Headstones: St. Thomas (CoI) Graveyard, Ballinakill - County Waterford
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Waterford Index
File contributed by:  Valerie Ackroyd


Photo No. 0
Church view

Photo No. 1
CHARLES E.W. BEAMES | Born February 23rd 1877 | Fell asleep
in Jesus March 15th 1909

Photo No. 2
In loving memory of | ELIZABETH BEATTIE (nee GLEAZIER) |
Died 2nd August 1948 aged 70. | Her husband FRANK BEATTIE |
Died 2nd August 1959 aged 75. | And her sister SARAH
GLEAZIER | Died 19th July 1961 aged 79. | Also her children
by her daughter | MAY O'SULLIVAN | Thy will be done.

Photo No. 3
LOUISA | Daughter of JOHN BRISCOE, M.D. | of Waterford, |
Died 4th of Jan. 1892, aged 78 years. | "In Christ shall all
be made alive."

Photo No. 4
The | Burial Ground | of | JOHN CALLAGHAN | and Family

Photo No. 5
Sacred | to the memory of | SUSAN EMILY | wife of | ROBERT
WILLIAM CHERRY Esqr. | Waterford | Born 19th November 1815 |
Died 2nd November 1873

Photo No. 6
"Caroline" | 28th January 1941 age 18

Photo No. 7
In | loving memory of | MARY WINIFRED | CLARKE | Nee DOBBYN
| of | Ballinakill House | Born February 1892 | Died
February 1965 | Rest In Peace

Photo No. 8
Sacred | to the memory of | WILLIAM GEORGE CONOLLY | M.A.,
LL.D. | Head master of the | Bishop Foy School | from 1905 -
1912 | Died January 21st 1912, | in his 44th year

Photo No. 9
MARY GRACE | daughter of the | Rev. JOHN COOKE | Junr. Born
2nd Novr. | 1839 died 30th Jany. | 1840 | Jesus Christ |
said Suffer the | little Children to | come unto me and |
forbid them not

Photo No. 10
HENRY DAVIS Esq | of Ballymaclode | in this county | who
departed this life | April 1863 | in his 38th year

Photo No. 11
In loving memory of | ROBERT DOBBYN Esq. | of Ballinakill
Co. Waterford. | Born October 3rd 1824. Died March 22nd
1911. | "For this God is our God for ever and ever. | He
will be our guide even unto Death"

Photo No. 12
In loving memory of | HAROLD VICTOR EARL | 1888-1979 | And
his wife KATHLEEN JANE | 1896-1974 | HAROLD PHILLIP EARL |
1860 - 1944 | And his wife MARY | 1862 - 1946

Photo No. 13
Sacred | to the memory of | ANNE CATHERINE | Wife to BARBON
FLYNN of the City of Waterford Esqr. | Who departed this
life on the 1st day of February 1817 | Having just entered
her 34th year. | This tablet is erected | by her
affectionate father JOHN PONSONBY VERO of | Verona in the
County of Wexford Esqr. as a small | mark of his love to her
memory | She fell asleep in full assurance of a | blessed
and glorious resurection to eternal | life thro' the blood
and righteousness | of Him who came into the World to | Save
Sinners | "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord"

Photo No. 14
Bart | of | Horetown Wexford | 1848 - 1930 | St. Patrick's

Photo No. 15
In Loving Memory of | MARGARET AIMEE Lady GOFF | 1880-1975 |
Widow of | Sir HERBERT DAVIS GOFF Bart. | And their youngest
son | TERENCE RICHARD | 1909-1974

Photo No. 16
In Loving Memory Of | Sir ERNEST W. DAVIS GOFF Bart. | of |
Glenville Waterford | Born 11th June 1904 | Died 26th March

Photo No. 17
In Loving Memory of | Sir HERBERT WILLM. DAVIS GOFF Bart. |
of | Horetown Co. Wexford | Born 20 October 1870 | Died 26
June 1923

Photo No. 18
Sir WILLIAM GOFF DAVIS GOFF Bart. | of | Horetown Wexford |
1838 - 1917

Photo No. 19
Loving memory | of | JOHN HOWARD | Died 13th Feby. 1911 |
Age 73 | Also his wife | MARY HOWARD | Died 21st June 1930 |
Aged 79

Photo No. 20
Erected by | THOMAS JEFFARES | In memory of his Son |
RICHARD | ... ... this life | [rest is hidden]

Photo No. 21
In | loving memory | of | GEORGE KENT and family |

Photo No. 22
In memory of | ISABELLA KING | Daughter of the late | SAMUEL
KING Esqr. J.P. | of Mount Pleasant | Died March 13th 1902 |
Deeply regretted | "Her end was peace" | Also her sister
LOUISA KING | Who died 30th March 1928 | In the midst of
life is death

Photo No. 23
Sacred | to the memory of | SAMUEL KING Esq. J.P. | of Mount
Pleasant | Died Feb 2nd 1880 | Aged 75 years | Also |
ISABELLA KING | Widow of the above | Died Dec 24th 1888 |
Aged 83 years | And of | their only son | WILLIAM KING Esq |
Who died Feby. 4th 1900 | Sincerely regretted | Not lost but
gone before

Photo No. 24
In | affectionate | remembrance of | WILLIAM KING, Esq. |
who died 4th February 1900, | also of | NANNIE MALCOMSON |
his sister who entered into rest | on 16th of March 1900. |
"To be with Christ which | is far better"

Photo No. 25
Sacred | to the memory of | GEORGINA | Relict of the late |
LOUIS JONES LAMBERT Esq. | of Parkswood | Who died Jan. 5th
1883 | Aged 74 years | Also of | WILLIAM HENRY LAMBERT | Her
son | Who died Jan. 30th 1910 | RICHARD ANDERSON LAMBERT
M.D. | Died January 27th 1942 | Aged 95 years

Photo No. 26
Sacred to the memory | of | JOHN MACKESY M.D. | who died
August 21 1872 | aged 61 years | and MARY his wife | who
died June 27th 1900 | aged 87 years | also three daughters |
MARY EMILY and KATE | who died in infancy

Photo No. 27
Sacred to | EMILY MEARA | Born March 21st 1836 | Died May
18th 1873

Photo No. 28
In Loving Memory of | FRANCES MERRITT | Beloved relict of |
JAMES ALLEN MERRITT | And third Daughter of the late |
Captain WILLIAM IZOD TULLOH R.N. | Born September 8th 1819,
| Died March 26th 1901.

Photo No. 29
Erected in memory of | MARY MORRIS | Who died the 10th of
July 1848 | Aged 24 years | Also her sister | ELIZABETH
MORRIS | alias GRIFFITH | who died the 19th of July 1849 |
aged 45 (?) years

Photo No. 30
In ever loving memory | of | (SONNY) | WILLIAM BRYAN NICHOLS
| Who died 26th March 1961 | Infinitely loving and
infinitely beloved | I will be his God and he shall be my
son | Revelations 21:7 | Also | His darling wife UNNIE | Who
died 26th April 1971 | And of his kingdom | There shall be
no end | St. Luke 1:33

Photo No. 31
To the memory | of | Captn. WILLIAM DUKE PRICE | of the |
City of Waterford | Died 29th November 1861 | Aged 69 years.
| Also to | MARY | Relict of the above | Died 17th April
1867 | Aged 78

Photo No. 32
The Burial Ground | of | DAVID ROBERTSON | Wherein are
interred the remains | of two of his Children | DAVID and
JEAN | The former died July 28th 1832 aged | 13 (?) Months |
and the latter Augt. 4th 1834 aged | 10 months

Photo No. 33
Erected by | JANE & WILLIAM SNELLINGS | in memory of their
beloved | children | CLARA AGUSTA SNELLINGS | who died April
25th 1860. | Aged 4 years & 4 months | Also her sister |
EMELY ANNE SNELLINGS | who died May 10th 1860 | Aged 9
months | And their sister | SUSAN JANE ELIZABETH | SNELLINGS
| who died May 22nd 1860 | Aged 3 ... ...

Photo No. 34
Erected in memory of | HESTER VEITCH | Died the 14th of July
1849 | Aged 50 years

Photo No. 35
In | loving memory | of | ELIZABETH F.M. WHITE | Ballygar
Lodge | Died 15th Nov. 1967 aged 84 yrs. | And her daughter
SARAH | Died 5th March 1949, aged 29 yrs. | Also her husband
THOMAS | Died 1st March 1974, aged 90 yrs.

Photo No. 36
In loving memory of | PETIE WHITE | Died 14th February 1945
| And his sister KITTY, | Died 1st June 1986.

Photo No. 37
ANNA WILEN | Fodd i ... | 18th Septr. ... dod | ... passage
2nd Jany. | 1860 | ... ... ... | ...

All images Copyright by Photographer