Headstones: Holy Trinity Without, Ballybricken
County Waterford
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Waterford Index
File contributed by:  Frank Murphy (0, 117,119) Win (140)
& Valerie Ackroyd  johal521 (at)me.com (1-116, 118, 120-139, 141-149)


Photo No.0
Church exterior

Photo No.1
In Loving Memory Of | A Dear Husband And Father | MICHAEL ARRIGAN | 32
Central Avenue, Lisduggan | Died 2nd July 2003, | His Father PATRICK
(Lefter) | Died 14th November 1963. | His Mother ELLEN | Died 18th March
1972. | His Uncle GERALD O'CONNELL | Died 7th August 1985. | His Niece
MARY ARRIGAN | Died 21st July 1975. | His Brother PADDY | Died 13th
January 2009. | Rest In Peace.

Photo No.2
In loving memory of | our dear parents | PATRICK BOWE Costelloes Place |
Who died 1st January 1963 | Aged 60 years | MAY BOWE Nee MALONE | Who
died 24th April 1977 | Aged 69 years | Their son DANIEL (DANNY) BOWE |
80 Larchville, Waterford. | Who died 10th January 2016 | Aged 67 years

Photo No.3
Erected by | THOMAS J. BOWE | In memory of his | beloved wife | BRIDGET
BOWE | Who died | April 30th 1873 | Aged 34 years | Requiescat in pace

Photo No.4
[cont'd from No. 3, BOWE] Also | PATRICK BOWE | Died 14th Sep. 1905 |
Aged 74 years | And his wife MARGT. | Died 3rd Feb. 1883 | Aged 48 years
| His father & mother | MICHL & MARGT | His brother JOHN | His son JAS.
& MARGT. | His wife | PATRICK BOWE | Son of JAS. BOWE | Died 18th Feb.
1912 | Aged 26.

Photo No.5
[cont'd from No. 4, BOWE] Also | MARGT. CAULFIELD | (Nee BOWE) | Died
21st June 1925 | Aged 67 years | MARY MOWE | (Nee CAULFIELD) | Died 25th
June 1971 | PATRICK BOWE | Died 29th May 1986 | Aged 86

Photo No.6
In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS JOSEPH BOWE | 30 Central Avenue, Lisduggan
| Died 23rd November 1986 Aged 79 | His Wife CATHERINE nee CONNOLLY |
Died 12th June 1979 Aged 71 | His Son PATRICK BOWE | Died 18th October
2011 Aged 75 | His Daughter CATHERINE BRADLEY | Died 23rd June 2012 Aged
67 | His Father PATRICK BOWE | 6 Monastery Street | Died 3rd January
1915 Aged 39 | His Mother MARGARET BOWE | Died 23rd January 1936 Aged 64
| Rest In Peace

Photo No.7
In Loving Memory Of | a dear husband, dad and grandad | THOMAS BRAZIL |
53 Ballybricken | Who Died 2nd April 1997 | Aged 69 Years. | His Loving
Wife | MARY ANN BRAZIL | Nee O'REGAN | Died 21st March 2005 | Aged 76
Years, | "Tom and Moonie" | Always Loved | Rest In Peace.

Photo No.8
Erected by | JAMES BRENNAN | to the memory of his | Father EDMOND
BRENNAN | of Grace Dieu who died | Jany 6th 1842 Aged 65 years | And his
Mother | ALICE BRENNAN who died | April 6th 1869 Aged 80 years

Photo No.9
It is a holy and wholesome | thought to pray for the dead | that they
may be loosd from | sins 11 Mach 12.46 | ANNIE BURKE (Nee FINN) | Died
14th Mar 1928 age 45 | Also Very Rev. NICHOLAS BURKE P.P. | Died 14th
Sept 1942 aged 62 years. | R.I.P.

Photo No.10
[top of No. 9, BURKE] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs. SARAH BURKE
(alias) MEARTELL | Who departed this life on | the 26th day of June 1849
| aged 52 years | also | her daughter | Miss CATHERINE BURKE | who
departed this life on | the 4th day of July 1849 | aged 18 years / also
| THOMAS BURKE | departed this life | March 1867 | aged ... years

Photo No.11
[cont'd from No. 9, BURKE] Also THOMAS BURKE | Son of above THOMAS |
Died 1st Jan 1919 aged 92 yrs | And his wife ELLEN | Died 19th Dec 1921
aged 76 yrs | WILLIAM BURKE | late ... Square | Yellow Road | Died 7th
Oct 1965 aged 83 (?)

Photo No.12
[cont'd from No. 9, BURKE] Also | His daughter | SARAH MARIA | Departed
| this life July 26 | 1869 | Aged 26 years | His son | WILLIAM |
Departed this life | Oct 23. 1878 (?) | Aged 51 years | And his son
GEORGE A BOURKE | Who departed this life | March 7th 1882 aged 24 years

Photo No.13
[photos] In Loving Memory | Of | PATRICIA (TISH) BURNS | (nee POWER) |
36 Green Street, Waterford | Died 31st October 1998 Aged 73 Years | her
Husband | EDWARD (EDDIE) BURNS | Died 8th January 2000 Aged 71 Years

Photo No.14
Erected | by | THOMAS CAHILL of Waterford | In memory of his wife |
HANNAH CAHILL who died | | Decbr 18th 1878 (?) aged 57 | years | Also of
THOMAS their son | Who died Oct ... 1885 aged | ... years

Photo No.15
Erected by | MARGARET CANTWELL | of Ballybricken | In memory of her
husband | JAMES CANTWELL died | Sep ... 1881 aged 48 (?) years | Also
her mother | died April 7th 1877 | Aged 82 years | And her two |
children died young

Photo No.16
Erected | by | ELLEN CAREW | In memory of her father | JOHN MURPHY | Who
died 2 of Nov. 1880 | Age 75 | And her mother | MARY MURPHY | Who died
20 of April 1885 | Age 85 | Also her sister | CATHERINE O'BRIEN | Who
died 2 of Sep 1899 | age 53 | BILLY FLANAGAN | Died 22nd Dec 1991 aged
79 yrs | His wife LILY | Died 21st May 1996 aged 92 yrs.

Photo No.17
[see also No. 16, CAREW] In Loving Memory | BILLY FLANAGAN | Died 22nd
Dec 1991 aged 79 | His wife LILY | Died 21st May 1996 | Aged 92 yrs |

Photo No.18
In loving memory of | MARY CLEARY Barrack St. | Died 9th February 1994 |
Aged 62 years. | MICHAEL CLEARY | Died 4th October 2001. | His wife MARY
| Died 26th Jan. 2006. | PAUL DANIELS [photo] | Died 2nd August 2007 |
Rest In Peace

Photo No.19
In loving memory of | JOHN COAD | 17 Lower Yellow Road | Who died 13th
October 1984 | His son JIMMY COAD | Died 12th May 1995 aged 67 |
CATHERINE COAD, wife of JOHN | Who died 19th January 1997 | Their
daughter, ANNE | Who died 22nd August 1997. | Rest In Peace

Photo No.20
Erected by | JOHN CONDON | In memory of his beloved wife | JULIA | Died
22 of Feb 1875 | Aged 44 years | WILLIAM and JULIA died young | Also
MARY died Nov 7 1892 | Aged 32 years | MARY O'SHAUGHNESSY | his sister-
in-law | Died Nov. 14th 1889 | R.I.P. | His daughter JOHANNA WALSH |
Died Aug 11th [rest is cont'd on No. 21]

Photo No.21
[cont'd from No. 20, CONDON] ... His daughter JOHANNA WALSH nee CONDON |
Died Aug. 11th 1899. | The above JOHN CONDON | Died March 17th 1903. |
Also his daughter MARGARET WHITTLE Nee CONDON | Died 18th March 1939
aged 65. | & her husband THOMAS WHITTLE died 2 Aug 1941 aged 69

Photo No.22
In hopes of a Glorious Resurrection | Here lyeth the Body of the Revd.
Doctor | DAVID CONNERY late Vicar General of Waterf | and Lismore who
for the space of 37 years | with Zeal, Charity, prudence governed this
District | commonly called Trinity outside. He departed this Life | the
20th day of May anno 1766 in the 67th year | of his age. Requiescat in
Pace Amen. | To whose memory this Tomb was erected | by his Sorrowing
grateful Nephew the | Revd. M. THOMAS CONNERY

Photo No.23
Erected by | JOHN CORCORAN | In memory of | his affectionate wife |
ANASTASIA CORCORAN | Who departed this | life the 19th day of | March
1832 (?) | Also his son | Aged 9 years.

Photo No.24
Erected | by | JAMES CULLEN | In loving memory of | his beloved wife |
MINNIE (nee MAY) | Who died 25th May 1913 | Aged 48 years

Photo No.25
In Loving Memory of | our dear mother | CLAIRE CUNNINGHAM (nee
CAULFIELD) | 46 St. Joseph's Tce. Green St. | Died 28th June 1963 aged
65 years | Her daughter BETTY CUNNINGHAM | 21 Cannon St. | Died 11th
July 1996 aged 67 years. | Also her daughter-in-law | [photo] MARY
CUNNINGHAM (nee COMERFORD) | 27. The Willows Keanes Road | Died 2nd Jan
2006 aged 62 years. | Rest In Peace.

Photo No.26
In loving | memory of | PEGGY CUNNINGHAM | (Nee MOLLOY) Rockfield Park |
Beloved wife and mother, | Who died 23rd April 1992 | Aged 75 years. |
Her loving husband | JAMES CUNNINGHAM | Died 10th August 1996 | Aged 81

Photo No.27
[see No. 26, CUNNINGHAM] ELLEN MOLLOY | Mayors Walk | Died 6th June
1878. | Her husband JOHN | Died 1st May 1880 | Her daughter MARY ANN |
Died 31st May 1869.

Photo No.28
Pray for | the repose of | the soul of | BRENDAN DALY | Arus Mhuire,
Philip Street. | Who died 29th September 2011 | Aged 83 years

Photo No.29
Erected by | MARY DONNELLY | In memory of her | dearly beloved | husband
| WALTER DONNELLY | Who died Octr. 15th 1880 | Aged 46 years. | Also her
father | EDWARD KENNY, | Died Janry. 11th 1857, | Aged 58 years. | Also
her mother | MARY | Who died August 15th 1859 | Aged 56 years.

Photo No.30
[see no. 29, DONNELLY] Also | of the aforesaid | MARY DONNELLY | Died
April 3rd 1884 | Aged 48 years. | And of her children, | EDWARD died May
1889 age 31 | KATIE, died June 1899 age 30. | PATK. died March 1905 age
39 | Also her grand-son | WALTER DONNELLY | Son of above EDWARD | Died
13th April 1918 age 32 | MARY CATHERINE DONNELLY | Wife of EDMUND
DONNELLY | Died 8th Jan. 1963 | MARY (MOLLY) DONNELLY | Died 13th March
1942 aged 70. | GEORGE GILLIGAN | 30 Morley Terrace | Grandson of the
above CATHERINE | Died 4th June 1998 aged 80. | His wife, ANN, Nee
CAULFIELD | Died 13th Feb. 2006 aged 74. | His twin brother | WALTER
GILLIGAN, 26 Morley Terrace | Died 24th Jan. 2012 aged 93.

Photo No.31
In Loving Memory of | DENIS DOOLIN | Thomas St. Waterford | Who died
17th Oct 1911 aged 64 years | And his beloved wife | MARY DOOLIN | Died
20th Sept 1915 aged 65 years | Also their daughter ANGELA, | Died 16th
Aug. 1918 aged 27. | And their son DENIS | Died 3rd Dec. 1928 aged 47 |
MARY CUNNINGHAM | Died 5th Aug. 1958 | CATHERINE FENNELL (?) | Died 6th
April 1968 | MAURA FENNELL died 11th Feb 1974. | Sacred Heart of Jesus
have mercy on them.

Photo No.32
Erected by | MAY DOWER (nee POWER) | In Loving Memory | of | her
husband, parents | grandparents, | uncles & aunts. | The above | MAY
DOWER | died 26th May 1990 | Aged 79 years. | R.I.P.

Photo No.33
In loving memory of | PEGGY DOYLE | 7 Clashrea Place, | Died 23rd July
1979 | Aged 59 years. | THOMAS DOYLE | Died 6th February 2001 aged 82

Photo No.34
Erected by | NICHOLAS DROHAN | 1 Newport Terrace. | Who died 13th Oct.
1988 aged 70. | R.I.P.

Photo No.35
In loving memory of | ANASTASIA DUGGAN | Morrissons Road, | Died 15th
Feb. 1929. | MARY ANN DUGGAN | Died 22nd Aug. 1932. | Her husband THOMAS
DUGGAN | Died 1st Feb. 1959. | Their son-in-law JAMES MOLLOY | Died 28th
March 1960. | JOSEPH DUGGAN | Died 4th Dec. 1970. | ANASTATIA DUGGAN 2
Griffith Place | Died 7th November 1995. | CATHERINE (KITTY) MOLLOY nee
DUGGAN | Newport Square | Died 28th December 1998 | R.I.P.

Photo No.36
Erected by | DANIEL DUNFORD | of the city of Waterford | Solicitor | to
the memory of his father | JOSEPH DUNFORD | Who died 1st December 1865 |
And of his mother | BRIDGET DUNFORD nee PRYER (?) | Who died 25th
January 1882 | His sister MARY DUNFORD | Died 15th July 1897

Photo No.37
Treasured memories of | our dear parents | WILLIAM EGAN | 9 Tycor Ave. |
Died 26th July 1945 | MARY ANN EGAN | Died 20th January 1990 | Rest In

Photo No.38
Treasured memories of | our darling son and brother | DAVID J. ELLICKSON
| Oaklands Ballinakill | Tragically killed | 29th May 1987 aged 19 years

Photo No.39
In Loving Memory Of | JAMES ELLICKSON | 25 Ballybricken | Died 6th March
1954. | His Wife KATHERINE (KITTY) | Died 5th June 1980. | MARY FLAVIN
Nee WHITTLE | Died 17th Nov. 1979. | The Devoted And Beloved Sister Of |
CHRISTINA WHITTLE | "All Greatly Loved"

Photo No.40
Erected by MATHEW FARRELL | In memory of his | beloved Son | MATHEW |
Who died Augt. 3rd 1855 | Aged 42 Years

Photo No.41
In loving memory of | WILLIAM FARRELL | 133 Barrack St. | Died 24th Dec.
1957 aged 69 | His wife JOHANNA FARRELL | Died 13th March 1969 aged 84 |
Their grandson | WILLIAM FARRELL | Died 12th June 1967 aged 13. | His
mother MAURA FARRELL | St. Stephens Tce. Cork Road | Died 26th Sept.
1975 aged 52. | Her husband | LARRY FARRELL | Died 15th Nov. 1999 aged
80. | R.I.P.

Photo No.42
In loving memory of | JOHN FINNEGAN Mount Sion Avenue | Who died 20th
June 1978. | His son LAURENCE FINNEGAN | Died 23rd July 1978. | Also
| nee KAVANAGH | Died 15th July 1985. | Her sister CATHERINE (KITTY)
KAVANAGH | Died 25th June 1990 aged 75 yrs.

Photo No.43
In loving memory of | JACK FITZGERALD | Monastery St. | Who died 6th
June 1975 | Aged 86 years. | And his daughter | NELLIE CURHAM | Died
16th Jan. 1985. | His daughter | CATHERINE (KITTY) FITZGERALD | Died
17th Dec. 2002 | Aged 81 years. | R.I.P.

Photo No.44
In loving memory of | JOHN FITZGERALD of Short Course | Who for a period
of fifty years | was the beloved and faithful clerk | of this important
parish. | And who died on the Feast | of the Ascension May 19th 1898 |
Aged 83 years | Also his wife CATHERINE | Who died Feb 5th 1882 aged 57
years | This monument is erected | as a tribute of love and revrence |
by their affectionate son | A. F. FITZGERALD | of San Luis Obispo

Photo No.45
[see No. 44, FITZGERALD] In Loving Memory of | MAURICE FITZGERALD Short
Course | Who did 1st Feby 1925 aged 66 years | And his four children who
died young. | Also his sister ALICE | Died 13th Augt. 1879 aged 14
years. | His wife MARY AYLWARD | 20th July 1859 16th Dec 1934 | And
their son ANDREW | Died 6th May 1945 aged 62 yrs. | Sacred Heart of
Jesus have mercy on them | Their daughter AGNES died 4. March 1961 |
This monument is erected | as a tribute of love and affection | by his
brother A. F. FITZGERALD | of San Luis Obispo California U.S.A.

Photo No.46
[see No. 45, FITZGERALD] Also | his grandparents | and aunts | Their
daughter | MARY CATHERINE | Died 16th Nov. 1967. | Also their son |
THOMAS FITZGERALD | Carbally Beg Dunmore E. | Died 6th Feb 1986 | Aged
87 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.47
In Loving Memory Of | a dear husband, father and grandfather | JOHNNY
FITZGERALD | 15 Trinity Square | Died 24th Sept. 1995 Aged 80. | His
Beloved Wife, MAY | our dear mother | Died 31st Jan. 2003 Aged 85. | His
Father JOHN, Died 1915 | His Mother MARY, Died 1918 | And His Son TONY,
| Died In Infancy. | Rest In Peace | FITZGERALD

Photo No.48
In loving memory of | KATHLEEN FITZGERALD Newport Tce. | Who died 8th
May 1964 age 16 yrs | as the result of an accident | Her father THOMAS
FITZGERALD | Died 10th May 1977 aged 66 yrs | Her mother CATHERINE
FITZGERALD | Died 15th March 1992 aged 77 yrs.

Photo No.49
[photos] | In | Loving Memory of | PATRICK FITZGERALD | 6 Andrew Street
| Died 13th July 1990 aged 81 | His Wife | ELLEN FITZGERALD | Died 19th
July 2011 aged 91 | Together Again | Rest In Peace | Erected by their
loving family

Photo No.50
Erected by | PATRICK FITZGERALD | of Waterford in | memory of his wife |
MARY FITZGERALD | alias ... died | ... 187... aged | ... | And his
daughter | NANO WALL alias FITZGERALD | Died May 3rd 1906 | Aged 50

Photo No.51
Of | The Soul Of The | Rev. E. B. FITZMAURICE | O.F.M. | Born in
Waterford | 17th Sept. 1847 | Died 22nd June 1913 | R.I.P.

Photo No.52
[part of No. 51, FITZMAURICE] JOSEPH FITZMAURICE | Aged 88 years | Died
21st July 1894 | This monument | was renovated reset | and enclosed | by
the members | of the Third Order | as a token of respect | & esteem for
the late | Father FITZMAURICE

Photo No.53
In loving memory | of | our dear mother | MARGARET FLYNN (nee BARRY) |
Who died 27th Novr. 1926 | Aged 55 years. | Her daughter BRIDGET KELLY |
Died 28th Feb. 1980 aged 75 | Her grandaughter | MARY KELLY | Died 24th
Dec. 1967 aged 20 | Her grandson | TONY FLYNN | Died 1961 age 2 yrs 11
mths | A MAC MAIRTIN | Fear grinn, ceoil agus rince, | a beag 19-6-1987,
79 mbliana daois | suaimneas siorai do | R.I.P. | Erected by her son

Photo No.54
Erected by | JOHN FLYNN | of Ballybricken | In memory of his Wife |
HONORA FLYNN (alias MURPHY) | Who died June 28th 1859 | Aged 32 years. |
Also his brother | MARTIN FLYNN who died | July 29th 1855. Aged 22 years
| And his beloved Daughter | MARY J. FLYNN | Who died Jany. 18th 1870 |
Aged 19 years | And two of their Children died young | Also his daughter
HONORA WALSH (alias FLYNN | Died 7th April 1871 Aged 21 years | And his
father JOHN FLYNN | Died August 13th 1871. Aged 81 years | Also WILLIAM
FLYNN | Died 11th June 1946 aged 78. | Requiescant in pace.

Photo No.55
[top of No. 54, FLYNN] In memory of MARY J. FLYNN | JOHN J. FLYNN Junior
died September 9th 1871 aged 15 years

Photo No.56
... | Also EDWARD FORRISTAL ... | Died 4th Nov. 1910 aged 62. | EILY
MURPHY died 8th Feb 1964 (?)

Photo No.57
Erected by | THOMAS FORRISTAL | Morrissons Road, | In memory of | his
wife MARY | Who died 17. Jan 1954. | Also his mother BRIDGET | Who died
4. Aug 1935. | The above THOMAS | Died 4. Sep. 1968 | MICHAEL (MIKIE)
DERMODY | 34 Michael Street | Died 15th Nov 1982 aged 88 | R.I.P.

Photo No.58
In loving memory of | MARY GLYNN | Mount Sion Avenue, | Who died 23rd
Sept. 1980 | And her husband | EDWARD GLYNN | Died 13th Jan. 1947. |
Also the deceased | members of the | GLYNN family. | And their son
PATRICK | Died 10th Feb. 1984 aged 42 | Interred in England.

Photo No.59
In loving memory of | our dear parents | ANN GRACE, 42 Lower Yellow Rd.
| Died 24th March 1967. | JOSEPH GRACE, died 22nd Dec. 1973. | Their
daughter | CATHERINE MANNING | Died 30th March 2006 aged 89. | Her
husband JOHN MANNING | Died 14th Feb. 2007 aged 90.

Photo No.60
In loving memory of | JOHN GRIFFIN | His grandson, JOHN GRIFFIN | Died
23rd Feb. 1922 aged 41 yrs | And his wife MARGARET GRIFFIN | Died 23rd
Oct. 1968 aged 81 yrs | ELIZABETH NEVINS | Died 26th March 1932 aged 91
(?) yrs | Her son WILLIAM (BILLY) GRIFFIN | Died 9th Sept. 1974.

Photo No.61
In memory of | MARY ANN HAMILTON | Who died August 14th 1867 | Aged 46
years | Also | JOHN HAMILTON | Who died October 11th 1870 | Aged 57
years | Erected by their children | GEORGE HAMILTON | Died Feb. 1944 |
EDWARD HAMILTON | Died 21.6.1958 | And his wife | MARY JOSEPHINE
HAMILTON | Died 28th Nov. 1977 | Aged 84 yrs. | May they rest in peace

Photo No.62
In loving memory of | LAURENCE HANRAHAN | Doyle Street | Who died 25th
Jan. 1981 | Aged 79 years. | His wife LENA HANRAHAN | Died 8th Jan. 1991
aged 88 years | R.I.P. | Erected by his wife LENA | Daughter MAUREEN &
son TONY

Photo No.63
Erected by | WILLIAM HANRAHAN | of Ballybricken | in memory of his
Daughter | MARY | who died Feb. 21st 1862 | aged 9 years | Also his Son
| THOMAS FRANCIS | who died May 20th 1865 | aged 16 years. | Also his
daughter MARGARET MARY | who died Feby. 22nd 1869 aged 9 years | Also
his son | WILLIAM A. HANRAHAN who died | February 8th 1876 Aged 24 years
| Also of the erector | WILLIAM HANRAHAN died Nov. 5th | 1880 aged 51
years | Requiescant in pace. Amen.

Photo No.64
In loving memory of | FREDERICK HARTE Convent Hill, | Who died 29th Oct
1960 aged 82 | Also his wife ELIZABETH | Died 2nd Dec. 1961 aged 78. |
ANNIE WALSH nee HARTE | Died 18th June 1977. | Their daughter MARY B.
(MAY) HARTE | Died 3rd Dec 1994. | R.I.P.

Photo No.65
In loving memory | of | ANDREW HARTERY | 42 Green St. | Died 5th Dec.
1967 | Aged 54 years | His brother THOMAS | 20 Morley Tce. | Died 25th
July 1976 | Aged 62 years | Also | MARGARET (PEGGY) | HARTERY | Nee
FOLEY | Wife of ANDREW | Died 26th July 1999 | Aged 81 years.

Photo No.66
In Loving Memory of | NORA HEANEY | 5, Mandeville Street | Died 12th
Oct. 1977 | Aged 102 years | Also | Her husband WILLIAM | [photo]

Photo No.67
In Memory of | STEPHEN HEANEY Ballybricken, | JOHANNA HEANEY | Died in
Chicago Nov. 1926 | THOMAS HEANEY | Died Sept. 4th 1950 age 54. | Mrs.
MARGARET HEANEY | Died 18th January 1960 (?) | Erected by | ANNIE HEANEY
& her brother | JACK | of Chicago U.S.A. | R.I.P.

Photo No.68
Spero cum Christo vivere sanctisque e jus. | THOMAS HENEBERRY | Died
March 15th 1861. | In the fortieth year of his age | This monument has
been raised to | his memory by his beloved wife | as a tribute of
affection and gratitude | Requiescat in pace Amen.

Photo No.69
In loving memory of | our dear mother | CATHERINE HENNESSY | Nee O'BRIEN
| Late of Mayors Walk | Died 7th January 1980 | Aged 85 Years. | Rest in
peace | Erected by her | ... daughters.

Photo No.70
In Loving Memory Of | PATRICK HEYLIN Francis St. | 1863 - 1908 | His
wife MARGARET (nee BARRY) | 1868 - 1954 | Their sons | FRANCIS 1896 -
1963 | OTTERAN 1899 - 1969 | GERARD 1907 - 19... | Their daughter CISSIE
| 1903 - 1980 | Also the BARRY & CARROLL Family | Rest In Peace |

Photo No.71
Erected | By | TOM HEYLIN | In memory of his beloved father | PATRICK
HEYLIN | Who died March 17th 1898 | Aged 73. | Also his beloved mother |
CATHERINE HEYLIN | Who died Novr. 26th 1890 | Aged 56. | Also his
brother | JOHN | Who died May 1st 1893 aged 35. | Also his brothers &
sisters who died young | Also the above TOM HEYLIN | Who died 12th Nov.
1904 aged 45 years. | His son PAT died Dec. 15th 1926. | His brothers
PATRICK HEYLIN died | Sept. 5th 1908 | JOSEPH HEYLIN died Aug 14th 1954
| Also JAMES & MICHAEL | OTTERAN HEYLIN died 1st Aug. 1969 | R.I.P. |
JOSEPH REDMOND (REB) HEYLIN | Died 23rd May 1989 aged 91

Photo No.72
In loving memory of | a good mother | ALICE HOGAN Lr. Yellow Road | Who
died 8th May 1954 aged 78 | And her daughter MARY | Died 2nd Sept. 1968
aged 62.

Photo No.73
Erected by | CATHERINE HOGAN | In memory of her father | PATRICK HOGAN |
Late of Bakehouse Hill | Waterford | Who died 23 ... 1877 | Aged 65
years | Also ... son MICHAEL | Died ... ... aged ... years

Photo No.74
In Loving Memory | of | A dear mother | and grand-mother | SARAH HURLEY
| 53 Dominic's Place | Died 12th April 1986 aged 94 | Her daughter MAY |
Died 12th March 2005 aged 82 | R.I.P.

Photo No.75
Sacred | to the memory of | ELLEN HYDE | Who died Feby 28th 1888 | Aged
75 years | Also her husband | JAMES HYDE | Died March 24th 1894 | Aged
80 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.76
In | Loving Memory Of | ANNIE JOHNSTON | 125 Morrissons Road | Died 27th
Feb. 1960 Aged 82. | Her Daughter BRIDGET | Died 26th June 1991 Aged 78.
| Her Son, ARTHUR | Died 20th Aug. 1993 Aged 83. | Rest In Peace

Photo No.77
In loving memory of | ANNIE KEANE 79 Cannon St. | Who died 22nd Nov.
1963 aged 52 | & her son BERNARD died 24th June 1966 aged 21 | Her
husband CHRISTOPHER KEANE | Died 4th April 1984 aged 73.

Photo No.78
Sacred to the Memory of | THOMAS KEANE of Tycor | Who died June 10 1848
aged 42 | Also 2 of his children who died young | And his wife ELLEN
KEANE | Who died July 8 1873 aged 55 | Also their son JOHN KEANE | Who
died July 25 1904 aged 63 | And his wife JOHANNA | Who died April 29th
1910 aged 70 | Also their daughter ELIZABETH | Died March 25th 1931 aged
54 | And their daughter ELLEN | Died September 3rd 1943 aged 73

Photo No.79
Sacred | to the memory of | JAMES KEARNEY of Grace Dieu | Died 26th Jan.
1882 aged 81. | MARGARET C. KEARNEY | Died 25th May 1890 aged 78. | And
their Children | MARY FRANCES, aged 15. | MARY, aged 10. KATE, aged 19.
| JAMES J. KEARNEY died 17th May 1905 | ALICIA M. KEARNEY died 24th Feb.
1921. | MARGARET M. KEARNEY died 22nd March 1921 | JOHN KEARNEY died
11th Feb. 1931. | PHILOMENA KEARNEY died 4th May 1931. | WILLIAM KEARNEY
died 11th July 1935. | And his son ARTHUR J. KEARNEY | Killed in France
9th Sept. 1916. | Also his wife MARY K. KEARNEY | Died 21st Nov. 1944 |
JOSEPHINE KEARNEY died 20th Nov. 1966. | Her son JAMES W. KEARNEY died
29th Aug. 1979 | Her husband WILLIAM | Died 7th April 1985 aged 89 |
PATRICK KEARNEY | Died 28th March 1999 aged 63 yrs.

Photo No.80
In loving memory of | WILLIAM KELLY | Died 9th Feb 1970, | His wife
MARGARET KELLY | Died 29th April 1970

Photo No.81
In Loving Memory | of | DAVID KENNEDY | 61 St. Johns Park | Died 29th
Dec. 1982 aged 66 | His wife MARY | Nee HENNESSY | Died 8th June 2005
aged 85 | A beloved wife and mother | R.I.P.

Photo No.82
In Loving Memory | of | ROBERT KENNEDY | 29 Trinity Square | Died 20th
March 1964 | Aged 33 years. | Rest in Peace. | Erected by his wife
NELLIE & daughters.

Photo No.83
In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS & ELLEN KENNY | 91 Dominick Place | Their
Son EDWARD | Died 21st January 1969. | Their Niece MARY POWER | Died
14th September 1964. | PEGGY KENNY Nee O'ROURKE | Died 8th March 1993
Aged 79 Yrs. | Rest In Peace

Photo No.84
Of your charity pray | for the repose of the soul of | ELIZA JOSEPH KNOX
| Who departed this life | 17th May 1887 | Aged 50 years.

Photo No.85
In Loving Memory Of | My Dear Wife And Good Mother | MARGARET (PEGGY)
LARKIN | 98 Roanmore, Waterford | Died 6th March 1964 Aged 44. | Her
Husband | MICHAEL LARKIN | Died 22nd May 1998 Aged 84. | Rest In Peace.

Photo No.86
BRIDGET LAVELLE | Died | March 29th 1876 | Also FRANCIS LAVELLE | Died
May 18th 1898 aged 23 years

Photo No.87
In loving memory of | a dear son and brother | JOHN LENNON | 4 Griffith
Place | Died 28th February 1986 | Aged 37 years | A beloved wife &
mother | MARY LENNON | Nee COOPER | Died 13th November 1991 | A dear
husband & father | PATRICK (PADDY) LENNON | Died 4th February 2005 |
Rest In Peace | LENNON

Photo No.88
Erected by | The Widow MALLAY | In memory of her Husband | MICHEAL
MALLAY | Died 30th Jany. 1873. Aged 61. | Also her Daughter | BRIDGET
MALLAY | Died 30th Jany. 1873. Aged 28. | And her Son THOMAS MALLAY |
Died Feby. 1865. Aged 23. | Also ANNIE JOHNSON | Died 27. Feb. 1960 |
BRIDGET JOHNSTON | Died 26. June 1991 aged 78. | Her brother ARTHUR |
Died 20. Aug. 1993 aged 83. | May they rest in peace

Photo No.89
Erected by | KATHLEEN | In loving memory | of my father, | BERNARD
JOSEPH McDONALD | Bailey's New St. | Who died 15th Sept 1935 | Age 42
years. | Also his brother | THOMAS McDONALD | O'Connell St. | Died 28th
July 1947 age 56 years. | R.I.P.

Photo No.90
Erected by MICHAEL McEVOY | Francis St. | In Loving Memory Of | his
father | PATRICK (PAT) McEVOY | And his sister JOAN | Both interred at
Kilmacow | His sister NANCY | Died 10th Nov. 1975 aged 63. | The above
MICHAEL McEVOY | Died 19th Oct. 1977 aged 65. | And his wife | CISSIE
(nee HEARNE) | Died 29th March 1994. | R.I.P.

Photo No.91
Treasured memories of | NED McGRATH | Morley Terrace | Died 9th October
1991 | Aged 73 years.

Photo No.92
In | loving | memory of | our dear mother | LILY McGUIRE | 15
Slievekeale Rd. | Died 8th Jan. 1981 aged 71 | R.I.P. | BETTY & MARIA

Photo No.93
In Loving Memory | JOHN VINCENT McGURK | 1916 - 1998 | And his beloved
wife | JOAN MARGARET McGURK | (nee HEYLIN) | 1920 - 2007 | Their loving
hearts, | lying in wait

Photo No.94
In Loving Memory of | CATHERINE MEADE | (nee HEYLIN) | 21st Oct 1903,
6th Dec. 1996 | Waterford & Chicago | A Loving Daughter | Mother & Nan

Photo No.95
In loving memory | of | my dear husband | TOM MILLEA | 93 Hennessy's Rd.
| Died 17th Feb. 1990 | Aged 69 years | His wife, MARGO | Nee O'KEEFFE |
Died 5th Feb. 2012 | Aged 86 years | Rest in Peace | From your loving |
wife MARGO and | daughters MARIAN, | YVONNE, JACINTA | and ANNE. | To
dear grandad | TOM from DAVID, | KEVIN, CLAIRE | EOIN and ROBERT | Holy
God look | after him.

Photo No.96
In loving memory of | CHRISTINA (KITTY) MORRIS | Died 29th January 1990
| Her son HARRY | Beloved husband of JUNE | Died 17th Nov. 1993 aged 97
(?) | Rest In Peace

Photo No.97
In loving memory of | MARGARET MULCAHY | Clonakilty & Waterford | Died
20th February 1984 | Aged 90 (?) yrs

Photo No.98
Erected by | JERMIAH MURPHY | in memory of his wife | MARY MURPHY alias
| RYAN died May 15th | 1864 aged 50 years | also his daughter ELLEN |
RYAN alias MURPHY died | April 4th 1854. | aged 32 years. | Also JOHN
RYAN | Died 28th April ... | Aged 58 years.

Photo No.99
[cont'd from No. 99, MURPHY] In Loving Memory Of | Our Dear Parents |
MAURA FRAMPTON | nee KAVANAGH | 316 St. John's Park | 21st Sept. 1938 -
21st Feb. 2003 | Her Loving Husband | FRANK FRAMPTON | 1st May 1941 -
25th Oct. 2013 | Their Son NOEL | Died In Infancy 24th Dec. 1968 | Their
Grandson | DAVID FRAMPTON DOYLE | Died In Infancy 18th Aug. 1993. |
Resting In Peace

Photo No.100
[cont'd from No. 99, MURPHY] In loving memory | of | JEREMIAH RYAN |
Died Feb 14th 1929 | Age 82 years | Also his daughter | MARY MERRY |
Died Jan. 21st 1930 | Aged 52 years

Photo No.101
In | loving memory of | our dear mother | MARY (MOLLY) MURPHY | Green
Street | Died 20th May 1984 | And her mother | BRIDGET POWER | Convent
Hill Terrace | Died 1st January 1963 | Rest in peace

Photo No.102
In Loving Memory of | A dear husband & father | PADDY MURPHY | 19
Central Ave. Lisduggan | Died 5. Nov. 1993 aged 62. | His wife HANNIE
nee WHITE | 3 St. Martins Ave. | Died 17. May 1998 aged 65.

Photo No.103
In Loving Memory Of | ANNE NOLAN Nee LEAHY | 61 Newport Square | Died
24th December 1965. | Her Husband MARTIN | Died 5th July 1969 | Interred
in Ballygunner. | Their Daughter | MARY GALGEY | 123 Tonlegee Road,
Raheny, Dublin | Died 27th December 2006. | Rest In Peace.

Photo No.104
Remembered | with love | BIDDY O'CONNOR | (nee HARTERY) | Died 26th Feb.
1998. | Also her husband | PETER | Died 9th July 1999 | Beloved | wife
mother | and grand- | mother

Photo No.105
In loving memory | of | JOHN O'DRISCOLL | Barrack Street | Died Jan.
30th 1891 | Aged 46 years | And three of | his children | JOHN, THOMAS |
and ANDREW | who died young. | R.I.P.

Photo No.106
Erected by | MARTIN O'KEEFFE Philip Street | In memory of his beloved
wife | ANNE O'KEEFFE | Who died 13th Jan. 1917.

Photo No.107
In loving memory | of | DAVID O'NEILL | 11 Olaf St | Who died 3rd May
1990 | Aged 56 years | His wife | MARY O'NEILL nee KELLY | Died 9th May
1995 | Aged 59 years. | Rest In Peace | His banner over us is love

Photo No.108
Pray for the repose of | the souls of | MICHAEL O'REILLY Quay, Waterford
| Who died Sep. 25th 1904 aged 54 years | Also his son MAURICE A.
O'REILLY | Died March 3rd 1893 aged 7 years | His father PATRICK
O'REILLY | Died Dec. 10th 1879 aged 70 years. | His mother BRIDGET
O'REILLY | Died June 25th 1888 aged 75 years | This cross has been
erected by BRIDGET | Wife of the above MICHAEL O'REILLY

Photo No.109
[cont'd from No. 109, O'REILLY] His brother | MAURICE A. O'REILLY | Died
22nd June 1875 | Aged 25 years | His sister, | KATE LYNCH nee O'REILLY |
Died 15th April 1881 | Aged 22 years | R.I.P.

Photo No.110
[cont'd from No. 109, O'REILLY] Also his nephew | PATRICK F. LYNCH |
Died Feb. 5th 1928 age 51

Photo No.111
In loving memory of | ANNE O'SULLIVAN Doyle St. | Died 29th April 1977
aged 81. | MARY O'SULLIVAN, Doyle St. | Died 2nd December 1987 aged 86.
| PADDY O'SHEA, Doyle St. | Died 23rd August 2008 aged 69. | JAMES
(JIMMY) O'SHEA | Died 8th August 2012 aged 76. | R.I.P.

Photo No.112
In loving memory of | CATHERINE PHELAN | Barronstrand St. | Died 15th
Sept. 1929 | Aged 71 years. | Also her husband | THOMAS PHELAN | Died
27th Sept. 1930 | Aged 74 years. | And their Sons | NICHOLAS PHELAN |
Died 12th Jan. 1942 | Aged 58 years. | PATRICK PHELAN | Died 9th March
1943 | Aged 54 years. | Also their daughter | MARY PHELAN | Died 27th
Sept. 1944 | Aged 62 years. | R.I.P.

Photo No.113
Erected to the memory of | JOHN PHELAN | 41 Slievekeale Road. | Died 2nd
April 1965 | Aged 57 years. | His sister-in-law | ELIZABETH MARY FANNING
| nee WHELAN | Died 12th Sept. 1978 | And deceased members | of the
WHELAN family. | Rest In Peace

Photo No.114
Sacred | to the memory of | MARY JOSEPHINE PHELAN | And her beloved

Photo No.115
Erected by | MICHAEL PHELAN | of Mayors Walk | In memory of his father |
DAVID PHELAN | Who died 23rd January | 1875. Aged 75 years. | DAVID
PHELAN, Manor St. died 10th Aug. 1904 | Aged 37 years. | MARY PHELAN,
Railway Sq., died 21st Nov. 1929 | Aged 34 years | JULIA PHELAN, Railway
Sq., died 21st July 1955 | Aged 57 years | MICHAEL PHELAN, Railway Sq.,
died 13th Jan. 1982 | Aged 88 years.

Photo No.116
In loving memory of | CATHERINE POWER | 9 Rathfadden Villas. | Died 23rd
March 1974 aged 75. | Her daughter | ELIZABETH (LILY) O'SHEA | 11 Ozanam
Street | Died 27th January 1987 aged 66 | And her husband JOHN O'SHEA |
Died 9th November 1989 aged 77 | JANE POWER | Born 1st October 1931 |
Died 17th October 2000 | KATHERINE KATE HEALY | Died 15th May 2015 aged
39. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.117
Erected | by DAVID POWER | Yellow Road | In memory of his | mother MARY.
Also | his brother MICHAEL | And | His nephew RICHARD | And his sister-
in-law | MARGARET POWER. | & his niece MARY E. POWER | Died 12th Jan.
1915 age 56 | The above DAVID POWER | Died 15th Jan. 1890 age 59 | Also
| WILLIAM POWER | Died 20th May 1918 aged 71 | ... died 10th Feb 1947. |
And his brother JOHN POWER | Died 12th August 1965 (?)

Photo No.118
See No. 117, POWER

Photo No.119
In loving memory of | HENRY POWER | (son of WILLIAM POWER) | died 10th
February 1947 aged 45 years | his daughter MARGARET MARY | died 1st
March 1945 aged 3 months | his brother JOHN | died 12th August 1965 aged
61 years | his niece MARY ELLEN POWER | (nee SHORTALL | died 24th May
1998 aged 88 years | May They Rest In Peace | Erected by his son CON
POWER in the year 2002

Photo No.120
In Loving Memory Of | JOHN POWER | 30 Green Street | Died 19th March
1966 Age 80 | His Wife MARGARET | Died 10th Feb. 1974 Age 84 | Their Son
PATRICK | Died 24th July 1988 Age 65 | Their Son In Law | NICHOLAS RYAN
| 35 Mount Sion Avenue | Died 30th Aug. 1999 Age 73 | POWER RYAN

Photo No.121
In Memory of | KATHLEEN POWER, 21, Green St. | Who died 17th December
1963 | Aged 60 years. | And her grand-daughter TERESA POWER | Died 18th
June 1967 aged 4 yrs. | And her husband WILLIAM | Died 16th Sept. 1972
aged 72 | Their son BOBBY POWER | 43 Lr. Newtown | Father of the above
TERESA | Died 18th Aug. 1991 aged 60 | R.I.P.

Photo No.122
In | Loving Memory of | a special daughter and sister | MARGARET POWER |
1 Green Street | Died 5th March 1991 | Aged 37 years | Also her
grandfather | PATRICK POWER | Who died March 1962 | Her mother | ELLEN
(NELLIE) POWER | Died 5th Aug. 1995. Stone in front: In Memory Of | Our
Dear Parents | And Grandparents | MALACHY POWER | 1 Green St.,
Ballybricken | Died 15th Sept. 2002 Aged 83 | ELLEN POWER | Died 5th
Aug. 1995. | Rest In Peace | There's Gladness In | Remembrance

Photo No.123
In sad and loving memory of | THOMAS POWER Green St. | Who died Easter
Sunday | 18th April 1976. | His beloved wife | MARGARET (nee DENNISON) |
Died 8th June 2000 | "Kind father & mother dear | Two sincere friends
buried here. | Free from malice and free from pride | So they lived and
so they died." [photo}

Photo No.124
In loving memory of | MINNIE REA Barrack St. | Who died 23rd Dec. 1989.
| And her sister | NELLIE REA | Who died 29th Dec. 1989. | "Will those
who think of | them today a little | prayer to Jesus say" | Rest in
peace | REA

Photo No.125
In loving memory of | THOMAS REALE The Mall | Who died 8th Dec. 1937 |
And his son THOMAS, | Died 20th Aug. 1932. | His daughter BRIDGET, South
Parade | Died 29th July 1973. | MARGARET, died 28th March 1982 | His son
PATRICK, | Died 5th Jan. 1983. | His daughter ELLEN, | Died 10th March
1984. | R.I.P.

Photo No.126
[photos] | In loving memory of | MARTIN REVILLES | 51 Lower Yellow Road
| Who died 11th March 1972 | Aged 71 years | His wife | MARGARET (Baby)
nee KEANE | Died 24th June 1984 | Aged 84 years | Their son MICHAEL |
Died 26th August 1975 | Aged 35 years

Photo No.127
In Loving Memory Of | JACK RYAN 5 Shortcourse | Died 19th May 1968 | His
sister MOLLY RYAN | Died 9th May 1973 | His sister LILY RYAN | Died 9th
July 1975 | THOMAS (TOM) CLANCY | Cork Road | Died 7th March 1988 aged
66 | Rest In Peace

Photo No.128
In Loving Memory Of | MARGARET RYAN, 30 The Glen | Who died 17th Nov.
1935. | Her son Rev. Fr. ROBERT RYAN | Died 11th Sept. 1957. | Her
sister BRIDGET DUGGAN | Died 13th Oct. 1958 | RICHARD LARKIN 30 The Glen
| Died 14th Oct. 1995. | His wife PHILOMENA LARKIN | Died 14th Jan.
2009. | Also her deceased relatives. | Rest In Peace | Erected by

Photo No.129
In Loving Memory Of | THOMAS RYAN | Shortcourse | Died 21st March 1959 |
His wife MARY (MOLLY) | Died 25th May 1980 | And their only son HARRY |
Died 7th May 1992 aged 78 years | Also their beloved daughter | MARY
(MAI) MOLLOY | Died 14th Aug 2005 aged 85 years. | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.130
Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs. MARY STAFFORD | (alias DOOLEY) | Who
departed | this life | January 1st 1853 | Aged 65 years. | Also her son
| JOHN STAFFORD | Died 12th March 1897 | And his son | RICHARD | Died
6th April 1915 | And to | JANE STAFFORD | (nee THOMPSON) | Wife of JOHN
STAFFORD | Died 6th April 1922. | requiescant in pace amen

Photo No.131
[cont'd from No. 130, STAFFORD] RICHARD STAFFORD | and his son JOHN |
Who died Feb. 1921 | BRIGID STAFFORD | and her sister | ANNE LENIHAN |
In loving memory of | FRANK (1971) | and | OLIVE STAFFORD (2011) | Their
granddaughter | JANE (2013) | Aged 36 years | At rest in Limerick.

Photo No.132
[cont'd from No. 130, STAFFORD] WILLIAM | WILLIAM JOSEPH | JOSEPH | and

Photo No.133
[in front of No. 130, STAFFORD] Capt. JOHN J. STAFFORD | Royal Dublin
Fusiliers | Who died 27th Dec. 1923 | And | MARY JOSEPH STAFFORD | Who
died 18th March 1932 | And of their eldest son the | V. Rev. LAURENCE
STAFFORD P.P. | Who died 17th May 1943 | and was buried | beside his
parish church | Ballitore Co. Kildare. | And their daughter | ANNIE
JOSEPH STAFFORD | Who died 22nd Nov. 1951. | FRANK O'CALLAGHAN | Cork
Road | Died 26th March 1980

Photo No.134
In Loving Memory Of | a loving Husband and Father | PAUL STAFFORD | late
of 12 Emmet Place | who Died 18th March 1998 Aged 76 | His Wife MARY
STAFFORD | (nee POWER) | Who Died 24th Jan 2010 Aged 90 | STAFFORD

Photo No.135
In Loving Memory Of | KATHLEEN SULLIVAN | Newport Square | Died 27th
Nov. 1977 | Aged 59 yrs. | And her husband | BILLY SULLIVAN | Died 15th
June 1990 | Aged 73 Yrs.

Photo No.136
Erected by | Mrs. DUNPHY in Loving Memory | of her dear mother | BRIDGET
SULLIVAN nee PHELAN | Mt. Sion Ave. | Died July 30th 1935 aged 80 yrs. |
THOMAS PHELAN also his wife | JOHANNA died Sep 1817 aged 62 | His son
JAMES died Nov. 6th 18... | Aged 11. Also his daughter | JOHANNA died
Oct. 16th 1817 | Aged 13 | Also CON SULLIVAN Barrack St. | Died 25th
April 1959 aged 68 yrs | The above BRIDGET DUNPHY | Died 1st March 1975
aged 93 yrs | EDWARD SULLIVAN | Died 23rd April 1978 aged ... years |
WILLIAM SULLIVAN | Died 17th Oct. 1980 aged 84

Photo No.137
Here Lyeth ye Body of ye | Revd. Far. BARTHW. TOBIN | who deced. ye 29th
of Janur. | 1735 aged 42 yeares

Photo No.138
Erected by | EDMOND WALSH | of Barrack Street Waterford | in memory of
his beloved wife | ELLEN WALSH | who departed this life ... | ... 1835 |
Aged 30 years | Also his grandson | THOMAS O'NEILL | Died Jan. 30th 1912
aged 30

Photo No.139
In loving memory of | EDWARD WALSH | Green St. | Died 29th Dec 1970 |
And his sister | MARY (CISS) | Died 16th July 1982

Photo No.140
Erected | by | Mr. MICHAEL WALSH | of the Graving Bank | Quay Waterford
| To the memory | of his brothers | JAMES and JOHN | And of his sister |
MARY WALSH | whose remains | are interred here | May they rest in peace
| October ... 1863

Photo No.141
In loving memory of | JOSEPH P. WATERS | Died 23rd July 1939 | His wife
MARY ALICE | Died 1st Jan. 1952 | Late of Stephen St. & O'Brien St. |
Their children | MARGARET MARY | Died 24th June 1944. | JAMES killed in
action Tobruk '42. | And their deceased relatives

Photo No.142
In loving memory of | BRIDGET WELDON | 14 Mayor's Walk | Who died 26th
April 1968 | Aged 76 years | Her nephew JOHN (JACKIE) WELDON | A dear
husband and father | Died 12th Aug. 1990 aged 65 | Rest In Peace

Photo No.143
In Loving Memory | of | CATHERINE (KITTY) WHELAN | 20 St. Ursula's Tce,
| & Late of Cannon Street Waterford | Died 6th March 2012 | Aged 88
years | Rest in Peace.

Photo No.144
In loving memory of | MARY BRIDGET WHELAN | Cannon St. | Died 15th Nov.
1975. | And of DANIEL (Sonny) WYSE | Slievekeale Rd. | Died 29th Nov.
1972. | Her son DANNY WHELAN | Anne St. | Died 19th Aug. 1987 aged 52. |
Also ANTHONY WHELAN | Died 9th June 1994 aged 33 yrs | GRETTA O'SULLIVAN
nee WHELAN | Died 11th Feb 2002.

Photo No.145
Erected by | BRIDGET WHITTLE | of 26 Manor St. City, | In loving memory
of her parents | PATRICK WHITTLE | Who died Dec. 27th 1914. | And
JOHANNA WHITTLE | Who died April 12th 1895. | Also her brothers | JOHN
who died Nov. 1st 1873. | RICHARD who died Oct. 29th 1875. | DAVID who
died Jan. 27th 1904. | And her sisters, | ALICE who died April 23rd
1901. | ELLEN who died June 24th 1908. | The above BRIDGET | Died Feb.
13th 1946 | R.I.P.

Photo No.146
[cont'd from No. 145, WHITTLE] MARY | Died Feb. 16th 1931 | NICHOLAS |
Died Oct. 1st 1924

Photo No.147
In | Loving Memory of | DAVID WHITTLE | 98 Lower Yellow Road | Died 26th
April 1980 | Aged 76 years | His wife ENA | Died 20th April 1991 | Aged
83 years | Their son PETER | Died 9th March 2007 | Aged 72 years.

Photo No.148
JOHN WHITTLE | Hennessys Rd Waterford | In memory of his father |
RICHARD WHITTLE | Died ... ... 1886 (?) | Aged 88 (?) years | His mother
ELLEN WHITTLE | Died ... May 1885 | Aged 80 (?) years | ... his children
died young | MARGARET WHITTLE | Died 20 May 1937. | Her husband RICHARD
| Died 30 Sept. 1941 | R.I.P. | Their daughter CHRISTINA | Died 25. Dec.
1948 (?) | Their grandson | RICHARD (DICK) WHITTLE | Died 11th July 1998
aged 65 yrs.

Photo No.149
Erected by | WILLIAM WHITTLE | In memory of his daughter | MARY | Who
died May 11th 1876 | Aged 13 years | CATHERINE | Died Sept. 1877 | Aged
3 years | RICHARD WHITTLE | Died Sep. 17th 1888 | Aged 20 years | The
above WILLIAM died | Nov. 7th 1902 aged 60 years | R.I.P. | His beloved
wife CATHERINE WHITTLE | Died 10th Jan 1914 aged 76. | Their son WILLIAM
died 5. Oct. 1940 | And his wife HANNAH | Died 29th May 1982 aged 87

All images Copyright by Photographer