Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - C-D

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Wexford Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor


Owner Name                         Owner Residence-1873-75
Cahill, Rev. Thomas		Commons		 Bridgetown
Calderwood, James		Deeps		 Kyle
Campion, Richard		Commons		 Killurin
Cardiff, Pat.			Commons		 Bridgetown
Carew, Hon.Lord			Castleboro'	 Enniscorthy
Carey, Michael			xxxx		 Dublin
Carr, Rev. E.			Rathdowney	 xxxx
Carr, Edward			xxxx		 New Ross
Carr, George			Leamington	 xxxx
Carr, Gifford			xxxx		 New Ross
Carroll, Joseph			xxxx		 xxxx
Carroll, Mary Eliza		xxxx		 xxxx
Carroll, [not shown]		xxxx		 Wexford
Carty, Edward			Scaughmolin	 Murrintown
Carty, John			Ballyconlore	 xxxx
Carty, John			Commons		 Murrintown
Carty, Michael			Commons		 Killurin
Carty, Myles			Ballyconlore	 xxxx
Casey, Bridget			Kilkenny	 xxxx
Casey, Peter			Ballyconlore	 Murrintown
Chancery, Court of		xxxx		 Dublin
Chandler, Patrick		John-street	 Wexford
Chapman, Joseph			Ferns		 xxxx
Christmas, William		xxxx		 xxxx
Church Education Society	xxxx		 xxxx
Church Temporalities, Comm'rs	xxxx		 Dublin
Clancey, Nicholas		Commons		 Killurin
Clancy, Nicholas		Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Clarke, William			Commons		 Killurin
Clarke,  The Misses		Selsker		 Wexford
Clayton, R. B.			Carrigbyrne	 Ballinaboola
Cleary, Michael			Coolrots	 Wexford
Cleary, Thomas			xxxx		 xxxx
Cliffe, Anthony			Bellview	 Killurin
Cliffe, Anthony J.		Bellvue		 Wexford
Clifford, Edward J.		Ashfield	 Wexford
Clifford, Robert [Reps. Of]	Drinagh		 Wexford
Clifford, The Misses		xxxx		 Wexford
Close, Henry L.			3 Henry-st.	 Dublin
Codd, Anthony			Churchlands	 Ballycoyle
Codd, Mary			Ballytory	 Broadway
Codd, Nicholas			Holmestown	 Killurin
Codd, Richard			Whitestown	 Wexford
Codd, Thomas			Commons		 Bridgetown
Coghlan, John [Reps. Of]	Main-street	 Wexford
Cogley, Daniel			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Cogley, Patrick			Commons		 Murrintown
Colclough, Anne			Tintern		 Kinnagh
Colclough, J.T.R. [Reps. Of]	Bantry Commons	 New Ross
ColcloughJohn			Tintern Abbey	 Wexford
Colclough, Patrick		Bantry Commons	 New Ross
Colclough, Thomas		Bantry Commons	 New Ross
Cole, Edward			Gorey		 xxxx
Colfe, Margaret			Commons		 Murrintown
Colfer, James			New York	 America
Colfer, Michael			Cooleshall	 Bannow
Colfor, John			Tinraheen	 Castle Ellis
Colvin, Rev. John		xxxx		 xxxx
Conlan, William			xxxx		 xxxx
Connell, Laurence		Commons		 Killurin
Connick,  Laurence		Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Connor, Denis			Forth Commons	 Wexford
Connor, John			Forth Commons	 Wexford
Connor, Mary			Commons		 Bridgetown
Connors,  Andrew		Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Connors, John			Commons		 Killurin
Connors, Martin			xxxx		 Killurin
Connors, Patrick		Commons		 Murrintown
Conron, John			xxxx		 xxx
Cookman, N. N.			Monait House	 Enniscorthy
Cooney, Mary			Commons		 Killurin
Cooper, Harry			Drinagh		 Wexford
Cooper, Henry			Kavanagh's Park	 Kyle
Cooper, Rev. Jonathan S.	Killann		 xxxx
Cooper, William			Tullicanna	 Cork
Copeland, Benjamin		xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Coppinger, Edward J.		xxxx		 Cork
Corcoran, Laurence W.		xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Corish, Mary			Commons		 Killurin
Corish, Michael K.		Coolhall	 Bannon
Corish, Raymond			Ballingly	 Foulksmill
Cormick, Isaac  [Reps. Of]	Cromwell's Fort	 Wexford
Cormick, Martin			Commons		 Murrintown
Cornick,  Isaac			xxxx		 near Wexford
Cornick, Patrick		Commons		 Killurin
Cornick, Sachriah Mrs.		Rathmines	 Dublin
Cornwall, John			xxxx		 xxxx
Corporation of Wexford		xxxx		 xxxx
Cosgrave, Francis		Ballyvaldon	 Castle Ellis
Cosgrave, James			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Costello, Eliza  [Agent is:]	P O'Flaherty	 Enniscorthy
Courtown, Earl of		Courtown House	 Gorey
Cowell, George			xxxx		 xxxx
Craven, Charles C.		xxxx		 xxxx
Crawley, Joseph			arntown		 Wexford
Creighton, Richard		xxxx		 Gorey
Crinston, Annetta		xxxx		 xxxx
Crofton, J. C.			Rosanne		 Slane
Croker, Henry Capt.		Beanfield	 Clonega
Croker, Rev. Michael		Dunsinane	 Enniscorthy
Crosswright, Thomas		Singleton School Dublin
Crowley, Eliza			xxxx		 xxxx
Cullen, John			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Cullen, John B., 		Bawnjames	 New Ross
Cullen, Martha, Junr.		xxxx		 xxxx
Cullen, Mary			Commons		 Killurin
Cullen, Michael			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Cullen, Michael			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Cullen, Patrick			Commons		 Killurin
Cullen, Simon			xxxx		 xxxx
Culleton, Michael		Commons		 Killurin
Culleton, Thomas		Mungaun		 Ballymitty
D'Arcy, M. P.			Merrion-square	 Dublin
Daly, J ames			Maryborough	 xxxx
Daniel, E. M. & others		Cheltenham	 England
Daniel, Ludford [Reps. Of]	xxxx		 Queenstown
Daniel, M. G.   [Reps. Of]	xxxx		 Cork
Danzelle  and Culchet		Clifton		 England
Darley, Henry			xxxx		 xxxx
Davis, Abraham J.		xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Davis, Francis			xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Davis, James			xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Davis, Robert J.		Clonmore	 Bree
Davis, Saml. & A. P. Davis	xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Davis, Samuel			Killabeg	 Enniscorthy
Davis, Thomas			xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Davision, Wm.   [Reps. Of]	xxxx		 xxxx
Dawson, Montifort W. W.		Charlesfort	 Ferns
Day, Rev. A. B.			xxxx		 Bristol
Day, John			Gallagh		 Killnoor
DeBurgh, A. Lady		xxxx		 co. Limerick
Deane, J. W.			Longraigue	 Fooksmills
Deane, John			Berkley		 New Ross
Deegan, Jane			Tullicanna	 Ballymitty
Delany, John			Forth Commons	 Wexford
Dempsey, Peter			Commons		 Murrintown
Derenzy, George F.		Avondale	 co. Dublin
Derry, Patrick			Commons		 Murrintown
Devereux, Edward		Barmony		 Whitechurch
Devereux, John			Commons		 Murrintown
Devereux, John Daly		Ballyrankin Ho.	 Ferns
Devereux, John T.		George's-st.	 Wexford
Devereux, Mark			Waterloo-place	 Wexford
Devereux, Mary			Convent		 New Ross
Devereux, Richard		South Main-st.	 Wexford
Devereux, William		Commons		 Glynn
Dey, William			Garrybask	 Clonmel
Dillon, Francis			Commons		 Bridgetown
Donaghmore, Earl of		Knocklofty	 Clonmel
Donavan, Elizabeth		xxxx		 xxxx
Donohoe, James			Commons		 Murrintown
Donohoe, John			Forth Commons	 co. Wexford
Donohoe, Moses			Commons		 Murrintown
Donovan, Jeremiah & partners	xxxx		 xxxx
Donovan, Richard		Ballymoire	 Ferns
Dooley, James			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Dooley, Patrick			Commons		 Murrintown
Doran, Laurence			Tinraheen	 Castle Ellis
Doran, Patrick			xxxx		 xxxx
Douglas, William		xxxx		 New Ross
Dowd, John			xxxx		 Enniscorthy
Dower, Denis			Davidstown	 Killurin
Downers, James			Adamstown	 xxxx
Downes, Jas. and Michl.		Rathturtin	 Adamstown
Doyle, Bridget			Commons		 Glynn
Doyle, Captain			xxxx		 xxxx
Doyle, Catherine		xxxx		 xxxx
Doyle, Denis			Fleet-street	 Dublin
Doyle, Edward			Lacken		 Wexford
Doyle, Francis			Mulgannon	 Wexford
Doyle, John			Commons		 Murrintown
Doyle, John			Commons		 Glynn
Doyle, Laurence			Davidstown	 Killurin
Doyle, Laurence			Askamore	 xxxx
Doyle, Laurence [Reps. Of]	Balklynabarna	 Enniscorthy
Doyle, Matthew			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Doyle, Michael			Commons		 Murrintown
Doyle, Michael			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Doyle, Mrs.			xxxx		 xxxx
Doyle, Patrick			xxxx		 xxxx
Doyle, Richard			xxxx		 xxxx
Doyle, William			xxxx		 Waterford
Doyne, Charles M.		Wells		 Oulart
Dreake, Deane J.		xxxx		 New Ross
Drew, William			Commons		 New Ross
Drury, William			xxxx		 xxxx
Duckett, John D.		xxxx		 Tullow
Dundas, Lorenzo			Clobernon Hall	 Ferns
Dunne, Rev. John		Housewood	 Priesthaggard
Dunne,  John			Commons		 Killurin
Dunne, Patrick			Forth Commons	 Murrintown
Dunne, Patrick			Commons		 Killurin
Dunne, Stephen			Commons		 Murrintown
DunneThomas			Commons		 Murrintown
Dunne, W. John [Agent is:]	Wm. Dowsley	 New Ross
Dwyer, Peter			Forth Commons	 Wexford

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland. A 
Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to 
both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of 