Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - I-L *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Wexford Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor WEXFORD COUNTY EXTRACTIONS - ( 1 ACRE & OVER) NAMES & ADDRESSES ONLY- I-L Owner Name Owner Residence-1873-75 =========================================================================== Ingham, C. D. Charles-st. Dublin Iniskella, Michael xxxx xxxx Inman, Anne Carribeg xxxx Ireland, R. S. [Reps. Of] Stephen's-green Dublin Irvine, Capt. Edward T. St. Aidan's Ferns Irwin, James Commons Killurin Jackman, John Elleslie Wexford Jackson, John xxxx xxxx Jacob, Charles [Reps. Of] Grovetown co., Wexford Jacob, Ebenezer [Reps. Of] Rathdowney Tagoat Jacob, Ellen Pembroke-st. Dublin Jacob, Mrs. Rathdowney Tagoat James, Rev.John [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Jameson, Andrew [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Jeffares, Danby xxxx xxxx Jeffares, Joe xxxx New Ross Jeffares, Joseph [Reps. Of] xxxx New Ross Jefferes, Jane Lannagh Kilmoor Jefferes, John [Reps. Of] Cribstown Wexford Jeffers, Jane Forth Commons Murrintown Jeffers, John Bridgetown Wexford Jeffers, William Rockville Dundrum Jenkins, A. E. xxxx xxxx Jervis, Sir H. C. J. W., bart. xxxx xxxx Johns, Magdallen Selsker Wexford Johnson, Andrew Forth Commons Murrintown Johnson, Arthur C. Ballycanew xxxx Johnson, Mary Forth Commons Murrintown Johnson, Samuel Brookville Wexford Johnson, William Common Killurin Johnson, William Common Killurin Johnson, [not shown] xxxx xxxx Johnson, Rev. Mr. Ballinastragh Gorey Joint, Charles Forth Commons Murrintown Jones, Frederick Coole xxxx Jones, H. [Reps. Of] Ballybreen co., Wexford Jones, John H. xxxx Near Waterford Jones, Thomas xxxx New Ross Jones, William Commons Murrintown Jordan, Charles B. Eden Park Kingstown Kavanagh, Arthur MacMorrough Borris House Borris Kavanagh, D. E. & M. Ballinacoolagh New Ross Kavanagh, Rev. James Commons Killurin Kavanagh, Rev. Michl. St. Peter's College co., Wexford Kean, John Commons Bridgetown Keane, Hon. John M. A. Castletown Tagoat Keane, John M. Loftus Acre Bannkiw Keane, Margaret Commons Killurin Keane, Patrick Commons Murrintown Kearney, Charles xxxx xxxx Kearney, William E. National Bank Killarney Kearns, John Commons Murrintown Kearns, John Forth Commons Murrintown Kearns, William Commons Murrintown Keating, Francis Commons Killurin Keating, Nicholas Kilmiston xxxx Keefe, Laurence Commons Killurin Keefe, Michael Commons Killurin Keefe, Michael Commons Killurin Keeffe, Anastatia Forth Commons Murrintown Keeffe, James Forth Commons Murrintown Keeffe, Mary Forth Commons Murrintown Keeffe, Philip Forth Commons Murrintown Keegan, Richard Craan xxxx Keegan, Thomas Commons Killurin Keegan, W. [Reps. Of] xxxx London Keelin, John Commons Killurin Keelin, Margaret Commons Killurin Keely, Denis Commons Killurin Kehoe, Peter Forth Commons co., Wexford Kehoe, Thomas Coolbay Fooksmills Kehoe, Thomas A. xxxx xxxx Kelly, James Ballygrangers Kilmorfe Kelly, John Commons Murrintown Kelly, John Commons Murrintown Kelly, Laurence Commons Killurin Kelly, Mary Forth Commons Murrintown Kelly, Mary Anne Forth Commons Murrintown Kelly, Mat. Garrynisk Oylegate Kelly, Peter Commons Murrintown Kempston, Mrs. [Agent is:] Wm. Dowsley New Ross Kennedy, Francis Ruane New Ross Kennedy, William Geganstown co., Kildare Kensella, John Forth Commons Murrintown Kensellagh, Michael Commons co., Wexford Keyes, Patrick Forth Commons co., Wexford Kidd, William xxxx xxxx Kiely, Nicholas xxxx xxxx Kiely, Patrick xxxx xxxx Kilmaine, Right Hon. Lord The Neale, Ballinrobe county Mayo Kincella, John Ballyveak Oylegate King, Alexander N. Wexford xxxx King, Capt. xxxx xxxx King, John xxxx xxxx King, and Leigh Mount Henry Wexford King, Pierce xxxx xxxx King, Rev. Richard Killurin Wexford King, Samuel Mountpleasant Waterford King, Thomas Ballinclash Castle ellis Kinsella, Andrew Ballyconlore xxxx Kinsella, Martin Ballyconlore xxxx Kinselagh, Patrick Commons Killurin Kirk, William M. Ramsfort xxxx Kirkham, Mrs. xxxx xxxx Knox, Samuel W. xxxx xxxx Kyle, William H. xxxx xxxx Labertouche, Abel Fleet-street Dublin Lambert, Luke Commons Killurun Lambert, Luke Commons Killurun Lambert, Michael Forth Commons Murrintown Lambert, Nicholas Main-street Wexford Larkin, Edward Commons Killurun Lawles, Philip xxxx Dublin Leared, Richard Commons Killurun Leary, Andrew Commons Killurun Leary, Anne Commons Killurun Leary, John Ballinabeg Castle Ellis Leary, John xxxx xxxx Leary, Martin Commons Killurun Leary, Thomas John-street Wexford Leckey, John J. Ballinabeg xxxx Leech, George xxxx xxxx Leeson, Robert [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Le Hunte, George Atramount xxxx Leigh, Francis Sion Kyle Leigh, F. A. Rosegarland Fooksmills Lennon, Patrick Commons Murrintown Lennon, Patrick Forth Commons co., Wexford Leslie, C. J. [Agent is:] W. Breen, Slade Fethard Leslie, Eliza Wellington-road Dublin Lett, Benjamin Ballyvergin Adamstown Lett, Edwd. J. [Reps. Of] Millpark-road Enniscorthy Lett, George Hollfort Enniscorthy Lett, George C. Dame-street Dublin Lett, Nicholas Bridgetown xxxx Lett, Nicholas [Reps. Of] xxxx Dublin Lett, William Tinnacross Enniscorthy Lett, William Tomgarrow xxxx Lewis, Edward Violetstown xxxx Little, Simon Cullentra Wexford Local Government Board Custom House Dublin Source: Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland. A Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]