Waterford - McNamara, Michael May 22, 1762

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Waterford Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning 
ros.dunning@outlook.com October 27, 2017, 5:20 pm


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: May 22, 1762
Recorded: October 27, 2017

In the Name of God Amen I Michael McNamara of the City of 
Waterford in Ireland Mariner now belonging to his Majesty's 
Ship Northumberland Nathaniel Bateman Esqr Commander being 
in Bodily health and of Sound and Disposing Mind and memory 
and considering the Perils and Dangers of the Seas and other 
Uncertainties of this Transitory life Do for Avoiding 
Controversies after my Decease make Publish and declare this 
my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to 
say) First I recommend my Soul to God that gave it and my 
Body I Commit to the Earth or Sea as it shall Please God to 
Order and as for and Concerning all my Worldly Estate I Give 
bequeath and Dispose thereof as follows (that is to say) all 
and Singular such Salary Wages Tickets Bounty Money Prize 
Money Short Allowance Money Smart Money Pensions Sum and 
Sums of Money Lands Tenements Goods Chattels and Estate 
whatsoever as I Shall be any ways Due owing or belonging 
unto me at the time of my Decease I Do Give Devise and 
bequeath the same unto my Brother Francis McNamara of the 
said City of Waterford Mariner And I do hereby Nominate and 
Appoint my said Brother Francis McNamara Executor of this my 
last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other 
Wills Testaments and Deeds of Gift by me at any time 
heretofore made And I Do Ordain and Ratify these Presents to 
stand and be for and as my only last Will and Testament In 
Witness whereof to this my said Will I have set my hand and 
Seal the Twenty Second Day of May in the Year of our Lord 
One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty two And in the Second 
Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third 
over Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the 
faith etc. Michael McNamara Signed Sealed Published and 
Declared in Halifax Harbour in the Presence of us James 
Newcomb _ William Marshall _ John Youngson belonging to the 
said Ship
Proved at London 27 February 1764