Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - P-R

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Wexford Index


File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor


Owner Name                          Owner Residence-1873-75
Park, Johnston			 xxxx			xxxx
Parker, Rev. John		 Telleraught		New Ross
Parle, Francis			 Clongaddy		Kilmore
Parle, John			 Clongaddy		Kilmore
Parsons, Henry L.		 xxxx			xxxx
Parsons, Hon. Laurence		 xxxx			London
Patten, Robert			 xxxx			England
Peacocke, Charles H.		 Belmont		Wexford
Peare, John			 xxxx			xxxx
Penrose, Jacob			 xxxx			xxxx
Penrose, Jacob & James		 xxxx			xxxx
Percival, John J.		 Barntown		Wexford
Percival, Sarah			 Hayestown		Wexford
Perry, George			 Bree			xxxx
Phayre, Humphrey		 Killmallock		Castle Ellis
Phayre, William			 xxxx			xxxx
Pigott, Captain			 Slevay			Fooksmills
Pigott, Edward C.		 Slevoy Castle		Taghmon
Plumer, Francis			 xxxx			Enniscorthy
Poole, Jacob			 Lunatic Asylum		Dublin
Portsmouth, Earl of		 Whitechurch, Hants	England
Pounder, Geo. [Reps. Of]	 Cooladine		Enniscorthy
Pounden, Jane M.		 xxxx			xxxx
Pounden, John Colly		 Ballywater		xxxx
Pounden, Lonsdale		 Brownswood		Enniscorthy
Pounden,  Rev. P.		 xxxx			xxxx
Pounden, Thomas			 xxxx			Enniscorthy
Pounden, William		 xxxx			Enniscorthy
Pounden, William D.		 xxxx			xxxx
Power, Sir James 		 Eldermine House	Enniscorthy
Power, John Talbot		 Eldermine House	Enniscorthy
Power, Michael			 Commons		Murrintown
Power, Nicholas			 Faithlegg		Waterford
Powerscourt, Viscount		 Enniskerry		xxxx
Prandy, William			 Ashgrove		Newtownbarry
Prendergast, John		 Commons		Bridgetown
Prendergast, Thomas		 Fairyhill		Wexford
Purdon, Edward			 Bachelor's-walk	Dublin
Purdon, Rev. William		 Castle Ellis		Enniscorthy
Purvis, Thomas			 Spa, Well-road		Wexford
Pyne, [not shown]		 xxxx			Australia
Quin, Henry			 Borleigh		xxxx
Quinn, Laurence			 Forth Commons		Murrintown
Radford, Joseph			 Forth Commons		co., Wexford
Railway Co., Dublin, Wicklow	 and Wexford		Dublin
Railway Co.,Waterford, New Ross	 & Wexford Junction	London
Railway Co., Wexford 		 and Rosslare		Wexford
Rainsford, R. William		 Ballynastraw		Clonegal
Ram, Rev. Abel J.		 Rolleston		xxxx
Rathe, Anne			 Blackwater		Post Office
Reade, George			 Dones Hall		co.,Carlow
Reade, Loftus			 Gorey			xxxx
Redington, Chris N.		 Kilcornan		co., Galway
Redmond, Anne			 Cookstown		xxxx
Redmond, Denis			 Laurel Hill		Wexford
Redmond, Francis		 Commons		Killurin
Redmond, Henry			 xxxx			Wexford
Redmond, J. W. [Reps. Of]	 xxxx			Wexford
Redmond, John P.		 Raglan Road		Dublin
Redmond, Mark			 Cookstown		xxxx
Redmond, Martin			 xxxx			xxxx
Redmond, Michael		 Commons		Murrintown
Redmond, Michael S.		 Millmount		xxxx
Redmond, Pat			 Commons		Killurin
Redmond, P. W.			 Ballytrent		Wexford
Redmond, W.T.Prendergast	 Main-street		Wexford
Reid, George			 Commons		Murrintown
Reilly, Thomas			 John-street		Wexford
Revington, Thomas H.		 Saunderscourt		Kyle
Reynell, Richard W.		 Killynon		co., Westmeath
Ricards, Martha			 Ballycarboy		Killinick
Richards, Rev. E.		 xxxx			xxxx
Richards, Edward M.G.H.		 Grange			Killann
Richards, James			 Youngstown		Taghmon
Richards, John			 Churchtown		Wexford
Richards, John			 Mackmine		Enniscorthy
Richards, Solomon		 Solsborough		Enniscorthy
Richards, Solomon A. [Reps. Of]	 Ardamine		xxxx
Rickard, Robert			 Ballydonigan		Enniscorthy
Roberts, John D.		 xxxx			xxxx
Robinson, Eusebius		 Clonroche		xxxx
Robinson, John			 Scarke			New Ross
Robinson, John  [Reps. Of]	 In Chancery		xxxx
Robinson, Martha  [Reps. Of]	 Stoneybatter		Wexford
Robinson, William		 Roschestown		New Ross
Roche, Benj. [Reps. Of]		 Leighlinbridge		xxxx
Roche, G. Robert		 Knockreigh		Adamstown
Roche, James			 Scar 			Duncormick
Roche, John			 Commons		Bridgetown
Roche, John			 Forth Commons		Murrintown
Roche, John			 Forth Commons		co., Wexford
Roche, Margaret			 Commons		Murrintown
Roche, P. T.			 New Ross		xxxx
Roche, Philip			 Commons		Killurin
Roche, Syl.			 New Ross		xxxx
Rochford, John			 Kilmore		xxxx
Roe, Henry			 Maryville		New Ross
Rogers, Congrave		 Tramore		xxxx
Roice, Clement			 Churchtown		Tagoat
Ross, M.			 Walshfield		xxxx
Rossiter, Anne			 Commons		Killurin
Rossiter, Thomas		 Commons		Murrintown
Rossiter, Tobias		 Newbawn		Foulkermile
Rossiter, W. T.			 Stranfield House	Wexford
Rowe, John H. R. [Reps. Of]	 Ballycross		Wexford
Rowe, Thomas H.			 Spa Well		Wexford
Rowley, J.			 60th Rifles		xxxx
Rudd, Thomas			 Clonbarton		Enniscorthy
Russell, Roice			 Munster Bank		Dublin
Ryan, Myles			 Collnabory		Oylegate
Ryan, Pierce			 Davidstown		Taghmon
Ryan, Rodolphus W.		 George's st.		Wexford

Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland. A 
Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to 
both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of 