Misc: Petty Jurors, Barony of Eliogarty 1846

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Tipperary Index


File contributed by:  Clare Tuohy


No.  Christian Surname         Place of Residence          Title Quality             Qualification Freehold
     Alphabetical Order        Barony District             or Business               or Leasehold Merchant 
                                                                                     Freeman or Householder
1    Armstrong Wm. Bloss       Holycross                   esquire                   freeholder
2    Armstrong Thomas          Clobana                     Farmer                    Ditto
3    Burke James               Thurles                     Publican                  Householder
4    Boynton William           Ditto                       Innholder                 Ditto
5    Bergin Patrick            Longfordpass                Farmer                    Freeholder
6    Browne Thomas             Thurles                     Publican                  Householder
7    Burke Thomas              Cooliculla                  Farmer                    Freeholder
8    Bergin John               Longfordpass                Ditto                     Ditto
9    Burke Richard             Thurles                     Grocer                    Householder
10   Burke John                Fishmoyle                   Farmer                    Freeholder
11   Butler John               Thurles                     Carpenter                 Ditto
12   Butler John               Ditto                       Grocer                    Ditto
13   Bohan Daniel              Templemore                  Butcher                   Ditto
14   Baker William Jun         Liscahill                   Esquire                   Leaseholder
15   Bennett John              Oldtown                     Ditto                     Freeholder
16   Butler James              Park                        Ditto                     Leaseholder
17   Butler John               Annfield                    Farmer                    Freeholder
18   Barrin Michael            Ballybeha                   Ditto                     Ditto
19   Brien James               Maxfort                     Ditto                     Ditto
20   Burke William             Thurles                     Ditto                     Ditto
21   Breen Michael             Ballypatrick                Ditto                     Ditto
22   Butler Patrick            Killeanacunnick             Ditto                     Ditto
23   Butler Laurence           Holycross                   Ditto                     Ditto
24   Cleary Philip             Lisheenatagart              Ditto                     Ditto
25   Cormack John              Clougherealy                Ditto                     Ditto
26   Cormick Michael           Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
27   Carroll James             Barronstown                 Ditto                     Ditto
28   Cahill Philip             Clougherealy                Ditto                     Ditto
29   Cormack Philip            Curraghmore                 Ditto                     Ditto
30   Cormick John              Killaharra                  ditto                     Ditto
31   Connolly Mathew           Ballycamus                  Ditto                     Ditto
32   Carden Richard M          Fishmoyne                   Esquire                   Ditto
33   Creagh Henry J            Kill                        Ditto                     Ditto
34   Cleary Michael J          Killahara                   Farmer                    Ditto
35   Cambie Solomon L          Killoran                    Esquire                   Ditto
36   Carroll William           Thurles                     Shopkeeper                Householder
37   Callanan Andrew           Racecourse                  Farmer                    Freeholder
38   Cormack Thomas            Killahara                   Ditto                     Ditto
39   Cleare Martin             Thurles                     Publican                  Householder
40   Cooke Samuel              Brownstown                  Esquire                   Freeholder
41   Cormick Timothy           Graigenefrehane             Farmer                    Ditto
42   Cullen William            Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
43   Cormick James             Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
44   Connell Michael           Clonmacoguebeg              Ditto                     Ditto
45   Comerford Richard         Cabra                       Ditto                     Ditto
46   Cooke Archibald           Thurles                     Saddler                   Householder
47   Cooke Archibald jun       Ditto                       Glass shop                Ditto
48   Cooke Adam                Ditto                       Ironmonger                Ditto
49   Cahill Patrick            Ditto                       Leathercutter             Ditto
50   Crowe William             Ditto                       Shopkeeper                Ditto
51   Cahill Timothy            Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
52   Carden Sir Henry R.       The Priory                  Baronet                   Freeholder
53   Cahill Thomas F.          Rathleasty                  Esquire                   Ditto
54   Connolly John             Templemore                  Grover                    Householder
55   Cahill Philip             Pallashill                  Farmer                    Freeholder
56   Carroll Daniel            Scaughnarreen               Ditto                     Ditto
57   Cormack Patrick           Tinvoher                    Ditto                     Ditto
58   Cavanagh Michael          Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
59   Cahill Philip             Drom                        Ditto                     Ditto
60   Cahill Martin             Rocker                      Ditto                     ditto
61   Cormack Thomas            Garrane                     Ditto                     Freeholder
62   Connolly John             Ballypatrick                Ditto                     Ditto
63   Clarke Charles            Graigue Noe Park            Esquire                   Ditto
64   Cormack Timothy           Cloghereally                Farmer                    Ditto
65   Cahill Philip             Ballypatrick                Ditto                     Ditto
66   Cahill John               Castletown                  Ditto                     Ditto
67   Dudley Large              Templemore                  Publican                  Householder
68   Dudley William            Ditto                       Farmer                    Freeholder
69   Doyle John                Annefield                   Ditto                     Ditto
70   Delahunty Pat jun         Cloghereally                Ditto                     Ditto
71   Dalton John               Seskin                      Ditto                     Ditto
72   Doyle Darby               Annefield                   Ditto                     Ditto
73   Delany Edmond             Borris or Moneraheen        Ditto                     Ditto
74   Deavy Thomas              Clogherealy                 Ditto                     Ditto
75   Deacre James              Thurles                     Grocer                    Ditto
76   Dunne Michael             Lisdonoulty                 Farmer                    Ditto
77   Deegan Daniel             Clougherealy                Ditto                     Ditto
78   Delahunty Roger           Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
79   Doherty John              Lisheenatagart              Ditto                     Ditto
80   Dolyle Philip             Clonmacogue                 Ditto                     Ditto
81   Delany Martin             Forgestown                  Ditto                     Ditto
82   Doran Patrick             Bakestown                   Ditto                     Ditto
83   Dooly William             Clonasmullen                Ditto                     Ditto
84   Dee John                  Kilrush                     Ditto                     Ditto
85   Duan (? Dwan) John        Knockea                     Ditto                     Ditto
86   Demsy Charles             Templemore                  Ditto                     Ditto
87   Dwyer Anthony             Forgestown                  Ditto                     Ditto
88   Dwyer James               Upper Grange                Ditto                     Ditto
89   Doyle Thomas              Lisnagranagh                Ditto                     Ditto
90   Doherty Thomas            Lisheentagart               Ditto                     Ditto
91   Egan Stephen              Templemore                  Corn merchant             Ditto
92   Egan Martin               Mullanes                    Farmer                    Ditto
93   Finn Michael              Thurles                     Grocer                    Ditto
94   Fannin William            Lissaroon                   Farmer                    Ditto
95   Fogarty Denis             Kilrush                     Ditto                     Ditto
96   Fogarty Michael           Clonetoly                   Ditto                     Ditto
97   Fogarty Thomas            Ballmonty                   Esquire                   Ditto
98   Fogarty Patrick           Cabra Castle                Ditto                     Ditto
99   Fennelly Martin           Cooleeny                    Farmer                    Leaseholder
100  Fitt John                 Templemore                  Saddler                   freeholder
101  Foley William             Moycarky Castle             esquire                   Ditto
102  Flanagan Edward           Thurles                     shopkeeper                Ditto
103  Fannin Thomas             Coalfields                  Farmer                    Ditto
104  Finn John                 Thurles                     Publican                  householder
105  Fannin John               Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
106  Fannin Patrick            Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
107  Fogarty Connor            Lisheentagart               Farmer                    Freeholder
108  Fogarty Thomas            Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
108* Fannin John               Kill                        Farmer                    Freeholder
109  Finn William              Garravocleheene             Ditto                     Ditto
110  Gleeson John              Glenbawn                    Ditto                     Ditto
111  Glascock John             Kill                        Ditto                     Ditto
112  Guest John                Templemore                  cloth merchant            Ditto
113  Gleeson John              Clogherealy                 Farmer                    Ditto
114  Gleeson Patrick           Kilrush                     Ditto                     Ditto
115  Guider Daniel             Ballybeg                    Esquire                   Leaseholder
116  Gorman Edmond             Garrenroe                   Farmer                    Freeholder
117  Gorman James              Bohernamona                 Ditto                     Ditto
118  Guilfoyle Daniel          Templemore                  Ditto                     Ditto
119  Gehan Timothy             Kilkillahara                Ditto                     Ditto
120  Guinan John               Piercetown                  Ditto                     Ditto
121  Godfrey Joseph            Rockford                    Esquire                   Ditto
122  Harden Thomas             Summerhill                  Ditto                     Leaseholder
123  Hackett Edmond            Borris                      Ditto                     Ditto
124  Hennessy James            Tinvoher                    Farmer                    Freeholder
125  Heffernan James           Thurles                     Publican                  Ditto
126  Hennessy Thomas           Ditto                       Hardware merchant         Ditto
127  Hackett John              Longfordpass                Farmer                    Ditto
128  Hickey John               Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
129  Hickey Timothy            Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
130  Hayes Thomas              Skehana                     Ditto                     Ditto
131  Hayes John                Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
132  Hogan William             Drom                        Ditto                     Ditto
133  Harden F Charles          Summerhill                  Esquire                   Ditto
134  Harney John               Thurles                     Farmer                    Ditto
135  Harney Michael            Ditto                       Publican                  Ditto
136  Healy John                Templemore                  Farmer                    Ditto
137  Hartfort Augustus         Willington Lodge            Esquire                   Householder
138  Henson William            Templemore                  Cloth merchant            Ditto
139  Hahisy Michael            Forgestown                  Farmer                    Freeholder
140  Hayes Patrick             Thurles                     Ditto                     Householder
141  Hewson John               Holycross                   Ditto                     Freeholder
142  Hunt Robert               Cooleeny                    Esquire                   Leaseholder
143  Healy Thomas              Quarries of Thurles         Farmer                    Freeholder
144  Hennessy Denis            Ballypatrick                Ditto                     Ditto
145  Hennessy Richard          Clohane                     Farmer                    Freeholder
146  Jones Robert              Springmount                 Esquire                   Leaseholder
147  Jones John                Whitford                    Ditto                     Ditto
148  Jackson John              Templemore                  Farmer                    Freeholder
149  Jackson George            Ditto                       Baker                     Ditto
150  Kinshella John            Kilvecrois                  Farmer                    Ditto
151  Kirwan Thomas             Thurles                     Esquire                   Ditto
152  Kirwan Thomas             Kilrush                     Farmer                    Ditto
153  Kennedy John              Tinvoher                    Ditto                     Ditto
154  Keough David              Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
155  Kennedy Pat               Thurles                     Publican                  Ditto
156  Kennedy James             Kilveecrois                 Farmer                    Ditto
157  Kingsmill Thomas          Templemore                  Hardware merchant         Ditto
158  Kenny Michael             Thurles                     Cloth merchant            Householder
159  Kinsella John jun         Kyle                        Ditto                     Freeholder
160  Lahy William              Graiguenefrehane            Farmer                    Ditto
161  Lyons Patrick             Lisheenataggart             Ditto                     Ditto
162  Laffan Nicholas           Thurles                     Cloth merchant            Ditto
163  Laffan Nicholas           Kilcoree                    Farmer                    Ditto
164  Long Thomas               Ballypatrick                Ditto                     Ditto
165  Laffan William            Kilcoree                    Ditto                     Ditto
166  Lidwell Robert            Richmond                    Esquire                   Ditto
167  Lonergan Pat              Thurles                     Farmer                    Ditto
168  Laffan Thomas             Templemore                  Hardware merchant         Ditto
169  Lally Thomas              Thurles                     Watchmaker                Householder
170  Laupheer (sic) Vernon     Laurel Lodge                Esquire                   Leaseholder
171  Laupheer (sic) Anthony    Littleton                   Ditto                     Ditto
172  Lanigan John              Richmond                    Ditto                     householder
173  Lloyd John                Lisheen Castle              Ditto                     Freeholder
174  Lysaght Henry             Greenwood                   ditto                     Leaseholder
175  Lanigan Thomas            Drom                        Farmer                    Freeholder
176  Laurence Long             Clohane                     Ditto                     Ditto
177  Long Andrew               Lisheentagart               Ditto                     Ditto
178  Maher Nicholas            Turtulla                    Esquire                   Leaseholder
179  Mulvany Michael           Barkestown (? Bakestown)    Miller                    Freeholder
180  Malachy Maher             Galbally                    Farmer                    Freeholder
181  Maher Patrick             Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
182  Maher Darby               Maxfort                     Ditto                     Ditto
183  Molloy Michael            Cloonleigh                  Ditto                     Ditto
184  McEniry John              Commons                     Ditto                     Ditto
185  Mahony Patrick            Thurles                     Seedsman                  Ditto
186  Meehan John               Mullanes                    Farmer                    Ditto
187  Max William               Maxfort                     Esquire                   Ditto
188  Maher Connor              Annefield                   Farmer                    Ditto
189  Molloy Thomas             Thurles                     Saddler                   Householder
190  Maher James               Brittas                     Farmer                    Freeholder
191  Manning John Thomas       Shanbally                   Esquire                   Leaseholder
192  Manning Robert            Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
193  Mullany Patrick           Thurles                     Publican                  householder
194  Mackay William            Ditto                       Seedsman                  Ditto
195  Molloy John               Ballybeg                    Farmer                    Freeholder
196  Molumbly Richard          Thurles                     Cloth merchant            Ditto
197  Maylan Michael            Garnamona                   Farmer                    Ditto
198  Maher Philip              Pellough ??                 Ditto                     Ditto
199  Maher Michael             Lerugh (?? Leugh)           Ditto                     Ditto
200  Maher Patrick             Collegehill                 Ditto                     Ditto
201  Maher Michael             Drom                        Ditto                     Ditto
202  Meara Denis               Ballymoreen                 Ditto                     Ditto
203  Moloughney John           Coalfields                  ditto                     ditto
204  Molony Thomas             Thurles                     Cloth merchant            Ditto
205  Moloughny Pat             Ditto                       Publican                  Householder
206  Mockler James             Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
207  Massy Wm C                St Kevinsfort               Esquire                   Leaseholder
208  Magrath Patrick           Lower Grange                Farmer                    freeholder
209  Mason James               Eastwood                    Esquire                   Leaseholder
210  McLoughlin Pierce         Thurles                     Shopkeeper                Householder
211  Nagle William             Lisheen                     Gentleman                 Leaseholder
212  Naughtan Edmond           Stradavoher                 Farmer                    Freeholder
213  O'Meara John              Templemore                  Publican                  Ditto
214  O'Mullane Jeremiah        Ditto                       Butcher                   Ditto
215  O'Brien Francis           Thurles                     Esquire                   Ditto
216  O'Meara Valentine         Ditto                       Grocer                    Householder
217  O'Brien John              Templemore                  Pawnbroker                Ditto
218  O'Meara Thomas            Bouleduff                   Gentleman                 Freeholder
219  Purcell William           Lissaroon                   Farmer                    Ditto
220  Purcell Walter            Ditto                       Ditto                     Ditto
221  Purcell Thomas            Arnfield (? Annfield)       Ditto                     Ditto
222  Peacock William           Barnaloscaw                 Ditto                     Ditto
223  Power Thomas              Thurles                     Publican                  Ditto
224  Philips Robert            Fanneyville (? Farneyville) Esquire                   Leaseholder
225  Phelan Michael            Bakestown                   Farmer                    Freeholder
226  Quinlan Martin            Luigh                       Gentleman                 Ditto
227  Rahill Timothy            Grange                      farmer                    Ditto
228  Ryan Thomas               Galbooly                    Ditto                     Ditto
229  Ryan Richard              Thurles                     grocer                    Ditto
230  Ryan George               Inch House                  Esquire                   Ditto
231  Ryan Thomas               Barronstown                 Farmer                    Ditto
232  Ryan Edmond               Rathfarma (??)              Ditto                     ditto
233  Ryan James                Kilvacoris                  Ditto                     Ditto
234  Ryan Patrick              Lisheen                     Ditto                     Ditto
235  Ryan Edmond               Gabooly (? Galbooly)        Ditto                     Ditto
236  Ryan William              Mount Alt                   Esquire                   Leaseholder
237  Ryan William              Turze (? Furze)             Farmer                    Freeholder
238  Ryan Richard              Kyle                        Ditto                     Ditto
239  Ryan Thomas               Drom                        Ditto                     Ditto
240  Ryan Martin               Bakestown                   Ditto                     Ditto
241  Ryan Daniel               Burrisbeg                   Ditto                     Ditto
242  Ryan John                 Kilcoke                     Ditto                     Ditto
243  Ryan Timothy              Loughbeg                    Ditto                     Ditto
244  Ryan John                 Gurtreigh                   Ditto                     Ditto
245  Ryan Joseph               Kilcoke                     Ditto                     Ditto
246  Russell John              Ballydavid                  Esquire                   Ditto
247  Rogers Richard            Templemore                  Publican                  Ditto
248  Ryan John                 Thurles                     Ditto                     Householder
249  Rudd Minchin              Templemore                  Miller                    Freeholder
250  Ryan Patrick Burke        Liscahill                   Esquire                   Ditto
251  Ryan James                Templemore                  Publican                  Householder
252  Ryan Patrick              Templemore                  Farmer                    Freeholder
253  Ryan Patrick              Drom                        Ditto                     Ditto
254  Ryan Timothy              Noard                       Ditto                     Ditto
255  Ryan Patrick              Bohernamuna                 Ditto                     Ditto
256  Ryan Denis                Ballinlauty ??              Ditto                     Ditto
257  Ryan John                 Cormackstown                Ditto                     Ditto
258  Sweeny Patrick            Kilmakila                   Ditto                     Ditto
259  Shanahan Conner           Kilcloona                   Ditto                     Ditto
260  Shanahan John             Lisdonolty                  Ditto                     Ditto
261  Smith Samuel              Thurles                     Saddler                   Ditto
262  Sweeny John               Garranroe                   Farmer                    Ditto
263  Strangman Thomas          Thurles                     Grocer                    Ditto
264  Sellers William           Templemore                  Shopkeeper                Householder
265  Stokes Edmond             Thurles                     Farmer                    Ditto
266  Stapleton John            Ditto                       Cloth merchant            Ditto
267  Trant John                Dovea                       Esquire                   Freeholder
268  Trihy William             Thurles                     Farmer                    Ditto
269  Trihy Daniel sen          Drom                        Ditto                     Ditto
270  Tierney Rody              Pallas Hill                 Ditto                     Ditto
271  Toohey Patrick            Templemore                  Cloth merchant            Ditto
272  Thompson George           Holycross                   Farmer                    Leaseholder
273  Toohy Patrick             Grange                      Ditto                     Freeholder
274  Toohey William            Lisheenataggart             Ditto                     Ditto
275  WaLSH Thomas              Burris                      Farmer                    Ditto
276  Webb Daniel James         Woodville                   Esquire                   Ditto
277  White Benjamin            Ballyduff                   Ditto                     Ditto
278  Welply Henry              Thurles                     Cloth merchant            Householder
279  Wilkinson Charles         Ballybeg                    Esquire                   Leaseholder
280  Walsh Thomas              Borris                      Farmer                    freeholder

*Note Transcribed as found but there were some obvious 
typing errors in the original publication. C Tuohy

Parliamentary Papers Vol 17 (22nd Jan –28 Aug) 1846 Google Books