St. Iberius' (CoI) Church Plaques
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Wexford Index
File contributed by: Valerie Ackroyd


Photo No. 0
Church of Ireland | The United Dioceses of Cashel Ferns &
Ossory | Anglican Communion | Wexford Kilscoran Union | St.
Iberius' Church |

Photo No. 1
Church view

Photo No. 2
Sacred to the memory of | AMBROSE BOXWELL Esq. M.D. | For many
years surgeon | of the County Wexford Infirmary | Who on the
8th of Decbr. 1821 | while in the full exercise of all social
virtues | and the laborious and successful discharge of |
professional duties | Was by a sudden stroke of death snatched
from the bosom | of a beloved and affectionate family and from
society | of which he was a most valuable and respected member
| Frank in manners and benevolent in heart. | He was the
benefactor of the poor | Eminently skilled in his profession |
He was no less entitled to the esteem of the rich | The
friends | to whom he was justly endeared | have erected this
memorial | of their regret for his loss. | A voluntary tribute
to private worth | which wealth rank or power | would have
solicited | in vain

Photo No. 3
This tablet | is erected by | his widow & children | in loving
memory of | Dr. HENRY H. BOXWELL M.D. | For 53 years surgeon |
of the Co. Wexford Infirmary | Who died | on the 1st September
1889 | Aged 79 years. | "And whosoever liveth | and believeth
in me | shall never die." | St. John XI.25.26.

Photo No. 4
In memory of | McCARTY COLCLOUGH Esq. | Inspector of
constabulary | for the county of Wexford. | Who departed this
life | the 21st Decr. 1860, | Aged 66 years. | His remains are
interred | at Staplestown Carlow | His native county.

Photo No. 5
Sacred to the memory of | ZACHARIAH BURGH CORNOCK | Who
departed this life | May 29th 1874 | Aged 51 years. | Also to
the memory of | His only son | ZACHARIAH CHARLES CORNOCK | Who
departed this life | Decr. 12th 1882 | Aged 22 years. |
"Blessed are the pure in heart | for they shall see God." |
Matt. 5.8.

Photo No. 6
Sacred | to the memory of | HENRY GEORGE DANIEL | Surgeon,
H.M.S. Pioneer | Who died 14th June 1879, | off the river
Scarcius | West Coast of Africa | of remittant fever | Aged 25
years. | Buried at Sierra Leone | 14th instant. | This tablet
is erected in | token of esteem by the officers | and crew of
the above | ship.

Photo No. 7
Sacred to the memory of | ROBERT DORAN Esqe. | (Born the 18th
of June 1827) | Late Lieutenant and Adjutant | in H.M. 18th
Royal Irish | Who fell at the storming of the Great Pagoda |
at Rangoon on the 14th of April 1852 | Where his mortal
remains lie interred. | This monument is erected | by his
attached and sorrowing grandfather | ROBERT HUGHES Esqr. | of
Ely House | as a tribute of affection | to him whose loss he
deeply deplores. | "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."

Photo No. 8
To | the Glory of God | and in memory of | THOMAS J DOWSE
M.B.T.C.D. | Who died 9th January 1930 | This prayer desk is
erected | by the parishioners of | Wexford and other friends

Photo No. 9
Sacred | To the memory of the late Venerable | JOHN ELGEE
L.L.B. | Archdeacon of Leighlin | and | Rector | of the united
Parishes of Wexford and Rathaspeck | who departed this life on
the 4th day of November | in the Year of our Lord 1823 aged
70. | This humble Tribute of Respect is here erected by | his
affectionate Friends and Parishioners after an | intercourse
of 44 years to perpetuate the recollection | of the many and
estimable Virtues of him who for | exemplary Piety and every
quality which adorns the | Man and the Christian could not be

Photo No. 10
To the Memory of | HENRY HATTON | of Prospect, Clonard, and
Co. Wexford Regt. | Born 1791, died in Kilkenny 1865. | And of
his wife | ANNE JANE O'NEILL, | Born 1792, died 1845. | And of
HARRIETTE PORTER. | JANE J. CRAWFORD. | "I am the Resurrection
and the Life saith the Lord."

Photo No. 11
To the Memory | of | HENRY HATTON | of Great Clonard Esqr. |
This Monument is Erected | By his afflicted Mother. | A small
tribute to those Virtues which | endeared him to her to his
Family, | His Friends and his Country | He departed from this
to a better Life | On the 9th of Novr. 1793 | Aged 35 Years. |
Why should I grieve I shall go to him.

Photo No. 12
With the sanction and approval of the Committee | this hall
has been restored by Lt. Colonel HATTON | in memory of his
late wife ROSIA MARY, who for | some years past had taken
great interest in the | Wexford Young Mens Christian
Association. | September 1895.

Photo No. 13
To | the Glory of God | and in memory of | ROSIA MARY | wife
of Lt. Colonel HATTON of Wexford | Born in Brighton 19th March
1830 | Died in London 20th March 1895 | Buried in Kensal Green
Cemetery | This Tablet | is placed by her sorrowing | husband

Photo No. 14
To | the Glory of God | and in memory of | Lieut. Colonel V.L.
HATTON | of Clonard | (late Grenadier Guards) | Born at Frant
in Sussex 14th April 1824 | Died in London 2nd February 1897 |
Buried in Kensal Green Cemetery. | This Tablet | is placed
here in affectionate remembrance | by his Children | ROSIA

Photo No. 15
[bust] EMILY Lady HUGHES | Wife of Sir FREDERIC HUGHES, Knt.
K.L.S. | Died the 13th day of December 1868, | after having
given birth to a son | who survived her | three months | Aged
27 years. | Haec pietate deo pergrata et amore propinquis | …
fuit suavi musa suavique loquela

Photo No. 16
On the 25th of April 1777 in the Churchyard adjoining | were
deposited the Remains of the Revd. CHARLES HUSON | Archdeacon
of Ferns | and for twenty years the beloved and respected |
Minister of this Parish | O may his Successors & Parishioners
long | imitate his Example | and Revere his Memory | His
afflicted Widow caused this humble Memorial | of him to be
Erected in the Church built under his Inspection | and the
Expence whereof was Principally defrayed | through his
Powerful and effectual Solicitation

Photo No. 17
Sacred to the memory of | Captn. the Honble. JOHN WILLIAM HELY
HUTCHINSON | of the 13th Regt. of Dragoons, and of Belmont in
this parish | who died on the 2nd July 1855, in the 25th year
of his age at Scutari | where his mortal remains lie under a
monument | Erected by the affection of his brother officers. |
He was called away from the love of all who knew him | to die
for his country | by foes more formidable than all the might
of Russia | dysentery and fever. | This tablet was erected |
by the agent and tenantry of the estates in this county | to
express their sorrow for his loss. | But not as those who have
no hope | trusting in the promise | "He that liveth and
believeth in me shall never die."

Photo No. 18
In memory of | GEORGE OGLE JACOB | Major 1st Bengal European
Fusiliers | Who whilst commanding his regiment | fell mortally
wounded at the storming of Delhi | on the 14th September 1857
and died the same day. | Aged 38 years and six months | "Them
also which sleep in Jesus | will God bring with him." |

Photo No. 19
To the beloved memory of | HENRY EBENEZER JACOB, | Major Genl.
Bombay Staff Corps | Second son of the late | GEORGE OGLE
JACOB, | Who died at Winchester | July 22nd 1911, aged 89
years. | "In Christ shall all be made alive."

Photo No. 20
Sacred to the memory of | WILLIAM AUGUSTUS JACOB | Asst.
Surgeon Madras Army | Youngest son of the late | G. O. JACOB |
Surgeon Bengal Army | He died at Vizianagram, East Indies | on
the 12th Septr. 1863 | Aged 37 years | This tablet is erected
as | a memorial of affection by his widow. | "When Christ, who
is our life, shall appear, | then shall ye also appear with
him in glory"

Photo No. 21
Sacred to the Memory | of Mrs. MARTHA KIDD Daughter | of
CAESAR COLCLOUGH of New Ross | Esqr & Wife of RICHD. AUGS.
KIDD of | The Town of Wexford Esqr. She was | a pious
Christian an affectionte. wife | A tender Mother & Sincere
Friend | Her Afflicted Husband erects | This Monument as a
small tribute | To her many Virtues. | Obit Jany. 12th 1819

Photo No. 22
Sacred | To the Memory of | Mrs. BARBARA MEADOWS | The
faithful Partner of | ARTHUR MEADOWS Esqr. | Of Hermitage, |
Who departed this Life | On the 20th March 1803, | Aged 34

Photo No. 23
Sacred | To the Memory of Mrs. ELIZABETH OGLE | Wife of the
Right Honble. GEORGE OGLE | A more than loved Sister and a
Faultless Friend | Her mind was as pure and Angelical | as her
form was Beautiful. | If a human being could be perfect | She
was perfect | She was as truly beloved & esteemed, | as She is
universally lamented | by all those who knew her. | And
increasingly so by her ever Sorrowing Sister | JANE MOORE |
Who to Indulge her unabated Grief, | Erects this humble
Tribute | To her matchless worth. | in the Month of June 1815
| Obit. 11th August 1807.

Photo No. 24
Sacred to the Memory of | Mr. EDWARD PERCIVAL | Late Master's
Mate in the Royal Navy | Who fell Gallantly fighting his
Country's Cause | In an attack upon an Enemy of far Superior
Force, in a | Boat belonging to his Majesties Frigate Havannah
| Captn. the Honble. GEORGE CADOGAN | on the 6th. January 1813
| on the Coast of Istria in the Adriatic | Aged 21 Years | His
amiable Heart and Noble Disposition secured him | the Esteem
and friendship of all who knew him | Whilst his Public Conduct
ever Intitled him to the | approbation of those Officers with
whom he served | In testimony whereof | The Captain and
Officers of the Havannah | have Caused this Monument to be
Erected to his Memory | as a Sincere Tribute to Departed Worth
| as well as of their admiration of the Heroic Manner | in
which He fell

Photo No. 25
To | The Memory | of The Honourable | JOSEPH STOPFORD |
Colonel | in his Majesty's Service | and Lieutenant Colonel |
of the XVth Regiment | of Infantry | Who died at Wexford | on
the 29th day of January | MDCCLXXXVI | in the 43d. year of |
his Age

Photo No. 26
Sacred to the memory of the late CHARLES VALLOTTON Esqr. | A
Major in the Army & a Capt. in the 36th Regt. of Infantry | Wo
in the Suburbs on the 11th of July 1793 | when zealously co-
operating with the Civil Power | in support of the mild &
beneficent laws of his Country | received a mortal Wound from
a savage Hand | Thus untimely fell this accomplish'd Gentleman
| not less admir'd & belov'd for every social quality | than
he was eminently distinguish'd on every occasion by | the
enterprize and galantry of a Soldier | Reader lament with
every good Man the irreperable Loss & strive to emulate his
many Virtues | The Corporation of Wexford with becoming
Gratitude | erected this monument to perpetuate their high
respect for his inestimable Character

All images Copyright by Photographer