Johns Hill Cemetery Part 2, Waterford City, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Waterford Index
File contributed by: Steve Rogers
Transcribed by Valerie Ackroyd

(No. 188-337)

Photo No.188
In affectionate | remembrance of | ELIZABETH | Beloved wife of | THOMAS
ATHERTON | Died May 11th 1883 | Aged 66 years | Not lost but gone before
| Also the above | THOMAS ATHERTON | | Died Nov. 26th 1893 | Aged 76
years | Until the day break

Photo No.189
Another view of No. 188, ATHERTON

Photo No.190
ATKINS family plot

Photo No.191
In loving memory | of | HEYWARD St. LEGER ATKINS | Who went to be with
Christ | Feb. 16th 1927 aged 59. | "Those that are with Him | Are called
and chosen and faithful. | Rev 17.14

Photo No.192
Another view of No. 191, St. LEGER ATKINS

Photo No.193
In | loving memory of | LIZZIE St. LEGER ATKINS | Who died August 29th
1887 | Aged 24 years | "For her to live was Christ, to die was gain |
Phil. Chap. 18.V.21 | Absent from the body present with the Lord | 2
Cor. V.8.

Photo No.194
In loving memory | of | MAUDE St. LEGER ATKINS, | Who died | July 6th
1882, | Aged 12 years & 7 months | "Not lost but gone before" | "She
being dead yet speaketh" | Hebrews

Photo No.195
In loving memory | of | SUSAN ATKINS | Wife of | T. P. St. LEGER ATKINS
| Who entered the king's presence | on the 17th April 1911 | Aged 70
years | Father, I will that they also, whom | Thou has given me, be with
me where | I am. John XVII.24. | "Servant of God, well done; | Rest from
thy loved employ; | The battle fought, the victory won. | Enter thy
master's joy." | I thank God upon every | remembrance of you.  | Phil.

Photo No.196
In Loving Memory | Of | THOMAS P. St. LEGER ATKINS | Who died on the
26th April 1894 | Aged 62 years. | "What I do thou knowest not now, but
thou | shalt know hereafter." | John 13.7.

Photo No.197
In memory | of | HULDAH BARRINGTON | Formerly STRANGMAN | Widow of the
late | EDWARD BARRINGTON | of | Fassaroe Co. Wicklow | Who died October
7th 1895 | Aged 75 years | A good mother

Photo No.198
Another view of No. 197, BARRINGTON

Photo No.199
BASSETT family plot

Photo No.200
In | loving memory | of | EMILY BASSETT | Wife of | THOMAS W. BASSETT |
Who passed away | August 9th 1930.

Photo No.201
Another view of No. 200, BASSETT

Photo No.202
In Affectionate Remembrance | of | REBECCA GRACE, | The dearly beloved
wife of | THOMAS W. BASSETT | Waterford | Whom the Lord called to her
rest, | July 11th 1882 aged 32 years. | Also | THOMAS WILLIAM | Born
Feby 9th 1874 | Died July 22nd 1874

Photo No.203
Cont'd from No. 202, BASSETT: and | EMILY REBECCA | Born June 25th 1876
| Died Sept 13th 1877 | Infant children of above [REBECCA and THOMAS
BASSETT] | Lieut. R. J. BASSETT R.A.M.C. 2/4 Hants | Killed Oct. 10th
1918 R.M.S. Leinster | Interred in Cork. | THOMAS W. BASSETT | Died
April 9th 1929 aged 81 years | "What I do thou knowest not now | But
thou shalt know hereafter | John XIII 7.

Photo No.204
Complete photo of Nos. 202 & 203, BASSETT.

Photo No.205
... | of | THOMAS BASSETT | Who died June 14th 1873 | Aged 70 years |
Also his brother JOHN | Who died Dec 4th 1873 | Aged 67 years | And of
ANNE wife of | the above THOMAS BASSETT | Who died July 3rd 1893 | Aged
79 years.

Photo No.206
Complete view of No. 205, BASSETT

Photo No.207
In loving memory | of | RACHEL LEAKE | Died 20th Aug. 1868 aged 42 | And
her husband | GEORGE LEAKE | Died 3rd Jan 1869 aged 52 yrs | Also of
their son | WM. LEAKE | Died 24th May 1873 aged 16 yrs

Photo No.208
Another view of No. 207, LEAKE

Photo No.209
In | memory of | ANNE ELIZA | The dearly loved wife of | EDWARD BOWMAN |
of Waterford | Who died January 30th 1890 | Also the above | EDWARD
BOWMAN | Entered into rest | October 31st 1901 | Aged 82 years

Photo No.210
Another view of No. 209, BOWMAN

Photo No.211
In loving memory | of | JOSEPH B. BOYD | Died April 6 1911 | Aged 60
years | Also JANE widow of | JAMES FISHER AMBROSE | Queenstown | Died
August 5th 1920 aged 84 | WILLIAM JAMES BOYD | Died 1st December 1942 |
Aged 63 years. | Mrs. ALICE BOYD | Died 17th February 1945 | Aged 86
years. | "With Christ which is far better"

Photo No.212
In | memory of | MARY ANNE | The dearly beloved wife of | JOHN BROWN |
Died  ... Decr (?) 1891 | [rest illegible]

Photo No.213
JAMES J. BUNBURY | Died 27th August 1873

Photo No.214
In Loving Memory | of | CONSTANCE | Wife of Colonel R. T. CAREW D.L. |
of Ballinamona Park, Waterford | Who died 15th October 1900 | Aged 35

Photo No.215
In | loving memory of | LEILA VERNON CAREW | Wife of | Major R. J. H.
CAREW, | of Ballinamona Park, | Waterford | Who died on 15th March 1934.

Photo No.216
In | loving memory | of | MARGARET ROSALIE | Infant daughter of | ROBERT
and HENRIETTA | CAREW | Who died at | Ballinamona Park | May 1871

Photo No.217
Another view of No. 216, CAREW

Photo No.218
CAREW family plot

Photo No.219
In loving memory of | Col. ROBERT T. CAREW D.L. | Ballinamona Park,
Waterford | Who died 11th February 1917 | In his 57th year | From
disease contracted on active ... | abroad as a draft ... ... | in
response to the call of his King and ...

Photo No.220
In loving memory of | ROBERT T. CAREW D.L.U.R. (?) | Ballinamona Park
Waterford | Who died 20th Jany. 1886 | Aged 78 years | Also HENRIETTA
CAREW | Beloved wife of the above | Died 8th June 1884 aged 53 years |
Life's race well run life's crown well won | Now comes rest

Photo No.221
Sacred | to the memory of | ELIZABETH CAVE | The beloved wife | Color
Sergt. CAVE 2/5th Fusrs. | Who departed this life | 6th April 1873 Aged
22 years

Photo No.222
Another view of No. 221 CAVE

Photo No.223
In memory of | JOHN COMPTON | Died 22nd Dec 1866 | Aged 18 months

Photo No.224
In memory | of | GEORGE CONNOLLY | A good Soldier of | the 5th Fusiliers
| Who died at Waterford | 9th Jany 1874 | Aged 34 yrs | For the last 8
years | The faithful and tru | stworthy servant of | Major HARKNESS | of
the above regiment

Photo No.225
COURTENAY family plot

Photo No.226
In | Loving Memory of | HARRY EDWARD COURTENAY CLIBBORN | (Eddy) | The
much and dearly loved son of | HENRY and MARY CLIBBORN | Who died Jany
24th 1883, | Aged 10 years | "And he saith | Suffer little children to
come unto me | Shed not for him the bitter tear | Nor give the heart to
vain regret | Tis but the casket that lies here, | The gem that fills it
sparkles yet.

Photo No.227
In loving memory | of | JAMES HAROLD COURTENAY | Who passed away March
29th 1923 | In his 78th year | "Rest in the Lord" | And of his loving
wife | MARY ELIZABETH | At rest | 11th July 1940 aged 87 years

Photo No.228
In | Loving Memory | of | EDWARD COURTENAY | Died February 16, 1890 |
Aged 76 years | "In the midst of life | We are in death."

Photo No.229
In Loving Memory of | REGINALD MERVYN COURTENAY | Who died 19th January
1928 | Aged 39 years | And his beloved wife | KATHLEEN LILIAN | Died 6th
July 1948 aged 64 years | Also their daughter | MABEL CURRAN | Passed
away 4th July 1994 | Aged 78 years

Photo No.230

Photo No.231
In loving memory of | SARAH SUSANNA | Widow of the late | EDWARD
COURTENAY | Who died at Tramore | Jan 1st 1895 aged 75. | "The beloved
of the Lord shall | dwell safely by him" | Deut - 33.12

Photo No.232
And with the morn | those angel faces smile | which we have loved | long
since | and lost awhile | In Loving Memory of WILLIE, | Only son of W.
J. & E. I. CORDNER | Waterford | Taken home 20th Sept 1913 | ...enth

Photo No.233
Sacred | to the memory of | CATHERINE | The beloved wife of | WILLIAM
CURLEY | ... of the Co. Wicklow | Who departed this life on | the 15th
of June 1870 | Aged 59 years

Photo No.234
DELANDRE family plot

Photo No.235
In memory | of | VERNON RUSSELL DELANDRE | of Waterloo Waterford |
Solicitor | Who died on the 28th May 1875 | Aged 65

Photo No.236
Beneath | are laid the remains | of SARAH JANE DEVELING | Who fell
asleep | with Jesus March 23, 1867 | Aged 17 years

Photo No.237
In | loving memory of | EMELINE | Only daughter of | HENRY & BESSIE
DENNY | Who passed peacefully away | to the higher life | on January 6th
1899. | Blessed are the pure in heart

Photo No.238
In memory of | MARGARET | Wife of DANIEL DENNY | of Waterford | Who died
May 10th 1875 | Aged 77 years.

Photo No.239
In memory of | THOMAS PARSONS DORMER | Who died at Waterford | October
25th 1886 | Aged 92 years

Photo No.240
In | loving memory of | JOHN WILSON DOWNEY | Who entered into rest |
22nd August 1901 | Aged 70 years | And his wife | SARAH FLORENCE DOWNEY
| Who entered into rest | 24th April 1926 | Aged 85 years

Photo No.241
Another view of No. 240, DOWNEY

Photo No.242

Photo No.243
... ... | ... ... | of | SAMUEL FITZHENRY | Who died Oct 28, 1864 | In
the 64th year | of his age | Also of | his wife | MARYANNE FITZHENRY |
Who died | September 23rd 1883 | Aged 77 years

Photo No.244
Another view of No. 243, FITZHENRY

Photo No.245
... | of JOHN Son of | Sergt. WILLIAM HARDING | 12th Bde. Rl. Arty. |
Who died August 7th 1873 | Aged 2 years.

Photo No.246
Another view of No. 245, HARDING

Photo No.247
Sacred | to the memory of | ALFRED HIGGINS | Who died Octr. 4th 1883 |
Aged 64 years | Erected by | his beloved wife

Photo No.248
Another view of No. 247, HIGGINS

Photo No.249
In loving memory | of | ANNE F. HOBBS | Who died Nov. 16th 1883 | Aged
70 years | Erected by her friends

Photo No.250
Another view of No. 249, HOBBS

Photo No.251
Erected | to the memory | JAMES (?) HOBSON | who departed this life ...
| SAMUEL HOBSON | Died 7th June 1899 | JOSEPH HOBSON | Died April 15th

Photo No.252
Another view of No. 251, HOBSON

Photo No.253
To the memory of | ELIZABETH HUDSON | Who died August 1 1867 | Aged 49
years | ... ... | THOMAS HUDSON | Who ... stone ...

Photo No.254
... HUGHES ... ... ANNE ... ... SMITH | Died 9th .. ... sister (?) |
ISABEL (?) | Died 18th Nov 1888 (?)

Photo No.255
In | Affectionate | Remembrance | of | WILLIAM JOYCE | Several years |
Manager | of the Waterford | Steamship Company | Died January 25th 1872
| Aged 50 years

Photo No.256
Another view of No. 255, JOYCE

Photo No.257
In | fond memory of | MARY KELLY | Who fell asleep | Feb 25th 1885 |
Aged 87 years | Safe in the arms of Jesus

Photo No.258
Erected by | CHARLES DOWNEY | Limerick and Waterford | In memory of his
stepson | CYRUS H. KELLY | Signaller Australian Imperial Force | Who was
killed in action | And buried in France 9th October 1917 | Aged 35 years
| Also in memory of his father | WILLIAM T. KELLY | Who died 26th
September 1887 | Aged 40 years | And is interred here

Photo No.259
Another view of No. 258, KELLY

Photo No.260
In | loving remembrance | of | JOHN LAWRENCE | Who fell asleep in Jesus
| 15th September 1879 | Aged 56 years | And | MARY LOUISA his wife, |
Died April 24th 1932 | At Rest | At St. Mungrins Limerick | Also her
father | WILLIAM MOORE LANE | of this ...

Photo No.261
In | loving memory of | HANNAH LECKY | Who entered into rest | Dec. 2nd
1896 | Gone Home | And | of her sister | EUPHEMIA LECKY | Who fell
asleep in Jesus | July 20th 1907. | At rest

Photo No.262
Another view of No. 261, LECKY

Photo No.263
In memory of | HELENA M. | The beloved | daughter of the | Rev. W.
LINDSAY | Primitive Wesleyan | Minister | Died April 30 1873 | Aged 17

Photo No.264
Cont'd from No. 263, LINDSAY: Also JANE | His beloved wife | Died April
11th 1874 | Aged 50

Photo No.265
In memory of | JOHN LOCH | County Inspector | Royal Irish Constabulary |
Born 19th July 1812 | Died 9th January 1878

Photo No.266
In memory of | JESSIE LOWRY | Daughter of | W. & J. TIFFIN | Died July
8th 1867 | Aged 3 years | Also RICHARD JOHN TIFFIN | Also died July 5th
1869 | Aged 2 years & 9 mos. | FANNY VICURS (?) | ... of the above | ...
1878 | Aged 89

Photo No.267
GEORGE IVIE MACKESY M.B. | Who entered into rest | September 1st 1917
aged 72 years | Also of HESTER MARIA | Dearly loved wife of the above |
Who fell asleep | July 19th 1928 aged 79 years | I know that my Redeemer

Photo No.268
Another view of No. 267

Photo No.269
ANDREW McCOY | Died | March 29th 1878 | His wife | JANE McCOY | Died
August 6th 1894 | Parents of | A. S. McCOY

Photo No.270
In memory of | ARCHIBALD S. McCOY | Solicitor | Died April 13th 1934 |
His wife | MARY HELEN McCOY | Died June 20th 1946 | Their infant son |
CHARLES ARCHIBALD McCOY | Died August 11th 1899 | And their daughter |
IRENE EMILIE McCOY | Solicitor | Died February 19th 1937

Photo No.271
MARY HELEN | Daughter of | ARCHIBALD and | HELEN McCOY | Died 3. Jan.
1966 (?) | Their son | CHARLES | JAMES McCOY | 1905 - 1988

Photo No.272
McCOY Monument front [see No. 270 for detail]

Photo No.273
McCOY Monument rear

Photo No.274
In affectionate | remembrance of | ELIZABETH | Beloved wife of | C.
McEWAN | Who died April 24th 1884 | Aged 38 years

Photo No.275
Another view of No. 274, McEWAN

Photo No.276
In loving memory | of | SARAH JANE | Beloved Wife of W. E. MEREDITH |
Who passed from death to life Apr. 6, 1872 | Aged 23 Years | ... ... |
WILLIAM B. MORGAN | Died January 5th 1876 | Aged 68 years | JANE E.
MORGAN died Jan 24 1878 | Aged 65 years

Photo No.277
Erected by | ROBERT ANDERSON MERRY | In memory | of his beloved wife |
LIZZIE | Who fell asleep in Jesus | on the 20th June 1886, | Aged 37
years. | Also | The above | ROBERT ANDERSON MERRY | Who passed away |
14th November 1911 | Aged 73 years

Photo No.278
Another view of No. 277, MERRY

Photo No.279
Sacred | to the memory of | SARA SOPHIA MOCKLER | Who departed this life
| Feb 29th 1872 | She is not dead but sleepeth

Photo No.280
Another view of No. 279, MOCKLER

Photo No.281
Sacred to the memory of | ELIZA MOORE | Who died 15th of January 1871 |
Aged 67 years | Also her husband | WILLIAM MOORE | Who died 20th of
January 1871 | Aged 71 years

Photo No.282
Beneath this tomb | are deposited the remains of | PHINEAS MURPHY | of
the City of Waterford | Who departed this life | the 1st Sep 1867 aged
98 years | Also his sister | ELIZABETH MURPHY | Who departed this life |
the 10th April 1865 (?) aged 92 years

Photo No.283
NELSON family plot

Photo No.284
ALEXR. LEE NELSON | Died | 3rd December 1896

Photo No.285
... loving | remembrance of | HELENA ANNA | The beloved wife of |
ALEXANDER NELSON | Who departed this life | 5th September 1874 | Aged 56
(?) years

Photo No.286
In memory of | ELIZA 6th daughter of | Sir SIMON NEWPORT | Who died
January 28th 1872 | Aged 78 | Also of | ANNE his youngest daughter | Who
died October 24th 1885 | Aged 87

Photo No.287
Another view of No. 286, NEWPORT

Photo No.288
Sacred | to the memory of | JOHN PARSLOW | who Departed this life | 24th
March 1865 | Aged 65 years

Photo No.289
In | affectionate remembrance | of | WILLIAM PERRY | Who died 31st July
1872 | Aged 60 years | Also | MATTHEW PERRY | Son of the above | Died
14th December 1866 | Aged 2 years

Photo No.290
To the memory of | JEREMIAH PAWSON PRICE Esq. | Who died ... May 1871 |
Aged 77 years

Photo No.291
In affectionate | remembrance of | JOHN PRICE | Who died Dec 24th 1873 |
In the 62nd year | of his age

Photo No.292
Another view of No. 291, PRICE

Photo No.293
HENRY GRIFFITH PROSSOR | Died April 9th 1888 | Aged 56 years | Also | In
loving memory of | his youngest son | NORMAN ALEXANDER | Who died Febry
27th 1889 | Aged 72 years | Thy will be done | He is in Heaven that
thought alone | Should chase the grief while clouds thy brow | His the
glad summons from the throne | "My glory enter thou" | Also | MARY
MATILDA PROSSOR | Who died 23rd May 1925. | "Who giveth His Beloved

Photo No.294
In memory of | GEORGE RENATUS | Who died May 10th 1872 | Aged 7 weeks |
Also of | RICHARD HOWELL | Who died Jan 13 1873 | Aged 3 years | And 5
months | The beloved sons | of the late | CHARLES JOHN | SHARMAN

Photo No.295
Another view of No. 294, SHARMAN

Photo No.296
Erected by | Her attached Mother | to the memory of | REBECCA JANE ROSE
| January 2nd 1871

Photo No.297
Another view of No. 296, ROSE

Photo No.298
In | loving memory | of | LYDIA SAMBELL | Died 24th March 1909 | Aged 93

Photo No.299
Another view of No. 298, SAMBELL

Photo No.300
EMILY MARION SARGENT | Died 19th May 1891 aged 19. | "It is only till He
come" | WILLIAM A. SARGENT | Died Nov. 27th 1895 aged 54

Photo No.301
Another view of No. 300, SARGENT

Photo No.302
In | loving memory of | EMMA SARSFIELD | Died on Jan. 21, 1909 | Age 62
years. | Erected by her daughter | MARY | Thy Will be done

Photo No.303
JAMES RINGWOOD SCOTT | Born Nov. 2nd 1826, | Died Sept. 29th 1885. | "A
few more years shall roll | A few more seasons come | And we shall be
with those that rest | Asleep within the tomb" | RICHARD HENRY SCOTT |
Died April 2nd 1883 | Aged 29 years | Also | ALEXANDRA SCOTT | Died
April 28th 1873 | Aged 9 years.

Photo No.304
Another view of No. 303, SCOTT

Photo No.305
Another view of No. 303, SCOTT

Photo No.306
In | loving memory | of | JACOB SCRODER | Who departed this life | on
the | 5th of September 1876 | Aged 71 years | Also of his daughter |
APHRA ANNE SCRODER | Who died August 14th 1880 | Aged 38 years

Photo No.307
In loving memory | of | MARY SHARPE | Who died July 18th 1870 | Aged 69
years | Also her sisters | SUSAN MASTERSON | Died August 24th 1877 |
Aged 74 years | And | ELIZABETH MASTERSON | Died October 4th 1893 | Aged
87 years | Also her son | HENRY L. SHARPE | Died August 18th 1889 | Aged
61 years | And her daughter | SUSAN KATE SHARPE | Died September 21st
1899 | Aged 61 years | Also her son ROBERT SHARPE | Who died 10th June
1914 | In his 86th year

Photo No.308
Another view of No. 307

Photo No.309
Another view of No. 307

Photo No.310
In memory of | EDWARD SHAW | A faithful servant | for nearly 8 years |
of Mr. GEORGE COURTENAY | Killed by an accidental | fall from a horse |
the 30th of July 1869

Photo No.311
GRACE SKENE | Died | 7th July 1882

Photo No.312
Another view of No. 311, SKENE

Photo No.313

Photo No.314
Another view of No. 313, SLEATOR

Photo No.315
In | loving memory | of | ELIZABETH M. SMITH | Eldest daughter of the
late | THOMAS DALTON SMITH | Died May 24th 1913.

Photo No.316
Another view of No. 315, SMITH

Photo No.317
... | Widow of the late | SAMUEL POY... SMITH Esq. | of Waterford | who
departed this life August 24th 1863

Photo No.318
In | loving memory | of | ELEANOR | The beloved wife of | JOHN SMYTH |
Who died August 1st 1892 | Also their children | THOMAS JAMES | Died
March 17th 1865 | JANE ANNE | June 11th 1902

Photo No.319
In Loving Memory of | JOSHUA G. STRANGMAN | Who fell asleep | on Friday
18th November 1910 | Also In Loving Memory of | EMILY HARDIE | Who was
called home | 24th Oct. 1921. | And of ELEANOR STRANGMAN | Widow of the
above | Who died 4th January 1924. | "Thou has dealt well | with thy
servant O Lord

Photo No.320
Another view of No. 319, STRANGMAN

Photo No.321
Memory of | MARY F. STRANGMAN | Who died 23rd day of June 1894 | Aged 71
years | Also | CHARLOTTE M. STRANGMAN | Who died April 7th 1895 | Aged
69 years

Photo No.322
Another view of No. 321, STRANGMAN

Photo No.323
Here rests | the mortal remains of | FANNY | Youngest daughter of | the
late ABRAHAM SYMES | of Waterford | Who departed this life | January 30
1891 | Aged 82 years

Photo No.324
Another view of No. 323, SYMES

Photo No.325
Erected by | ANTHONY THOMPSON | in memory of his beloved wife | ELLEN
THOMPSON | who Departed this life | February 12th 1873 | Aged 42 years

Photo No.326
Also in loving | memory of their | daughter IDA | The dearly loved wife
of | J. F. THOMPSON | Who died at Rio Janeiro, | February 24th 1898

Photo No.327
And their daught... | CHARLOTTE ANNE TODD | Died April 8th 1881 ag... |
Also their son | Capt. W. T. PEARN | Died 29th February 1916 aged 67. |
And their grand daughter | CATHERINE ANNE TODD | Died ... March 1939
aged 67.

Photo No.328
In | memory of | NARIA TUTHILL | Died March 30 1868 | Aged 70 years |
Also her grandson | GEORGE JEFFEARS | Died July 12th 1891 | Aged 32

Photo No.329
Another view of No. 328, TUTHILL

Photo No.330
In | memory of | MARY VEACOCKE | Who died Dec 1903 | Aged 76 years |
"Asleep in Jesus" | Erected by her loving children

Photo No.331
Another view of No. 330, VEACOCKE

Photo No.332
In memory of | MARCUS McCAUSLAND WARREN | The beloved child of Sgt.
WARREN | Who died Aug 21st 1867 | Aged 2 years & 4 months

Photo No.333
Another view of No. 332, WARREN

Photo No.334
Sacred | to the memory | of | HENRY ALEXR WAUGH | Died Sepr. 26th 1866 |
Aged 7 years | and 3 months | Also to the memory of his father | HENRY

Photo No.335
T. J. WILLIAMS | of Leanelly (?) | Died 28th February 1901 | Aged 40

Photo No.336
Another view of No. 335, WILLIAMS

Photo No.337
In memory of | WILLIAM | The beloved Son of | C & E ZINKANT | Died July
1. 1872 | Aged 30 years.

All images Copyright by Photographer