Cemetery: Athlone Parish Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Westmeath Index Copyright File contributed by: Jacquie Liddiard ________________________________ ALTHONE PARISH, COUNTY WESTMEATH, IRELAND _______ Hear Lieth the Body of John Holmes, of Athlone, who Dpd This Life Apl ye 7th 1783 aged 55 yrs. Also his son Robert who Dpd This Life Apl the 2nd 1783 Aged 6 yrs. [John, Registered. Robert, registered] _______ Here Lieth the Body of Margaret Johnston alias Keny who Depd this Life 29 of April, 1783 Aged 55 yrs. [Registered Margaret Johnson.] Also to the memory of James Johnston, husband of Margaret Johnston, who Departed this Life April the 5th, 1817, in the 92nd year of his age. This monument was erected by their son George Johnston. _______ Here Lieth the body of Thomas Jameson who Departed this Life August the 4th, 1783, aged 90 yars. [Registered Thomas Jameson.] Also the Body of Sarah, his wife, who Departed April the 12th, 1784, aged 86 years, with several of their children. _______ Hear Lieth ye Body of Hannah Holmes Daughter to John Holmes of athlone who Dpd ye life Sept. ye 8th 1783 Aged 11 yrs. _______ Here Lyeth the Body of John Holmes, of Athlone, who Deptd this Life the 5 of May, 1784, aged 10 months. Also the Body of his sister Sabina Holmes, who Depd this Life 25th of December, 1784, aged 10 yrs. _______ God be merciful to the Soul of Jane Doyle alias Wood, wife to Patrick Doyle, who Departed this Life the 25th Day of August, 1784, aged 10 yrs. _______ Here Lieth ye Body of Mr Henry Johnson who Departed this Life the 3 of February, 1785, aged 78 years. [Henry Johnson registered 3 Feb., 1780.] _______ Here Lyeth the Body of Elizabeth Terry wife to Feorge Allen who Depd March the 28th, 1785 aged 54 years. Erd by her husband G.A. _______ Beneath Lie the Remains of Robert Sherwood, Esqr Who Died June 6th, 1786, in the 88th year of his age. [Registered Robert Sherwood.] And of his wife Mary Sherwood who Died ...... 17 ... in the ... year of her age. [Mary Sherwood registered 20th August, 1782.] _______ Here lie the body of Peter Longworth who Departed this Life the 2nd of August 1788, aged 65 years. Also his nephew Francis Longworth who Departed this Life the 14th of January 1804, aged 46 years, and of the Family of Cragan Mills. Erected by George Longworth son to said Francis. [Peter Longworth registered 24th Augt. 1787.] _______ Here lieth the Body of Ann Kelly who Departed this Life 8th Jan. 1789 aged 39 years. Erected by her husband Willms Kelly. _______ Here Lieth the Body of Mr James Mills Late of Brideswell Co. Westmeath who Depd his life May the 12, 1791, Aged 5..yrs also his son Robt. Depd May the 16 1791, aged 18yrs. Erected by the sorrowd wife and mother Mary Mills alias Collins. See 1795. [James registered May 14th 1792.] [Robt registered. "This death occasioned by grief for that of his Father"] _______ Here lieth the body of Leticia St. George who departed this life 1st of February 1794, aged 43 years. This stone was erected by her mother Catherine Grinham. [Registered 20th Feb.] _______ Here lies the body of Iphlina Cooper wife to Wm Williams Who departed this Life 25th day of February 1794, aged 42 years. Erected by her son Benhamin Williams. _______ Here Lies the body of James Fleming who Depd this life August 25 1794, aged 5 yrs. Erecd by his Father Jno Fleming also Thomas Sleminod Fleming son of Henry Fleming who died Novr the 27th 1830. _______ Here Lies the body of Mrs Frances Jan Nesbitt of Garnicknogore in the County of Donegall who Departed this Life the 13th of September 1794, in the 25th year of her age. _______ Here Lieth the Body of Robt. Bingham late Quarter-Master of 18th Light Dragoons who Departed this Life ...th of Nov. 1794, Mael (?) 36 yrs who served His Majesty faithful and honestly for upwards of 35 years who lived Beloved and died Lamented. This Stone dedicated by his afflected wife Anne Bingham. [Registered Nov. 14] _______ Here Lieth the remains of Michael Acheson, who departed this life August the 2nd. 1795, aged 76 years; also his wife Sarah Acheson alias Atkinson, who departed this life April 10th, 1796, aged 57 years. This stone was erected by their son, Robt Acheson in memory of them and posterity. _______ Here Lieth the body of Mrs Susana Isdell wife to Charles Isdell, of Athlone, Esq., who departed this life the 3rd day of September, 1795, aged 63 years. Here lieth the body of Chas Isdell, late of ...twomone in the Co. Roscommon, Esq., who departed this life the 3rd day of March, 1796, aged 65. _______ Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Mary Longworth, Senr., of Bonahurly, who depd Septr the 6th, 1796, aged 73 years. Also Mr Peter Longworth, late of Bonahurly, who departed this life the 7th Decr 1819, aged 74 years. Also Mrs Mary Longworth alias Holmes, wife to the above, who died the 20th June, 1825, aged 73 years. _______ Sacred to the memory of Francis Couch, who departed this life June 4th, 1797, aged 44 years. Also to his children Thomas, Luke, and Mary, who died in early life. This tomb was erected by his youngest son James Couch. _______ Here lieth the body of Ann Longworth, who Dept this life Augt. 1797, aged 11 yrs. Ered by her father Robert Longworth. _______ Here lieth the remains of John Young, who departed this life Septr 17, 1797, aged 88 years. Erected to his memory by his son-in-law, Hugh Lavery. [Registered John Young.] Also Ann Lavery who Departed this Life Janry 24, 1799, aged 30 years. _______ Erected to the memory of Thos. Cooke, Esqr., Late of Court Devenish, by his son Thos. Cooke, Esqr., of Retreat, Ob. Septr 18th, 1798. _______ Here Lies the Body of James Leech, who Dep This Life March 2, 1799, aged 70 yers. Erected by his Sons Thomas and John. _______ Beneath this stone lie the remains of Mr. Sml Hughes, who departed this life the 6th day of April, 1799, in the 59th year of his age, his humane offices to the sick, the poor, and those in prison, his faith in the mercies of his Rdeemer, was the gratification of his better life, so that to sum up his character may we not say verse du? the woes and vaitys of life. He pitied man and much he pitied those whom Falsely Smiling fate had cursed with means to Dissipate their days in quest of joy. Erected by Mrs Ann Lavery, his 2nd wife. _______ Here lieth the body of Jas. Smallhorn, who Depd Decbr 1st, 1799, agd 34 yrs, ered by his wife, Sarah Smallhorn. _______ Here lieth the body of Eleanor Boswell, alias Waker, who departed this life the 25th day of January, 1800, aged 49 years; also the body of John Boswell, husband to said Eleanor who departed this life the nineteenth day of December, 1801, aged 59 years. Erected by their sons Robt and Willm Boswell. _______ Here lieth the body of George Bland who died July the 5th, 1801, aged 70 years, and his wife, Margaret, who died Novr the 24th, 1801, aged 76 years, also the remains of her Father and Mother Rd and Elenor Campbell who died A.D. 1741 : 1752. _______ Erected to the memory of Agnes Bruce wife of Lieutenant Commissary Bruce, Royal Artillery, who died 18th January, 1806, in the 29th year of her age, also his sister, Margaret Bruce, died 5th April, 1805, aged 14 years and 10 months. _______ Sacred to the memory of Colonel S. Stretton, C.B., late 40th Regt., of Lenton Priory, Notts, who died at Croydon, Surrey, on the 6th Febry., 1842, aged 59 years. He served his country with zeal and fidelity, in different parts of the world for upwards of 40 years, during which period he was present in the following battles, in several of which he had the honour to command the above distinguished corps, viz., at Vittoria, Pampeleana, Roncesvalles, the several actions in the Pyrennees, Heights of St. Antonio, the passage of the Bidassoa, and heights of the Nivelle; Bayonne, and passage of the Nive; Orthes, and Touiouse in Grance. The expedition to New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico, and lastly in the memorable batter of Waterloo, after which he was appointed Commandant of the 5th arrondissement of Paris. He Married March 3rd, 1821, the Hon. Catherine Jane Massy, eldest daughter of General Lord Clarina, of Elm _______ Park, County Limerick, who died in July following; and secondly the Hon. Anne Handcock, youngest daughter of Lord Castlemaine, of this county, who survived him. Glory be to thee, O Lord. - Ps. cxlviii. _______ SOURCE: Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland: 1894 - FHL # 1279285