Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - A-B

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Wexford Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor


Owner Name                      Owner Residence-1873-75
Acheson, Joseph			Ballyanne		New Ross
Adams, William			xxxx			xxxx
Alcock, Harry Col.		Wilton Castle		Enniscorthy
Alcock, Margt.   [Reps. Of]	Wilton Castle		Enniscorthy
Alexander, [not shown]		xxxx			xxxx
Alexander, Eliza		xxxx			New Ross
Alexander, George		Rathvinden View		Leighlin Bridge
Alexander, Rev.John [Reps. Of]	xxxx			Stradbally
Allen, John			Forth Commons		Murintown
Allen, Patrick			Forth Commons		Murintown
Allen, William			Lattimerstown		Wexford
Angle, Edward			Commons			Wexford
Archbald, John			Commons			Murintown
Archdall, Rev. J.C.		xxxx			Newtownberry
Archer, Anne			Annabola		Rathfriland
Archer, Mary Mrs.		Monck			Wexford
Armstrong,  Francis C.		Hilltown, Broadway	xxxx
Armstrong, Rev. J.B.		Kilmuckridge		Post Office
Armstrong, William		Quay			New Ross
Aspil, lNicholas		Forth Commons	 	Murintown
Atkins, William			Ballyroe		Oylegate
Bailey, Rev. Edward		Ballyarthur	 	co. Wicklow
Baily, Abraham 
     & John Martin [Reps. Of]	xxxx			xxxx
Ball, Julia Hon.		xxxx			Dublin
Ball, Robert			xxxx			England
Ball, Shirley & others		xxxx			xxxx
Banks, Lydia			xxxx			New Ross
Banon, Denis			Commons			Killurin
Banon, James			Commons			Killurin
Barden, John			Coolcliffe		Fooksmills
Barlow, Walter			xxxx			Ballycarney
Barrett, Samuel			xxxx			Dublin
Barrington, John		Riversfield		Wexford
Barron, Anne			Canpile			Priesthaggard
Barron, Thomas			Coolbay			Fooksmills
Barry, John E.			Middle Abbey-st.	Dublin
Barry, William			Commons			Murrintown
Bass, John 			xxxx			Tinnashenna
Bates, Joseph   [Reps. Of]	xxxx			Gorey
Batt, Armanella			Corragh			Clonegal
Batt, Jane			Ramsgate		England
Batt, William			xxxx			Belfast
Battersby,  George		Leeson-st.		Dublin
Batterton, Patrick		Commons			Killurin
Beakey, Patrick			xxxx			Dublin
Beatty, David, Mrs.		Kingstown		Dublin
Beatty, David V.		Borodale		Enniscorthy
Beatty, John T.			Woodview		New Ross
Beauman, Harriett		xxxx			Hyde Park
Bell, George & John Bell	Quay			Wexford
Bell, Thomas			xxxx			xxxx
Bell, William			Rose View		Wexford
Bennions, Clinton		Grange			Killann
Bently, Edward			xxxx			England
Bernard, Edward			xxxx			Killarney
Berwick, Elizabeth M.		Coolafad House		Bandon
Beston, Frazier F.		Askaheigh		Clonegal
Billing, Arthur			xxxx			xxxx
Bishop, Anne			xxxx			Enniscorthy
Black, Rev. Gibson		xxxx			Inch
Blacker, Rev. R. S. C.		Woodbrook		Killann
Blacker, William 		Woodbrook		Killann
Bland, George   [Reps. Of]	xxxx			xxxx
Boggan, John			Commons			Killurin
Boggan, Michael			Commons			Killurin
Boggan, Patrick			Commons			Bridgetown
Bohanna, John			Forth Commons		co. Wexford
Boland, John			xxxx			Inch
Bolger, James			Williams-st		Dublin
Bolger, Margaret		Commons			Murrintown
Bolton, Abraham			xxxx			Dublin
Bolton, Catherine		xxxx			Camolin
Bolton, Henry			Ballinastragh		Gorey
Bolton, Henry			Commons			Murrintown
Bolton, Lynden			xxxx			Dublin
Bolton, Richard			xxxx			xxxx
Bolton, William			The Island		Oulart
Booker, Rev. John		Templeshambo		Newtownberry
Bookey, Georgina		xxxx			Kingstown
Borbidge, Richard F.		Larch Hill		Inch
Boxwell, Francis MD		Butlerstown Castle	xxxx
Boxwell, Frank			Hermitage		Wexford
Boxwell, John H.		Hermitage		Wexford
Boxwell, William		Sarshill		Kilmore
Boyce, John			Carnew Castle		xxxx
Boyce, Capt.			Bannow House		Bannow
Boyd, Thomas			xxxx			New Ross
Boyde, James			Courtown		Gorey
Braddell, Rev. Alex.		Coolmelagh		Clonegal
Braddell, Henry			xxxx			Bullingate
Braddell, John W.		xxxx			xxxx
Braddell, Thomas		Coolmelagh		Clonegal
Bradish, James 			Strandfield		Wexford
Bradshaw, James P.		Coolree			Wexford
Bratten, Henry			Forth Commons		Murrintown
Brawders, Mary			Commons			Killurin
Breen, Michael			Forth Commons		co. Wexford
Breen, Patrick			Castlebridge		Wexford
Breen, Patrick			Forth Commons		co. Wexford
Brehon, George			Newtown			New Ross
Brennan, Bartholomew & John	Glynn			Killurin
Brennan, Edward			Commons			Killurin
Brennan, John			Davidstown		Killurin
Brennan, Patrick		Davidstown		Killurin
Brennan, Rachel			Commons			Killurin
Brennan, Sarah			Commons			Killurin
Bridges, Rev. Thomas T.		Danbury, Essex		England
Bridges, William		xxxx			xxxx
Brien, James			Commons			Killurin
Brien, James			Commons			Killurin
Brien, John			Commons			Killurin
Brien, John			Forth Commons		Murrintown
Brien, Patrick			Commons			Murrintown
Brien, Peter			Commons			Murrintown
Brien, Timothy			Ballygibbon		xxxx
Brien, William			Commons			Murrintown
Brierton, William S.		xxxx			xxxx
Brooks, George F.		Gardiner's Row		Dublin
Brophy, Robert			xxxx			xxxx
Brown, John W.			Graiguemore		Newtownberry
Brown, Joseph S.		Knocklow		xxxx
Brown, Michael Harry		Bridgetown		Wexford
Browne, James			Ballinboola		xxxx
Browne, Michael			Forth Commons		Murrintown
Browne, Philip			Forth Commons		Murrintown
Browne, William			Clonare			Wexford
Browne, Mrs.			xxxx			xxxx
Brownrigg, Sarah		xxxx			xxxx
Brownrigg, Mrs.			xxxx			xxxx
Bruen, Henry			Oakpark, Carlow &	Coolbawn, Enniscorthy
Bryan, Loftus A.		In Chancery, Bourmount	Enniscorthy
Bryan, Robert B.   [Reps. Of]	Ferns			xxxx
Buchanan, Charlotte A.		Tyrone			xxxx
Buchanan, Samuel		xxxx			xxxx
Budd, William			Ballycarney		xxxx
Budgeon, Thomas			Ballindoney		Enniscorthy
Burrows,  Mrs.			Leeson-st.		Dublin
Butler, Henry			Banoge			xxxx
Byrne, Charles			xxxx			xxxx
Byrne, E. A.			Rosemount		New Ross
Byrne, Eliza			xxxx			xxxx
Byrne, Elizabeth		xxxx			xxxx
Byrne, James E.			Coolrare		Kenneigh
Byrne, John			Commons			Killurin
Byrne, Margaret			Kilcullen		Templeshambo
Byrne, Margaret 
    & Charles Murphy		Kilcullen		Templeshambo
Byrne, Margaret 
    & John H Richards		Grange			Killann
Byrne, Nicholas			Bellgrove		Duncormick
Byrne, Nicholas			Gurtins			Duncormick
Byrne, Patrick			Commons			Killurin

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland. A 
Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to 
both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of 