Will: Ryan, Ellen April 12, 1824 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Tipperary Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning ros.dunning@outlook.com December 3, 2017, 4:01 pm RYAN, ELLEN APRIL 12, 1824 Source: National Archives Kew England Written: April 12, 1824 Recorded: December 3, 2017 In the Name of God Amen I Ellen Ryan of the Town of Tipperary Widow of the late Edward Ryan Esquire deceased and late a Lieutenant in His Majesty's 23rd Regiment of foot being of sound disposing Mind Memory and Understanding and considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and in my reason and Senses Do make Publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament annulling and making void all former and other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made and as to all such Property real or personal which God has blessed me with that is to say Thirty six Pounds per Annum which his late Gracious Majesty King George the third Thirty was pleased to allow me during my life as Widow od one od his Majesty's Officers And Whereas there will be one Year's Pension due to me on the 24th day of April Instant being a Sum of �36-0-0 And Whereas my Cousin and Kinsman William Hifferman late of Dork in the County of Limerick Esquire deceased left and bequeathed me during my life the Sum of ten Guineas per Annum towards my Support and Maintenance as appears by his Will on Record And Whereas my Cousin and Kinsman Michael Keating late of the Town of Tipperary deceased by his last Will which is also on Record in His Majesty's Prerogative in Ireland left and bequeathed unto me towards my Support a Sum of fifty Pounds to be paid at his decease together with a Sum of twenty pounds a Year during my natural life and which said several Legacies of fifty Pounds and Twenty Pounds per Annum since the death of my said Cousin Michael Keating which happened in November 1820 said Bequests amounting to the Sum of One hundred and thirty Pounds justly due and unpaid by Hifferman Considine of Dork in the County of Limerick Esquire who is the Personal Representative and Heir at Law of the said William Hifferman and Michael Keating and acting Executor to both and whose Estates and Property became vested in him said Hifferman Considine to dispose of according to the Wills on Record as aforesaid And Whereas I am indebted to Mr Patrick Conroy of Tipperary Coachmaker for my diet and Lodging and other necessaries and for his Care and Attention to me I give leave and bequeath to him all that shall remain due and owing to me at my decease of my Pension and Legacies aforesaid in order to pay himself what appears due of me to him And my will and desire is that I give and leave unto my Servant Mary Finn for her Care and Attention to me all such goods and effects as shall be in my Possession at my decease together with a Sum of ten pounds Sterling after Payment to said Patt Conroy out of my said Pension and Legacies provided he shall receive the same and I order and direct that out of the Remaining Surplus to pay ten pounds to discharge some small Debts I owe and also my funeral Expences And Lastly my Will is and I hereby empower order and direct that said Patrick Conroy Do and shall recover take and receive my said Pension and Legacies and to apply the same as herein directed And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint said Patrick sole Executor and Residuary Legatee of this my last Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this 12th day of April 1824 and four Ellen Ryan (Attestation Clause) John Buckly _ John Griffith _ Bob Stiles his mark X Proved at London 7 January 1820 PCC Prob11/1707