Tyrone - Irish Constabulary with native county of Tyrone 1840 & 1841 *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Tyrone Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: Richard Leonard IRISH CONSTABULARY WITH NATIVE COUNTY OF TYRONE 1840 & 1841 Key MD=married. E.R.= East Riding etc. Lab = Laborer C=Catholic P=Protestant ======================================================================================================================= SERVICE NAME AGE APPT. NATIVE RELG. MARITAL STATUS NATIVE CO. TRADE STATIONED No. DATE CO. & MARRIAGE DATE OF WIFE ======================================================================================================================= 1840 | ===== 4088 DORAN, Jno 21 23-Jan Tyrone C Labr Kilkenny, Cavan, Reserve. Limerick 4099 McMASTER, Jno 20 19-Jun Tyrone P 19/11/1849 Londonderry Weaver Londonderry 4103 MARSHALL, Robt 22 8-Aug Tyrone P Farmer Londonderry 4104 DOWNEY, Archid 21 12-Aug Tyrone P Farmer Londonderry 4231 GALLAGHER, Jno 25 16-Oct Tyrone C Labr Westmeath ======================================================================================================================= 1841 | ======================================================================================================================= 4274 REID, Davd 23 6-Feb Tyrone P Farmer Antrim 4290 KEATLY, Jno 21 22-Nov Tyrone P 2/6/1848 Antrim Antrim 4321 DOWNEY, Jas 21 20-Jul Tyrone C Cavan 4383 YOUNG, Johnston 22 22-Dec Tyrone P 3/7/1866 Cork Donegal 4388 PORTER, Chas 22 18-May Tyrone P Down, Antrim 1/10/56 4394 LAMMY, Wm 21 2-Nov Tyrone P Feb 1849 Down Down 4397 McEVOY, Jas 20 18-May Tyrone C 25/1/1861 Dublin Farmer Dublin, Wexford 4405 McKANE, Jas 21 4-Feb Tyrone C Md; Fermanagh Labr Antrim, Fermanagh, Down 4406 FAULKNER, Jerh. Wm 21 12-Feb Tyrone P Labr Meath, Fermanagh, Leitrim 1/12/59, Donegal 1/5/72 4590 BENGLASS, Jas 20 28-Apr Tyrone P Now 1847 Monaghan Labr Monaghan, Louth 1/7/57, Londonderry 4665 O'HANLON, Hen 20 5-Jan Tyrone C Labr Tyrone, Reserve 1/3/44, Tipperary S 1/7/44 4680 HUGHES, Thos 21 27-Jul Tyrone C Oct 1859 Tipperary S Labr Tipperary NR, Tipperary SR, Cork WR Sorted: First names spelled out to aid in searching BENGLASS, James DORAN, John DOWNEY, Archibald DOWNEY, James FAULKNER, Jeremiah William GALLAGHER, John HUGHES, Thomas KEATLY, John LAMMY, William MARSHALL, Robert McEVOY, James McKANE, James McMASTER, John O'HANLON, Henry PORTER, Charles REID, Davd YOUNG, Johnston Source: FHL #856058