Inquest: Some County Tipperary Inquests - 1844-45

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Tipperary Index


File contributed by:  Mary Heaphy


Return Of Inquests By James Carroll, Esq. Coroner For 
Tipperary County.  From The 8th Dec. 1844 To 9th. June 1845.

1. Dec. 8th 1844 on John Gery; held at Cloughjordan, parish 
of Modereny. Verdict:came by his death in consequence of the 
upsetting of his Gig. Dr. Thos. Purefoy.

2. Dec. 13th. 1844 Benjamin Alloway, held at Nenagh goal, 
Parish of Nenagh. Verdict;Visitation by God. Doctor O'Neill 

3. Jan. 13th 1845 Wm. Butler, Erenagh, Parish of Kilmore. 
Verdict;Visitation of God. Doctor;Ed. Kitson.

4. Jan 22nd. 1845 William Ryan Lackenaive, Kilmastulla. 
Verdict:Bowel complaint. Drs Robert Twiss and James 

5. Feb. 5th 1845 William Ryan, Cloughjordan, Parish of 
Modereny. Verdict:injuries by falling into a sewer of 
boiling water. Dr. Thomas Purefoy.

6. Feb. 2nd. 1845 Jeremiah Flanagan, Nenagh. Verdict; Sudden 
fit of appoplexy. Doctor;Ed. Kitson.

7. Feb. 3rd. 1845 Eleanor Dagg, Cowbawne, Parish of 
Modereny. Verdict:Sudden fit caused by disease of the heart. 
Dr. Thomas Purefoy.

8. Feb 11th 1845. John Ryan, Foildorie, Abbington. 
Verdict:Mortal wound to his head, inflicted by one person or 
persons unknown. Doctor;Ed. Kitson.

9. March 8th. 1845 on Peter Malone, Ballina, Templekelly. 
Verdict:Drowned in the River Shannon. Doctor;Ed. Kitson.

10. March 13th. 1845 on Michael Connors, Newport, Parish of 
Kilbolane. Verdict;Sudden rupture of a blood vessel in the 
chest, by kicking a ball. Doctor Langor Carey.

11. March 18th. Bridget Healy, Boher, Kilmastulla. 
Verdict;Visitation of God. Doctor;John Kitson.

12. March 19th. Jeremiah Halloran, Banakelly, Parish of 
Youghal. Verdict;Mortal wound to the head inflicted by Denis 
Brien. Doctor. John Kitson.

13. March 26th.1845 Peter Gleeson, Buckawn, Parish of 
Killadierna. Verdict;Accidentally falling of a wall. 
Doctor:Ed. Kitson.

14. April 18th. Pat. Rowland. Curroughbaun, Parish of 
Youghal. Verdict:accidentally burned. Doctor:Richard 

15. April 22nd. 1845 Robert Purtill, Held at Nenagh Goal. 
Verdict:Gun shot wound inflicted on him by Issac Mills. 
Doctor:O'Neill Quin.

16. April 23rd. 1845 Judith Kennedy, Nenagh. Verdict;falling 
from a window at the fever hospital in Nenagh. Dr. O'Neill 

17. May 5th. 1845 John Waters, Riverlawn, Parish of 
Ballymackey. Verdict:injuries to the head inflicted by some 
person or persons unknown. Dr. Charles Langley.

18. May 22nd. Patrick Ryan. Knockaneacullo, Parish of 
Kilvolane. Verdict:Sudden fit of appoplexy. Dr. E. Kitson.

19. June 2nd. Michael Devitt, Gurtdulee, Killoscully. 
Verdict.:Injuries caused by his clothes having accidentally 
caught fire. Doctor; Ed. Kitson.

All which I certify. James Carroll Coroner. P. Phipps, 

A Return of inquests taken and held before Michael Cormack, 
one of the Coroners of Tipperary. Dec. 1844 to June 1845. 1. 
Dec. 18th 1844. Joseph Pollar, held at Chraduff, Parish of 
Ballingarry, Barony of Slievardagh. Dr. Wm. Fennedlly. 
Verdict-Falling into a coal pit.

2. Dec. 21st. 1844. Denis Fogarty, held at Thurles, Dr. 
George Bradshaw. Verdict-Exposed to the cold of the night.

3. Dec. 28th 1844. John Stapleton, Lahara, Parish of Drom. 
Dr. Geo. W. Pinchin. Verdict-Gun shot wound by Michael 

4. Dec. 28th. 1844. Daniel Egan, Killea, Parish of Killea. 
DR. Henry Powell. Verdict-Clothes taking fire.

5. Dec. 30th. 1844 Daniel Meara, Moyne, Parish of Moyne. Dr. 
Geo. Bradshaw. Verdict-Disease of the heart.

6. Jan. 2nd. 1845 Margaret Treacy, Ballygurteen, Corbally. 
Barony of Ikerrin. Dr. Henry Powell. Verdict-Falling into a 
tub of water.

7. Jan 5th 1845. William Kinna, Killersanne, Parish of 
Thurles. Dr. geo. Bradshaw. Verdict-Falling into a dyke of 

8. Jan 6th 1845. Michael Cahill, Commons, Parish of 
Ballingarrry, Slievardagh. Dr. Wm. Fennelly. Verdict-Falling 
into Coal Pit.

9. Jan 11th. 1845. Mary Donohue, Drom, Parish of Drom. Dr. 
Geo. Pinchin. Verdict-Smothered in her bed.

10. Jan. 16th. Betty Russett. Clonbane, Roscrea. Co. Tipp. 
Dr. Henry Powell. Verdict-Burned.

11. Jan. 19th. 1845  Samuel Smyth, Clonkannon, Parish of 
Borrisfarna, Barony of Ikerrin. Dr. Geo. Pinchin. 
Verdict-Death from injuries inflicted by person or persons 

12. Jan. 20th. 1845 Matthew Kennedy, Thurles, Parish of 
Thurles. Dr. Geo. Bradshaw. Verdict-Visitation of God.

13. Feb. 5th. 1845. Philip Ryan, Thurles, Parish of Thurles. 
Dr. Geo. Bradshaw. Verdict-Clothes Taking fire.

14. Feb. 21st. 1845. William Ryan, Mountalt, Ballyshail, 
Barony of Eliogarty. Dr. Geo. Bradshaw. Verdict-A large tree 
falling on him.

15. Feb 25th 1845. Bridget Collins. Templemore, Parish of 
Templemore. Dr. Ed. Kingsley. Verdict-Visitation of God.

16. March 3rd. 1845 Ellen Butler, Clonbouth, Killeverigh, 
Barony of Ikerrin. Dr. Henry Powell. Verdict-Disease of the 

17. March 9th. George Matthews, Roscrea. Dr. Henry Powell. 
Verdict-Disease of the heart.

18. March 9th. 1845 Margaret Maher. Roscrea. Dr. Henry 
Powell. Verdict-Clothes taking fire.

19. March 16th. 1845. Margaret Gason, Mountalt, Parish of 
Killenaule. Dr. Michael Stokes. Verdict-Visitation of God.

20. March 29th 1845. Margaret Bourk, Ballyronane, Parish of 
Holycross. Dr. Geo. Bradshaw. Verdict-Clothes taking fire.

21. May 11th. 1845. John Morris, Mardyke, Parish of 
Graystown, Slievardagh. Dr. Charles Fitzgerald.

22. May. 31st. 1845. John Kinnealy, Gurteen, Parish of 
Ranvouge, barony of Ikerrin. Dr. John Bendin. Verdict-Wounds 
on the head by persons unknown.

23. May 31st. 1845 Richard Hollrook, Roscrea, Co. Tipp. Dr. 
Henry Powell. Verdict-Stabbing himself with an knife.

24. June 1st. 1845. Ellen Power, Leigh, Parish of Borris, 
Eliogarty. Dr. Geo. Bradshaw. Verdict-Falling into a bog 

25. June 5th 1845. Denis Treacy, Whitefield, Parish of 
Templemore, Eliogarty.Dr. Geo Bradshaw. Verdict-Drowned in a 

I certify the above return to be correct. Michael Cormack. 
Coroner. P. Phipps. Chairman. A return of inquests by James 
Carroll coroner for Tipperary county starting the 10th June 
and ending the 9th Dec.1845.
1. June 10th on Matthew Quinlisk, Gurtnadalawn, parish of 
Ardcrony, Lower Ormond. Verdict-injuries of the head by the 
accidental bursting of a gun. Dr. Thomas Spain.

2. June 10th on Honora Flinn, Poor House of Nenagh, Upper 
Ormond. Verdict-Visitation of God. Dr. R. Kennedy.

3. June 14th on Denis Kennedy, Rosemount, Parish of Burgess, 
Owney and Arra. Verdict-injuries by the accidental upsetting 
of a car. Dr. C.Langley.

4. June 18th on James Meehan, Carragall, Parish of Burgess. 
Owney and Arra. Verdict-A mortal wound to the head by a 
person or persons unknown. Dr. E. Kittson. Post Mortem 
Examination. Fee �1.10.0.

5. June 22nd. on Michael Egan, Annagh, Parish of Durrow, 
Lower Ormond. Verdict-Accidentally drowned.

6. June 27th on James Kennedy, Crotta, Parish of 
Borrisokane. Lower. Ormond. Verdict-Injuries to the head 
from which he died instantly. Dr. R. Hobbs.

7. July 6th on John Haugh, Kileneave, Barony of Upper 
Ormond. Verdict-Accidentally falling into a pool of water. 
Dr. R. Kennedy.

8. July 12th on Mary Ryan, Nenagh. Upper Ormond. 
Verdict-Sudden fit or Disease of the heart. Dr. Ed. Kittson.

9. July 19th on John Riddler. Sub-Constable, Ballina, Parish 
of Templekelly, Barony of Owney and Arra. Verdict-Pistol 
shot wound inflicted on his body, the pistol having been 
struck by one of a party illegally assembled. Drs Ed. 
Kittson and J. Nihil.

10. July 22nd. on Eliza Cash, Cappa, Parish of Ballymackey, 
Upper Ormond. Verdict-Accidentally burned. Dr. Ed. Kittson.

11. July 30th on Ellen Cleary, Nenagh, Upper Ormond. 
Verdict-Visitation of God. Dr. J. Dempster.

12. Aug. 23rd. on Michael Donohue, Nenagh, Upper Ormond. 
Verdict-Turpentine being administered to him by mistake. Dr. 
T. Spain.

13. Aug. 24th. on Wm.Seymour, Lackenavoie, Parish of 
Castletown. Owney and Arra. Verdict-Injuries of the head by 
the accidentally falling of a stone.Dr. Ed. Kittson.

14. Aug. 30th on Patrick Loughnane, Finlock, Parish of 
Lackeen, Lower Ormond. Verdict-Horse and car accidentally 
coming in contact with his head and body. DR.J. Walsh.

15. Sept. 26th on Timothy Brien, Barbaha, Parish of Youghal, 
Owney and Arra. Verdict-Attacked and wounded by a bull. Dr. 
Ed. Kittson.

16. Aug. 27th on John Hickey, Ballincara, Parish of 
Kileneaf, Upper Ormond. Verdict-Sudden fit of apoplexy. Dr. 
R. Kennedy.

17. Oct. 2nd. on Michael Hill, Garranbey, Parish of 
Killoscully, Owney and Arra. Verdict-Wounds inflicted on his 
head by a person or persons unknown. Dr. Ed. Kittson.

18. Oct. 22nd. on James Farrell, Liskenlane, Parish of 
Borrisokane, Lower Ormond. Verdict-Accidentally burned to 
death. Dr. J.J. Stoney

19. Oct. 22nd. on Margaret Farrell, Liskenlane, Parish of 
Borrisokane, Lower Ormond.Verdict-Accidentally burned to 
death. Dr. J.J. Stoney.

20. Nov. 1st on Patk Clarke. esq. South Hill, Parish of 
Kilruane, Lower Ormond. Verdict-Gun shot wound inflicted on 
his head by a person or persons unknown. Dr. Ed. Kittson.

21. Nov. 14th A woman unknown, Ballinree, Parish of 
Ballymackey. Upper ormond. Verdict-Sudden fit of convulsions 
brought on by the extreme cold. Dr. Ed. Kittson.

22. Dec. 7th on Wm. Minogue, High Street, Parish of 
Castletown. Owney and Arra,Verdict-Sudden Fit. Dr. Ed. 

Nenagh Dec. 9th 1845. James Carroll Coroner County 

A return of inquests taken and held before Michael Cormack, 
one of the Coroners for the County at large Presentment 
Sessions at Clonmel, June 14th 1845 to the County at large 
Presentment Road sessions, at said place. Dec. 11th 1845.

1. June 17th on Mrs Ann Maher, Glankeen, Parish of Glanken, 
Barony Kilnemanagh. Verdict-Falling into a pool. Dr. George 

2. June 21st. on John Dwyer, Aughmicheela, Parish of 
Glankeen, Verdict-Falling into a pool of water. Dr. G. 

3. June 25th on Wm Dwyer, Grange, Parish of Holycross, 
Eliogarty. Verdict-Falling into a pool of water. Dr. G. 

4. June 25th on Denis Fogarty, Castleiney, Parish of 
Templemore. Ikerrin. Verdict-Falling into a bog hole. Dr. H. 

5. July 7th on James Butt, Luraga, Graystown, Slievardagh. 
Verdict-Car passing over him. Dr. G. Bradshaw.

6. July 8th on Judith Hickey, Parkstown, Parish of Mocarkey, 
Eliogarty. Verdict-Visitation of God. Dr. G. Bradshaw.

7. July 15th on Thomas Morony, Coolea, Parish of Graystown, 
Slievardagh. Verdict-Falling into a bog hole. Dr. M. Stokes.

8. Aug. 6th on John Connors, Roscrea, Ikerrin. Verdict-Blow 
of a stone. Dr. H. Powell.

9. Aug. 7th on John Delany, Marydyke, Killenaule, 
Slievardagh. Verdict-Falling into a coal pit. Dr. J. 

10. Aug. 13th on James Hayes, Rushion, Parish of 
Upperchurch. Kilnemanagh. Verdict-A blow of a stone. Dr. G. 

11. Aug. 14th. William Maher, Springhill, Graystown, 
Slievardagh. Verdict-Falling into a bog hole. Dr. G. 

12. Aug. 13th on Johana Egan, Whitefield, Parish of 
Loughmore. Eliogarty. Verdict-Disease of the heart. Dr. G. 

13. Sept. 1st on Patrick Brennan, Ballinastick, Parish of 
Bonha?. Slievardagh. Verdict-A roof of a coal pit falling in 
on him. Dr. W. Finnelly.

14. Sept. 4th on Margaret Maher. Killmane, Parish of 
Thurles. Eliogarty. Verdict-Bursting of a blood vessel. Dr. 
G. Bradshaw.

15. Sept. 5th on James Mara, Roscrea, Ikerrin. Verdict-Found 
drowned. Dr. H. Powell.

16. Sept 26th on Bridget Moroney, Cormackstown, Holycross, 
Eliogarty. Verdict-Clothes taken fire. Dr. G. Bradshaw.

17. Sept. 29th on Mary Knichilla, Kill, Parish of Drom. 
Eliogarty. Verdict-Visitation of God. Dr. G. Pinchin.

18. Oct. 3rd. on John Borman, Corvilla, Parish of Corbally, 
Ikerrin. Verdict-Found drowned. Dr. H. Powell.

19. Oct. 13th. on John Maher, Clonclogh, Parish of Burns, 
Eliogarty, Verdict-Scalded. Dr. G. Bradshaw.

20. Oct. 31st on Jerm. Kennedy, Cappanaguile, Parish of 
Upperchurch. Verdict-Blows to the head. Dr. G. Pinchin.

21. Nov. 9th. on John Carroll, Tinavoher, Parish of 
Loughmore. Eliogarty. Verdict-A fall into a quay. Dr. 

22. Nov. 28th on Patrick Moloney, Knocka, drom, Eliogarty. 
Verdict-death from a blow on the head. Dr.R.M.Fosayeth.

I certify the above to be correct.
Michael Cormack. Coroner.
W.H.Riall. Chairman.

From originals held at Tipperary Library.