Waterford - Kilrush Memorials *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Waterford Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: C. Hunt KILRUSH CHURCHYARD MEMORIALS [From James Buckley.] 'The ancient church is well described by the Rev. P. POWER in the series of articles on the ancient ruined churches of the County Waterford, contributed by him to the "Waterford Archaeological Journal" (see vol. iii, p. 222). 'There is a curious object here which now serves as a headstone. It is not unlike a small stone coffin; but Father POWER considers that it was used in the early church as a baptismal font. It bears the following inscription on one side':- P. K. S. WRIGH [chipped] Aged 32 years 1709. 'It is not certain whether the year is 1709 or 1769. _____ 'Other inscriptions here are ':- + I H S RICHD POWER died 7ber 17th 1789 Aged 5ys the body the rest inside [sic]. _____ + IHS Here lieth the body | of JOAN COLLINS Who | Depd this life Augt 15th 1801 aged 21 yrs | Also MARGARET CASEY | who died 14th June 1888 aged 80 | R.I.P. _____ + IHS Here lieth | the body of | THO CUDDY who | died May 1st 1805 | Aged 50 yrs May | he Rest in Peace. _____ Here lieth the body | of DENNIS DRISCOL | Who died October 18th 1795 Aged 47 yrs. _____ IHS Here lieth the body | of IOHN DELANY who | died decebr 23 1806 | aged 48 yrs also | MARY DELANY died | Fe y 22 1803 aged | 48. _____ 'Here lieth the Body of MARY CARTER wife of EDWARD CARTER who Depd this life 12 of November 1784 aged 48 years. _____ + IHS Here lies the bod | of WILM FLYN who | Depd the 15th of Iuly | 1780 | Aged 4 ys . _____ + IHS Here lies the body | of RICHARD IVEY who | Depd this life August | the 2d 1776 aged 55 ys. _____ Memory of Bar Murphy | who died Jany 6 1810 | agd 68 | Also 4 of his childrn. _____ + IHS Here lieth the ] Body of JULIAN | POWER who died | Septr 27. 1808 aged 52. _____ 'Outside the south-east corner of the church is a small, rough, brown stone (unfixed), with this inscription ':- I Roys. SOURCE: Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland. Vol vi, 1906. =============== Additional Spellings THOMAS CUDDY WILLIAM FLYNN JOHN DELANY RICHARD POWER