunsell, Rev. Richard |
Abbeyville |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
McCarthy, Francis |
Main-street |
Leather Cutters & Sellers |
McCarthy, Michael Timothy Felix |
Ann-street |
Academies |
McCleland, Wm. |
Bagwell-street |
Bakers |
McGui_ (?), Wm. |
Irishtown |
Grocers |
McKeary, John |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
McNamara, Wm. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Miles, Rev. George |
Summerville |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Minikin, Captain |
Linville |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Moore, Misses |
Warren-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Moore, Richard esq. |
Johnson-st. |
J.P. |
Moore, Stephen esq. |
Barn |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Moore, Thos. |
Duncan-street |
Boat Owners (& corn dlr.) |
Moore, Wm. |
Salisbury |
Barrister |
Moran, Stephen |
Bagwell-street |
Glovers |
Morton & Grubb |
Manor-mills |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Morton, Captain Thomas |
Marymount, Queen's Co. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Morton, Samuel esq. |
Little-island |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Mulcahy, Pat. |
Irishtown |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Murphy, Jno. Malcomson |
Warren-st. |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Murphy, John Malcomson |
Dowd's-lane |
Provision Merchants |
Murphy, Mary |
Main-street |
Tobacconists |
Murray, Thos. - Patriotic
Insurance Co. |
Arlington-st. |
Fire &c Offices |
Myers, Captain |
Ann-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Robt. |
Dublin-st. |
Hatters |
Nolan, James |
Bagwell-street |
umbrella & parasol manufacturer |
Noonan, John |
Main-street |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Nowl_n, Margaret |
Bagwell-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Nowlan, Jeremiah |
Main-street |
Woollen Drapers |
Nowlan, Mr. Jeremiah |
- |
Stamp Office (distributor) |
O'Brien, Daniel |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers (& woollen) |
O'Brien, Edward |
Irishtown |
Dyers (& serge & broad blanket manufct.) |
O'Brien, Frances |
Main-street |
Attorneys |
O'Brien, Mary |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers (& woollen) |
O'Brien, Michl. |
Irishtown |
Nursery & Seedsman |
O'Connor, Pat. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
O'Donel, Philip |
Dublin-st. |
Soap Boilers & Tallow Chandlers |
O'Donnell, John |
? |
Machine Makers (& smith) |
O'Neill, Henry |
Main-street |
Taverns & Public Houses |
O'Neill, Philip |
Irishtown |
Linen Drapers |
O'Neill, Wm. |
Old Quay |
Salt Manufacturers |
Ormond, Mary Richardson |
Johnson-st. |
Hotels |
Osborne, Lady Catherine |
Newtown |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Otway, Wm. |
Main-street |
Hardware Warehouses |
Pedder, Henry |
Mary-st. |
Attorneys |
Pedder, Henry |
Mary |
Commissioners of Affidavits (four courts & special bail
three courts) |
Penistan, Catherine |
Main-street |
Glass China & Eathenware Dealers |
Pennefather, Thos. Esq. |
Ann-street |
J.P. |
Perry, Samuel esq. |
Woodroffe |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Phelan, Andrew |
Johnson-st. |
Soap Boilers & Tallow Chandlers |
Phelan, James |
Irishtown |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Phelan, Michl. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Phelan, William |
Morton-street |
Physicians |
Phelan, William |
Main-street |
Apothecaries |
Power, Captain |
Gurteen |
H.P. (Nobility, Gentry & Clergy) |
Power, Edward |
Old Quay |
Corn Merchants |
Power, John |
Duncan-street |
Merchants - (General) |
Power, John |
Duncan-street |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Poynt__, Thomas |
Irishtown |
Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers |
Prendergast, John |
Main-street |
Taverns & Public Houses (Hope & Anchor) |
Prendergast, Thos. |
Irishtown |
Tanners |
Prendergast, Thos. |
Irishtown |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Price, James |
Irishtown |
Leather Cutters & Sellers |
Price, Richd. |
Irishtown |
Tanners |
Prittian, Thomas |
Johnson-st. |
Bakers |
Proctor, John |
Bagwell-street |
Ironmongers |
Prossor, Simon |
Dublin-st. |
Watch Makers |
Purcell, James |
Bagwell-street |
Glass China & Eathenware Dealers |
Purcell, James |
Johnson-st. |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Quin, Pat |
Main-street |
* Tobacconists |
Quinlan, John esq. |
Landscape |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Quirk, Ann |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Quirk, John |
Old Quay |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Quirk, John |
Bridge-lane |
Leather Cutters & Sellers |
Radford, Ebenezer |
Johnson-st. |
Public Notaries |
Reily, Martin |
Bagwell-street |
Bakers |
Reylance, Thos. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Riordan, Rev. D. Twiss |
Gordon-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Riordan, Rev. D. Twiss |
Gordon-st. |
Academies |
Roberts, Patrick |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Russell, Mrs. |
New-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Ryall, Arthur esq. |
Duncan-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Ryall, Charles Esq. |
Heywood |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Ryall, William esq. |
Annerville |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Ryan, Cath. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Ryan, Edmund |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Ryan, Mary |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Ryan, Pat |
Gordon-st. |
Pawnbrokers |
Ryan, Pat |
Gordon-st. |
Wine & Spirit Merchants |
Ryan, Pat. |
Gordon-st. |
Grocers (wholesale) |
Thomas |
Main-street |
Bakers |
Ryan, Thomas esq. |
Cottage |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Ryan, Wm. |
Main-street |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Mrs. |
Gordon-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Sargint, Edward |
Irishtown |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Savage, John |
Mary-st. |
Glaziers & Painters |
Sawyer, Thomas esq. |
- |
Excise office (Gauger) |
Scott, Ivie & Scott |
Duncan-street |
Bankers |
Shanrahan, Matthew |
Irishtown |
Pawnbrokers |
Shee, Jas. R. |
Johnson-st. |
Linen Drapers (& muslin wholesale) |
Singleton, Wm. |
Richmond-st. |
Saddlers & Harness Makers |
Slatery, William |
Morton-street |
Carpenters |
Sleaden, Richd. |
Irishtown |
Glaziers & Painters |
Smithwick, John esq. |
Ann-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Smyth, Christopher |
New-buildings |
Linen Drapers |
Smyth, James |
Bagwell-street |
Glovers (& breeches maker) |
Spring, James esq. |
Ann-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Spring, James esq. |
- |
Excise office (Gauger) |
Stanton, Thomas esq. |
Johnson-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Stein, John & Co. |
Marlfield |
Distillers |
Stephenson, Rev. William |
Mary-st. |
Curate of St. Mary's |
Stephenson, Thos. |
Dublin-st. |
hosier |
Sterne, Henry |
Main-street |
Woollen Drapers |
Stokes, Thos. |
Johnson-st. |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
Strangman, Mrs. |
Mary-st. |
Academies (ladies) |
Supple, John |
Johnson-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Supple, John |
Johnson-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Sutherland, Wm. - Mail Coach |
Bagwell-street |
Hotels |
Sweeny, Chas. |
Irishtown |
professor of music |
Sweeny, Pat. |
Dublin-st. |
Watch Makers |
Taylor, Anna |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
Taylor, Mrs. |
Cooleville |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Taylor, Thomas esq. |
Birdhill |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Thompson, James |
- |
Excise office (Gauger) |
Thompson, Wm. Wade |
Dublin-st. |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
Thornton, Mary Ann |
Bagwell-street |
Milliners & Dress Makers |
Tinsley, John |
Ann-street |
Builder |
Tobin, Michl. |
Irishtown |
Taverns & Public Houses (Shamrock) |
Toon_y or Toomy, Helen |
Main-street |
Confectioners |
Trigge, Francis |
Irishtown |
Brush & Bellows Makers |
Trigge, James |
Bridge-lane |
Brush & Bellows Makers |
Trigge, Thomas |
Westgate |
Brush & Bellows Makers |
Trigge, Thos. |
Westgate |
Machine Makers |
Turner, Matthew J. |
Suir-island |
Provision Merchants |
Turner, Matthew J. |
New-st. |
Corn Merchants & Millers |
Tydd, Thomas esq. |
New-quay |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Upton, Wm. Bayly |
Johnson-st. |
Printers (general & proprietor of the Clonmel Herald,
published on Wednesdays & Saturdays) |
Vaughan, William |
Bagwell-street |
Bakers |
Vowe_l, Richd. Prendergast |
Mary-st. |
Commissioners of Affidavits (King's bench & common
pleas) |
Wall, Pat |
Irishtown |
* Tobacconists |
Wall, Rev. Daniel |
Rectory, Mary-st. |
Rector of St. Mary's |
Wallace, Andrew esq. |
- |
Excise office (Surveyor) |
Walsh, Bartholomew |
Johnson-st. |
Taverns & Public Houses |
Welsh, Martin |
William st. |
Carpenters |
White, Jas. |
Dublin-st. |
Grocers & Spirit Dealers |
White, Michl. |
Main-street |
Linen Drapers |
White, Thomas junr. |
Bagwell-street |
Attorneys |
White, Thomas senr. Esq. |
Bagwell-street |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Whitten, William - West of England
Insurance Co. |
Old Quay |
Fire &c Offices |
Whitten, William & Anthony |
Old-quay |
Boat Owners |
Whitten, William & Co. |
Old Quay |
Corn Merchants |
Williams, Michl |
Main-street |
Ironmongers (& smith) |
Woods, Edmund |
Irishtown |
Taverns & Public Houses (Royal Oak) |
Worrall, Rev. James |
Mary-st. |
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy |
Worrall, Rev. James |
Mary-st. |
Academies |
Wright, John |
Irishtown |
Boot & Shoe Makers |
* also Tallow Chandlers & Soap
Boilers |
Tipperary ArchivesIreland Genealogy Projects
