Censubs: Alphabetical List of Landowners in 1870's - S-Y *********************************************** Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives Wexford Index Copyright ************************************************ File contributed by: C. Hunt & M. Taylor WEXFORD COUNTY EXTRACTIONS - (1 ACRE & OVER) NAMES & ADDRESSES ONLY- S-Y Owner Name Owner Residence-1873-75 ========================================================================== Salkeld, Joseph xxxx xxxx Sankey, John [Agent is:] Mr. Harman, Palace New Ross Savage, James Forth Commons Murrintown Scallan, Francis Slaneyhill Wexford Scallan, James Commons Killurin Scallan, Margaret Lough Duncormick Scallan, Nicholas Ballyvaloo, Blackwater Wexford Scallan, Richard Shilmaine Tagoat Scallan, Thomas Blackwater Post Office Scallan, William Blackwater Post Office Scott, Letitia [Reps. Of] Kilmanthon Hill Wicklow Scott, Miss Kilmuckridge xxxx Segrave, O'Neill Kiltimon co., Wicklow Shanahan, Ambrose xxxx New Ross Sheill, Matthew Commons Killurin Sheppard, Thomas xxxx Waterford Sherrard, Rev. Wm. xxxx xxxx Simpson, Pierce Paris France Sinnott, Anne Commons Bridgetown Sinnott, Ellen Commons Killurin Sinnott, James Muckstown Broadway Sinnott, James Orristown Killinick Sinnott, James Commons Murrintown Sinnott, James Commons Murrintown Sinnott, James Orristown Killinick Sinnott, James Forth Commons Wexford Sinnott, James Commons Killurin Sinnott, John xxxx xxxx Sinnott, Judith Commons Murrintown Sinnott, Michael Commons Killurin Sinnott, Nicholas The Abbey Enniscorthy Sinnott, Peter Summerhill Wexford Sinnott, Thomas Innismore Kingstown Smith, [not shown] xxxx xxxx Smith, James Coolbay Fooksmills Smith, John Limerick xxxx Smith, Mary xxxx xxxx Smyth, Henry Mary-street Dublin Somers, Francis Gorey xxxx Somers, Patrick Forth Commons Murrintown Somers, Peter Borleagh xxxx Sparrow, Francis Monck-st. Wexford Sparrow, Francis xxxx xxxx Sparrow, James xxxx xxxx Sparrow, Jane xxxx xxxx Sparrow, Jane xxxx xxxx Sparrow, John Ballycennick Taghmon Sparrow, Jos. [Reps. Of] xxxx Enniscorthy Sparrow, Nathaniel xxxx Dublin Sparrow, Robert Main-street Wexford Sparrow, Thomas Commons Killurin Sparrow, Thos. [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Stafford, Francis Ballygrangers Kilmore Stafforf, James Forth Commons Wexford Stafford, James Dirinbeg Murrintown Stafford, John Commons Killurin Stafford, John Baldwinstown Duncormick Stafford, Mrs. Maria Bray co., Dublin Stafford, Martin Ballygrangers Kilmore Stafford, Mary Forth Commons Murrintown Stafford, Mary Anne Hill-street Wexford Stafford, Patrick Commons Killurin Stafford, Patrick Real Fooksmills Stafford, Robert Main-street Wexford Stanforth, John W. Killinick xxxx Stannan, Michael Forth Commons Murrintown Stannard, James Wilkinstown Taghmon Steele, William E. xxxx Dublin Stokes, Rev. Mr. Ardcolm Wexford Stronge, Capt. xxxx Sligo Sullivan, John xxxx Liverpool Sullivan, Martha Barracurragh xxxx Sutton, Ellen Wheelagour Templshanbo Sutton, Michael Ryane Oylegate Swan, John Melitia Clonegal Swan, John A. xxxx xxxx Swan, Joseph Leamington England Swan, Widow xxxx xxxx Swayne, Anne xxxx xxxx Sweeny, Wm. M. S. 73rd Regiment xxxx Sweetman, Edward Rathgarogue New Ross Sweetman, Eliza Ballymackasy Clonroche Swiny, Rev. Shapland W. xxxx xxxx Symes, George Abbeydoun Clonegal Symes, Robert Bayview Camolin Symes, Robert Wingfield xxxx Talbot, Hon. Anne xxxx Wexford Talbot, George xxxx Dublin Talbot, John P. Castletalbot Wexford Taylor, Charles Archeton Wexford Taylor, Christopher George's-st. Wexford Taylor, John Ferns xxxx Taylor, William Ballywaltermore xxxx Templemore, Lord Dunbroady Park Arthurstown Tenant, John Main-street Wexford Tench, Samuel Ballyhealy Kilmore Thackary, Rev. A. Kilfane Glebe Thomastown Thacker, Alex. [Reps. Of] Kyle Wexford Thomas, A. [Agent is:] Wm. Browne Wexford Thomas, Francis A. xxxx xxxx Thomas, John Martinson Killinick Thompson, Rev. Fredk. The Rectory Edermine Thompson, James xxxx xxxx Thompson, Nathaniel [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Thornton, Rev. Francis xxxx xxxx Thorpe, Charles R. 39 Kildare-st. Dublin Thunder, Andrew [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Thunder, George 28 Upr Pembroke-st. Dublin Tighe, Mrs. Susan Queenstown Lodge Dalkey Tighe, Right Hon. W. F. Woodstock Innistiogue Tobin, John xxxx xxxx Tobin, Pat. Commons Killurin Toole, Thomas Forth Commons Murrintown Toole, William Cunacloo Screen Tottenham, Anne Willowdale, Glenageary Kingstown Tottenham, Charles Ballycurry, Ashford co., Wicklow Tottenham, Charles [Reps. Of] Agent: Geo. Hough Enniscorthy Tottenham, C. J. Woodstock Wicklow Tottenham, E. W. [Reps. Of] xxxx New Ross Tottenham, H. L. [Agent is :] Anne Tottenham, Glenageary, Kingstown Townsend, John xxxx xxxx Townsend, Rev. Thos. Inishogue xxxx Trench, Rev. Francis xxxx xxxx Truell, Henry P. Fitzwilliam-sq. Dublin Trumbell, Robert Beechwood Malahide Trustees of St. Patrick's Hosp. xxxx xxxx Tudor, Richard xxxx xxxx Turner, Edward Newfort Screen Turner, Francis J. xxxx xxxx Tyndal, Robert Oaklands New Ross Usher, Richard Landscape New Ross Vane, Charley Leamington England Vernon, Mrs. xxxx xxxx Vero, Christopher Ballybrennan, Bree Enniscorthy Vicary, Benjamin xxxx Wexford Vicary, Michael James George's-st. Wexford Vigors, J. C. Leighlinbridge xxxx Vigors, Rev. Mr. xxxx Carlow Waddy, John [Reps. Of] Clough East Castle and Churchtown Waddy, Mrs. Kingstown co., Dublin Walker, Mrs. Ellen Tykillen House Kyle Walker, Joseph Commons Killurin Walker, Thomas A. Tykillen Kyle Wall, Rev. Dr. [Reps. Of] xxxx xxxx Wall, Elle Coolbay Fooksmills Wall, James A. xxxx xxxx Wallace, Thos. W. J. Ballycourcey Enniscorthy Waller, Flora xxxx xxxx Walsh, Catherine Main-street Wexford Walsh, James Walshestown Killinick Walsh, John Commons Killurin Walsh, John Killain Wexford Walsh, John Killean Wexford Walsh, John J. Fortview Wexford Walsh, Laurence Davidstown Killurin Walsh, Laurence Commons Bridgetown Walsh, Law Commons Killurin Walsh, Mary Brownswood Enniscorthy Walsh, Miss Walshfield xxxx Walsh, Richd. [Reps. Of] xxxx Wexford Walsh, William Commons Murrintown Ward, Mary Waterford xxxx Ward, Rachel xxxx xxxx Warner, Robert Johnstown Duncormick Warner, Samuel Ballygow Bannow Warner, W. S. Faneystown Duncormick Waring, Joseph Ballinclay xxxx Warren, Richard Ferns xxxx Warren, George Commons Killurin Warren, John Ballaghboy xxxx Warren, William Clonhenritt xxxx Watkins, Henry xxxx xxxx Watson, Sarah xxxx xxxx Watts, George [Reps. Of] xxxx England Watts, Joseph Kilmoor xxx Webb, R. W. [Reps. Of] Agent [none shown] xxxx Weekes, E. [Reps. Of] Ballymountain Waterford Weldon, Rev. P. B. Kilcormack Oulart West, W. H. Farmley Ferns Wheeler, Eliza [Reps. Of] Selsker Wexford Wheelock, Mrs. Jane xxxx Wexford Whelan, Edward xxxx xxxx Whelan, Francis Graiguemore Newtownbarry Whelan, Richd. [Reps. Of] Selsker Wexford Whitaker, William Broadway xxxx Whitcroft, John H. Kilrea co., Kilkenny White, Andrew Forth Commons Murrintown White, Barbara Jane Peppard's Castle xxxx White, Dutton Selsker Wexford White, Harriett Donamore Glebe xxxx White, John Commons Bridgetown White, John J. xxxx xxxx White, Patrick Commons Murrintown White, Patrick Forth Commons co., Wexford White, Patrick Commons Bridgetown White, Rev. Thomas [Reps. Of] Rossdroit Clonroche White, Rev. Thomas G. xxxx Co., Armagh Whitmore, Robert Ahare xxxx Whitmore, Robert Westmount xxxx Whitmore, Thomas Clonroe xxxx Whitney, Elliott Woodlands Enniscorthy Whitney, Luke Creacon New Ross Whitney, Thomas Garraun, Lower Killann Whitney, Thomas A. Merton Enniscorthy Whitty, Catherine Commons Murrintown Whitty, James Commons Murrintown Whitty, John Commons Murrintown Whitty, John Commons Murrintown Whitty, Nicholas Faythe Wexford Whitty, Peter Commons Murrintown Whitty, Richard Commons Murrintown Widdup, John Eccles-street Dublin Williams, Eliza xxxx xxxx Williamson, Richard 8 Fitzwilliam-sq-East Dublin Williamson, Robert xxxx xxxx Williamson, R. W. Brook Hill Wexford Wilson, Cadwalder Denvir, Colorado U.S.A. Wilson, Eleanor Levitstown Taghmon Wilson, George C. Acton House North Umberland Wilson, George O. Blackrock xxxx Wilson, John Ligginstown Broadway Wolseley, Ven. Archdeacon [Agent is:] Wm. Browne Wexford Wolseley, Sir Clement Mount Wolseley, Tullow co., Carlow Woodcocke, Robert xxxx Carlow Woodroofe, Rev. Abel xxxx xxxx Woodroofe, H. P. Mount-street Dublin Wright, Eliza Forth Commons co., Wexford Wyatt, Arthur Mount Nebo xxxx Wybrants, Mrs. xxxx Dublin Wybrants, William Ashton Ballycarnew Wynne, Henry E. Richmond Wexford Young, Mrs. xxxx Dublin Source: Extracted from - Return of Owners of Land In Ireland A Summary for each Province & For All Ireland Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of the Queen [Out of Copyright]