Will: Glennon, Mary Ann Ray  November 3, 1851

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Westmeath Index


File contributed by: Rosalind Dunning 
ros.dunning@outlook.com March 29, 2019, 4:51 pm


Source: National Archives Kew England
Written: November 3, 1851
Recorded: March 29, 2019

In the Name of God Amen I Mary Anne Ray Glennon otherwise 
Grayson late of Westfield Lodge in the County of Dublin but 
now residing at Athlone in the County of Westmeath wife of 
William Harry Glennon of Athlone aforesaid Gentleman being 
of sound mind memory and understanding but being weak in 
body do hereby make publish and declare this as and for my 
last Will and Testament in writng in the manner and form 
following that is to say Whereas a marriage was duly had and 
solemnized on the third day of February one thousand eight 
hundred and fifty one between me and the said William Henry 
Glennon at the office of the Registrar of Marriages in the 
District of Dublin situate at Mountjoy Street in the City of 
Dublin by the Registrar duly appointed pursuant to the 
Provisions of the Act of Parliament of the seventh and 
eighth of Victoria Chapter eighty one I give devise and 
bequeath all and singular whatever property I may die seised 
possessed of or entitled unto both real personal and 
freehold wheresoever situate unto the said William Henry 
Glennon so married to me as aforesaid and I hereby nominate 
constitute and appoint the said William Henry Glennon my 
sole Executor and Legatee In Witness whereof I have hereunto 
subscribed my name and affixed my seal this third day of 
November one thousand eight hundred and fifty one M A R 
(Attestation Clause)
William J ... ... Athlone _ Henry B Godkin Solr 25 
Palmerston Place Dublin 12 Dec 1851 Administration with Will 
annexed to William Henry Glennon the Husband and sole person 
entitled to administer the estate over which she had no 
disposing power
PCC Prob11/2143