Estate of Lovick Loftus READE and Clement MILWARD - owners,
Ex-parte - Martha BOOKEY, - Petitioner 3rd Feb 1854
Lands of Rathbeg situated in the Barony of Slievardagh and County Tipperary
NO. | Tenants' Names | Tenure & Observations |
1 | Patrick MURPHY | Lease for 7 years, from 1st of May, 1852, pending matter of BOOKEY, petitioner, READE, respondent, in Court of Chancery, at yearly rent of £45. |
2 | John LLOYD | Lease for 7 years, from 1st of May, 1852, pending matter of BOOKEY, petitioner, READE, respondent, in Court of Chancery, at yearly rent of £9 18s. 0d. |
3 | John RYAN | Lease dated 31st December, 1851, from Lovick Loftus READE, esq., to John RYAN, for life of Prince of Wales, or 21 years, from 25th March, 1851, whichever should longest last, at yearly rent of £44 2s. 0d. This Lease reserves all royalties and gives tenant a right of passage through William SHANAHAN'S land in Rathbeg, to the Bog of ALLEN. |
4 | John CORMICK | Lease dated 1st November, 1821, from Henry Loftus READE, Esq., to John CORMICK, for lives of Leasee, James CORMICK, and Edward CORMICK, all now in being, aged respectively 70, 45, and 33 years, at yearly rent of £15 18s 1d late currency. This lease reserves all royalties, liberty to tenant to quarry lime stone in John DUNN'S Quarry. |
5 | Philip CORMICK | Lease dated 11th February, 1850, from Lovick Loftus READE, Esq., to Philip CORMICK, for lives of Philip CORMICK, the Leasee, Andrew CORMICK, and James CORMICK, all now in being, and aged respectively 30, 26, and 16 years, at yearly rent of £33 2s 6d with clause of surrender on giving six months notice. |
6 | William SHANAHAN | Tenant from year to year, determinable 25th March in each year |
7 | John GLEESON | Tenant from year to year, determinable 25th March in each year |
8 | James CLEARY | Lease dated 7th April, 1796 from Henry READE, Esq., to Mary CLEARY and Timothy CLEARY, for three lives, one only is now in being namely John CORMICK, aged about 80 years, at the yearly rent of £1 7s 6d an acre, late currency. This Lease reserves all royalties, SHANAHAN is CLEARY'S tenant for about 20s. or 35p., to whom he has made a Lease. The rent of this holding was abated to £106, some years since, and further abated to £100 in the year 1851 |