Tyrone - Liggett, Samuel Wallace - Enlistment *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Tyrone Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Robert Leggett robertthomasleggett@gmail.com January 1, 2014, 4:53 pm LIGGETT, SAMUEL WALLACE - ENLISTMENT Military Record, Records from State Archives, Capetown, South Africa. SAMUEL WALLACE LIGGETT IRISH HORSE FORCE NO: 38059 BORN: 16 August 1875 in Derrycreevy, Baronery of Donganovan, Tyrone Baptised: 3 October 1875 by William Mc Llevaine. " THE MARSH " Aughnachoy 14 November 1901. Father==John Liggett, Mother==Elizabeth Wallace Served with cape Mounted Police for one year prior to enlisting with police. Enlisted with Transvaal Police on 19 march 1906. Recruited in Johannesburg, S.A. Force No: 372 Purchase of Discharge : 5 Pounds Rank : Constable Character : Very Good. Length of Service : 4 yrs 140 days. Family : Elisabeth Liggett W. Liggett F. Liggett Married or Single : Single. Calling : Baker. Religion: Presbyterian Weight: 12 Stone. Height 5 Ft. 9 inches Eyes: Blue Hair: Fair Complexion Fresh Marks and Scars: Scar below left knee. General Appearance Medium Built Next of Kin: Elizabeth ( Mother ) Address: Mullinail, Caledon, Mintham . PO: County Tyrone, IRELAND.