Tintern Abbey Old Churchyard, County Wexford, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Wexford Index
File contributed by: Valerie Ackroyd  johal52@yahoo.com


Photo No. 0
Church view

Photo No. 1
Cemetery view

Photo No. 2
In loving memory of | our dear mother | ANNE ELIZABETH ANGLIM,
| Saltmills. | Who died 13th May 1959, | Aged 76 years. | Also
her son-in-law | RICHARD P. HOGAN, | Died 30th August 1946, |
Aged 36 years. | And her husband WILLIAM ANGLIM | Died 15th
Jan. 1962, aged 82 yrs.

Photo No. 3
In Loving | Memory of | FRANCIS BROWNE | Winningtown, | Who
died 1st Oct. 1917 aged 77 yrs. | Also his wife | CATHERINE
BROWNE (nee BARRON) | Died 25th June 1887 aged 44. | And their
son STEPHEN, | Died 23rd Aug. 1908 aged 32.

Photo No. 4
In Loving | Memory Of | MARY CLARKE, Saltmills | Died 21. Apr.
1969 aged 84 yrs | Also her brother | JOHN CLARKE | Died 15.
Jan. 1977. | Aged 84 Yrs. | R.I.P. | Erected by | their niece
| HANNA | Oca

Photo No. 5
In Loving Memory | of | WILLIAM CLARKE | White Rock New
Wexford | Died 18th Oct. 1952 aged 71 | Also his wife MARY |
Died 29th July 1957 aged 73 | Rest In Peace

Photo No. 6
[Latin inscriptions, not transcribed] | Heer lieth the body of
Syr ANTHONY COLCLOUGHE Knight eldest sone of | RICHARD
COLCLOUGHE of Wolstanton in Staford Shire Esquier who came |
first into this land the 34 yeer of Henry the 8 and then was
Captayn | of the Penshioners in wich place and others of
greater charg he continued | most faythful serviter during the
life of Edward the VI and Queen Mary | and until the XXVI yer
of our most noble Quen Elizabth. And then died the IX of
December | 1584. He left by his wife CLARE AGARE dowghter of
doghters | JAQNET was maried to NICHLAS WALSHE Esquier of the
Privie Counsayle and | Inn of the JUSTISE of the Kings Bench
in Irlaid | FRAUNC maried to WILLIAM SMETHWIKE | ... SMETHWIk
in Cheshier MARI maried to the Hon COTS of Wodcote in
Shropshier | Esquier | CLARE maried to WILLIAM SNEAD of
Brodwal in Staferd Shier | Esquier | ELINOR died yunge.

Photo No. 7
Erected in | memory of THOS. GAULFIELD | Salt-Mills | Died
21st Dec. 1848 | Aged 68 years. | His wife ANN died Jy. 12th
1853 | Aged 68 years. | His sister MARY died 20th Dec 1882 |
Aged 56 years. | His son JOHN died 1845.

Photo No. 8
Erected in memory | of | The GLEESON Family | Tintern. | JOHN,
PAT, MARY and ANNIE. | Their cousins JIM, MATT | PATSY, BOB,

Photo No. 9
Erected by ANASTASIA HEARAN of Bally | gowan (?) in memory of
her husband | JAMES HEARAN who departed this life | April 23rd
1818 aged 65 years

Photo No. 10
Here lies the body of the | Reverend JOSIAH HOWE | who
departed this Life | Septr. 8th 1785 aged 42 yrs.

Photo No. 11
Erected by MARY KENNEDY alias JONES | in memory of her Husband
| THOMAS KENNEDY who departed this life | August 22nd 1815
Aged 50 Years | Also her Son JOHN KENNEDY who departed | this
life June 4th 1813 Aged three Months | And also her | Daughter
TERESA KENNEDY | who departed this life May 17 1820 Aged ... |
Years | also her daughter | MARY KENNEDY who died July 22 |
1850 aged 39 Years And her daughter | MARGARET KENNEDY who
died Sept. | 4th 1879 aged 66 years

Photo No. 12
In memory of | CHRISTOPHER MACCORD Esquire. Who departed |
this life June 23rd 1824 Aged 77 years | also | MARY his Wife
daughter to WILLIAM SHELBY | and GrandDaughter to THOMAS JAMES
| SHELBY Buckinghamshire England Esquire., | departed this
life Decr 26th 1825 | Aged 71 Years | Also their Son THOMAS
MACD. Esqr. | who departed this life March 16th 1822 | Aged 51
Years | their Daughter ELIZABETH Wife to | BAGNAL COLCLOUGH
Esqr Saintkerins | departed this life March 3rd 1806 | Aged 25

Photo No. 13
In Memory Of | PATRICK MOLLOY Ballyyvaroge, | Died 6th Jan.
1918 aged 90. | Also his wife ANASTATIA MOLLOY | Died 22nd
March 1916, aged 81. | And their children MARY, | Died 12th
Dec. 1926, aged 62. | WILLIAM, | Died 4th Oct. 1939, aged 76.
| MARGARET, | Died 4th Sep. 1943, aged 73. | EDWARD | Died 4th
Dec. 1949, aged 86 | KATIE | Died 19th Jan 1957 aged 82 |
ROBERT (ROBBIE) MOLLOY | Battlestown, Ramsgrange | Died 8th
July 1986 aged 84.

Photo No. 14
This stone was Erected by | ROBERT MORRIS Esqr. Landwaner of |
the Port of London to the memory of His | Wife SARAH MORRIS
alias MACCORD | who departed this life the 27th March 1820 |
Aged 56 Years

Photo No. 15
Here Lieth the Body of HUGH | MURPHY who depd. this life dec.
| 7th 1786 Aged ... yrs

Photo No. 16
In Loving Memory | of | PATRICK O'TOOLE, Tintern, | Died 3rd
Aug. 1932, aged 62. | And his daughter KATHLEEN, | Died 22nd
March 1955, aged 45. | Also his wife BRIDGET, | Died 23rd
April 1963, aged 72. | And their son DENIS, | Died 7th Feb.
1988 aged 71. | His sister EVELYN O'TOOLE, | Died 12th Nov.
1998, aged 80. | R.I.P.

Photo No. 17
In Loving Memory Of | MARGARET POWER, St. Kearns | Who died
13th Jan. 1924. | Also her husband MICHAEL POWER, | Died 14th
Dec. 1932. | And two grandchildren died young. | And their son
JOHN, | Died 22nd Feb 1953 aged 60 yrs. | And his wife KATIE,
| Died 24th March 1957, aged 70 yrs | Also their son MICHAEL
died 26th Jan. 1967 | Aged 66. His wife ANNIE, died 24th Nov.
1987 | Aged 86.

All images Copyright by Photographer