Rathnew Old Cemetery, County Wicklow, Ireland
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
Wicklow Index
Contributed by: Joyce Tunstead joydtun@gmail.com

Nos. 1- 101

Photo No.1
The entrance to the Cemetery, where all the headstones were removed from
the graves and are now resting against the surrounding walls. (See Nos.2
and 3)

Photo No.2
View of some of the headstones

Photo No.3
View of the remains of a church and also some headstones

Photo No.4
Church Ruin

Photo No.5
Gloria in Excelsis Deo | Erected by | ANDREW KINSELLA | in memory of his
beloved father | EDWARD KINSELLA who departed this | life July 10th 1870
aged 79 years | Also his beloved mother | JANE KINSELLA who departed this
life | January 6th 1876 aged 69 years | Also EDWARD KINSELLA son of the
above | ANDREW KINSELLA who departed this | life June 15th 1877 aged 9
years | Also his daughter MARY who died young. | KATIE KINSELLA who
departed this | life 29 June 1899 | Requiescant in Pace.

Photo No.6
Erected by WILLIAM DOUGLAS of | Kilnamanagh in memory of his belo | son
JOHN DOUGLAS who dep this life | March 4th 1852 in the 20th year of his
age | Also his son ROBERT DOUGLAS who | depd. this life August 28th 1852
| in the 27th year of his age.

Photo No.7
Erected by | JOHN McCALL of Ballymachara | in memory of his beloved
father JAMES McCALL | who departed this life August 25th 1838 | aged 73
years | Also his mother ELIZABETH McCALL who departd. | this life October
11th 1839 aged 71 years |  And his sister MARI-ANN WHITSON alias | McCALL
who died May the 16th 1847 aged | 49 years. Likewise the above JOHN
McCALL | (Part of line underground) 11th 1858(?) aged 58 yrs.

Photo No.8
Erected by | CATHERINE WILLIAMS | in memory of her beloved husband |
HENRY who died 19th April 1862 | aged 68 years | Also their son JOSEPH |
who died 19th July 1853 aged 32 years | Also CATHERINE WILLIAMS | who
departed 15 December 1881 | aged 86 years | Requiescant in Pace.

Photo No.9
This stone was erected by Mrs. ELIZABETH | BYRNE of Wicklow in memory of
her beloved | husband GARRET BYRNE who departed this life | October 14th
1898 aged 59 years | Also her brother MICHAEL REYNOLDS dept. August | 5th
1836 aged 12 years | Also her brother JOHN REYNOLDS dept. 6th Sept. |
1888 Aged 83 years | Also her father JOHN REYNOLDS dept. 3rd August |
1841 aged 72 years | Also her son JOHN BYRNE dept. 16th Sept. | 1872 aged
27 years | Also her son EDWARD BYRNE dept. 8th Decr. | 1855 aged 20 years
| Also ELIZABETH wife of the above GERRALD BYRNE | departed 24th May 1867
aged 67 years

Photo No.10
Erected by JOHN LINDSAY in | memory of his beloved wife | MARY LINDSAY
who depd. this | life March 19th 1828 aged 68 years

Photo No.11
Here lieth the body | of GEORGE WILLIAMS | who departed this life | in
the 22d year of his | age in the year of our | Lord 1785 also his son |
GEORGE aged 4 months | who died in June 1786 | Lord have mercy on their |
Souls. Amen.

Photo No.12
Here lieth the body of | MARY CULLEN departed | February 10th 1802 (?)
aged | 78 years. Also her hu- | sband WILLIAM CULLEN | died 15 May 1812
agd 88.

Photo No.13
Erected by JAMES RED- | MOND of Ballard in memo- | ry of his Father JOHN
| REDMOND departed this | life Nov. the 12th 1805 aged | 55 years

Photo No.14
Here lyeth the bo- | dy of THOMAS MAL- | LONE who departed | this life
November | the 8th 1757 aged 51.

Photo No.15
Here Lieth the Body | of ANNE HARVY who | Depd. this Life 16th July |
1806 | Aged 70 Years | Lord have Mercy on her | Soul. Amen.

Photo No.16
This stone was erected by | JAMES TONER | in Memory of his departed child
| JAMES TONER | who left this Vale of Tears | 27th March 1821 | Aged 5
Years | Requiescat in Pace. Amen.

Photo No.17
This stone was erected by | JAMES FLANAGAN in Memry of his | daughter
ANNE FLANAGAN who | departed this life January the 18th | 1845 Aged 30

Photo No.18
Here lyeth the body of ELIZ- | ABETH WALSH daughter to | JAMES WALSH
deceased | --- 1773 aged 19.

Photo No.19
Here lieth the | body of JOHN | MURPHEY deceasd. | October 30th 1765 |
Aged 2 yr.

Photo No.20
Here lieth the | body of MORGAN | MURPHEY deceasd. | Decemr. ye 11 1725
aged | 60 yr. MARGARET | MURPHEY died April | 17 1753 aged 55 yr

Photo No.21
This stone is erec(ted by) | WM. LINDSAY | in memory of his | beloved
wife CATHERIN(E)| who died 26th July 1839 | aged 36 years

Photo No.22
Here lieth the | body of MARY MA- | LONE deceasd. Decem | 1745 | aged 2

Photo No.23
Here lieth the body of | JOHN BYRNE | this life 6th Decembr.| 1791 aged
52 years | Have Mercy on his soul | Also his wife ELIZABETH| BYRNE who
depd. this | life | May the 2nd 1800 | aged 53(?) years  Lord | have
mercy on her soul.

Photo No.24
Erected by | JOHN QUIN | in memory of his father | NICHOLAS QUIN | who
departed this life July 12th 1827 | aged 73 years | Also his beloved wife
| ELLEN QUIN | who departed this life Decr 23rd 1849 | aged 53 years |
and the above named | JOHN QUIN | who departed this life March 25th 1857
| aged 66 years

Photo No.25
Erected by ANNE DEVELIN in | memory of her dear beloved | husband THOMAS
DEVELIN who | departd. this life Octr. 6th 1822 | aged 71 years

Photo No.26
Gloria in Excelsis Deo | by DORAH BEERD of | Hawkstown in memory of her
beloved father | DANNIEL DEVLIN who died | March 25th 1849 aged 71 years
| and of her mother ANNE DEVLIN who died | July 22nd 1853 aged 83 Years

Photo No.27
Erected by | JOHN REDMOND | of Ballycapple in memory of his beloved wife
| LUCY REDMOND | who departed this life Janry. the 18th 1860 | aged 21
(or 41?) years | Also the above named JOHN REDMOND | who died 10th March
1882 aged 76 years

Photo No.28
Erected by JAMES REDMOND | of Kilnemana in memory of his | belovd.
brother THOMAS REDMOND | departd. this life 16th August | 1836 aged 18
years | May he rest in peace. Amen.

Photo No.29
Here lieth the body of | JAMES KAINE who departed | this life the 7th of
September | 1785 aged 60 years | Also his daughter WINIFRED | ROACH who
departd. this life | the 28th of March 1782 agd 32 yrs. | Lord have mercy
on their souls. Amen. | Also his son TERRANCE  KAINE depd. | this life
December the 26th 1828 | aged 66 years

Photo No.30
Here lieth the body of | EASTER CONNER who | depd. this life the 1st of |
Octobr. 1793 aged 53 yrs. | Lord have Mercy on her | soul. Amen.

Photo No.31
Here lieth the | body of SIMON | BYRNE deceased | Decemr. the 25th | 1767
aged 52 yrs

Photo No.32
Here lyeth the | body of ELSE BYRN | deceased 7ber ye | 16 1732 aged 39
years | ANDREW BYRN deceasd. in ye | year 1731
Note: - 7ber = September

Photo No.33
Erected | by | MARIA HOGAN | (in) memory of her beloved son | MICHAEL B.
HOGAN | who departed this life | 27th August 1875 | aged 25 years

Photo No.34
IHS | Here lieth the bo- | dy of MARY WELSH | deceasd. March the | 17
1751 aged 75 yrs. | Lord have Mercy on her soul | Amen. | Also lieth the
body | of MARGARET TEAR | deceased January | the 9 1769 aged 60 yrs.

Photo No.35
Erected by | WILLIAM CARR of Ashtown | in memory of his brother | THOMAS
CARR | who departed this life 28th of May 1841 aged 8 years | Also his
brother | JOHN CARR | who departed this life 4th of June 1850 aged 21
years | Also his sister | SARAH CARR | who departed this life 3rd May
1872 | aged 39 years | Also his brother PATRICK who | died 10th Feb. 1891
aged 60 years | MARTIN CARR died 10 May 1902 aged 62.

Photo No.36
Here lieth the body of HANNA(H) | CARR, departed this life June the (--)
| 1828 Aged 26 years | Also her sister ELLENOR COONEY (depd.) | this life
28th Septr. 1835 aged 36 | Requiescant in Pace. Amen.
(Letters/words etc. in brackets are presumed to be correct - hidden
behind overlapping headstone)

Photo No.37
Gloria in Excelsis Deo | Erected by JOHN CARR in memory | of his wife
MARY CARR who | departd. this life February the 25th | 1822 aged 56 years
| Also JOHN CARR departd. this life | April 28th 1822 aged 69 years |
Also MARY CARR departed | February the 25th 1843 aged 44 | Also PATRICK
CARR | who departed this life | 2nd December 1843 | aged 56 years |
Requiescant in Pace. Amen.

Photo No.38
Erected | by JAMES DUNNE of Wicklow | In Memory of | his beloved daughter
ELIZA | who departed this life the 27th February 1846 | aged 21 years |
Also the above named JAMES DUNNE who | departed this life December the 3d
1858 | aged 57 years | Also Mrs. MARY DUNNE wife of the | above who depd.
this life the 2nd | of March 1879 aged 78 years | Requiescant in Pace.

Photo No.39
Erected by | WILLIAM BYRNE | In Memory of his beloved child | MARY ANNE
BYRNE | who dep. this life Dec 26 1866 | Aged 3 years and 5 months. |
Also WILLIAM BYRNE | dep. April 6 1867 aged 6 months.

Photo No.40
Erected by | THOMAS KAVANAGH | in loving memory of his mother | CATHERINE
| who died 12th Dec. 1901 aged -- | Also his sister ALICE | died 1894
aged 15 years | and his brother JOHN died --- (Parts of this headstone
are covered by ivy)

Photo No.41
This stone was erected by | IGNATIUS ENNIS in memory of his | beloved
wife MARY ANNE ENNIS | departed this life 22d April 1832 aged 31.

Photo No.42
Here lieth the body | of GEORGE CARR deceasd. | March the 19 1751 aged |
58 years. Lord have mercy | on his soul. Amen

Photo No.43
Here lieth the bo- | dy of MARY McDANI- | EL deceasd. Novemr. ye | 30
1742 aged 58 yrs. | Also ye body of DENIS | McDANIEL deceasd. | July ye
19 1749 aged 73 yrs.

Photo No.44
Here lieth the body of | ENEAS KAVANAGH and his | wife ELIZABETH Pray for

Photo No.45
Here lieth the body | of JOHN MORAN de- | partd. this life February | the
1st 1814 aged 74 years | May he rest in peace. Amen.

Photo No.46
Here lieth the | body of CATHERINE | BYRNE who died the | 15th of March
1741 | aged 63 years. Lord have | mercy on her soul. Amen | Also the body
of | CATHERINE McLAUGH- | LIN deceasd. Janry the | 20 1767 aged 32 yr.|
Lord have mercy on | her soul. Amen.

Photo No.47
Here lieth ye body | of TOBIAS DOYLE decea- | sd. Agust ye 18 1742 aged |
52 years

Photo No.48
Here lieth the body of | JAMES McNEMARA who | depd. this life the 11th of
| October 1802 aged 24 yrs. | Also his sister MARY | McNEMARA | agd. 16
years | Lord have mercy on their souls. | Amen

Photo No.49
Here lieth the body | of CATHERINE RYAN | deceased June 1st 1764 | aged
40 yr.

Photo No.50
Erected | by | THOMAS LINDSAY in memory of his father | MICHAEL LINDSAY
who dep. this life March 1st | 1872 aged 76 years

Photo No.51
In Memory of | JAMES SHERLOCK of Rathnew | who died 28th Octr. 1875 |
aged 70 years | Also his wife ANNE | who died 20th Octr. 1865 | aged 65

Photo No.52
(A broken Headstone. Words and part of words in brackets are assumed to
be correct)
Erected by | THOMAS CUTHBERT in memory of (his) | beloved father, mother
and w(ife) | Also his affectionate son | PETER CUTHBERT who departed
(this) | life 13th of January 1893

Photo No.53
Erected by | PATRICK CULLEN | in memory of his beloved father | PATRICK
CULLEN | who departed this life Agst. 23d 1853 aged 96 yrs. | Also his
sister ROSE TIERNEY who departed | this life Febry. 9th 1860 | aged 46

Photo No.54
Gloria in Excelsis | This stone was erected | by JOHN DOYLE | in memory
of his daughter | MARGARET DINNASON | who departed this life | June 15th
1856, aged 32 years | May she rest in peace. Amen.

Photo No.55
Here lieth the body | of DARBY DICKSON who | depd. this life Novembr. |
the 8th 1784 aged 36 yrs. | Also his wife ELIZABETH | DICKSON who depd.
this | life 1st of June 1799 agd. 55 | Lord have mercy on their souls.

Photo No.56
Here lieth the | body of EDDEE | DARCY depd. May | the 11th 1785 agd. |
58 yrs. Her dau- | ghter ELIZABETH | depd. Junt the 3d | 1770 agd 20 yrs
| Lord have mercy | on their souls. Amen

Photo No.57
Erected | by JAMES DOYLE of Ballinalea | in memory of his dearly |
beloved wife MARYANNE DOYLE | who departed this life Jany. 21st 1849 |
aged 33 years

Photo No.58
This stone and burial | place belongeth to MICH | -AEL COUNCILL of
Ardenaly | Here lieth ye bodys of | NICHOLAS COUNCILL & THOMISON |
COUNCILL Alias WHITE parents | to the sd. MICHAEL COUNCILL | The former
depd this life | June the 15th 1725 agd. 60 | and the latter ye 23d July
1742 | agd. 78. Also JAMES COUNCILL his | brother depd. 25th July 1773 |
aged 80.  The above MICHAEL COUNCILL | depd. ye 22d Jan. 1774 agd. | 70.
ELIZABETH COUNCILL his sister | depd. 20th June 1774 agd. 66 | Also some
of his children who | died young. Lord have mercy | on their souls. Amen.
| MARGARET died Sept. 20th 1788 agd. 72 | MICHAEL died Decr. 12th 1797(?)
agd. 58 | NICHOLAS Died Feby. 14th 1806 agd. 60 | PETER died July 25th
1814 agd. 59 | JOHN COUNCILL died June 1820 agd. 67

Photo No.59
Here lieth the body | of JAMES BYRNE de- | ceasd. November the 25 | 1785
aged 74 yers. Lord | have mercy on his soul. Amen.

Photo No.60
Here lieth ye body | of DAVID BYRNE dece | asd. June ye 13th 1742 aged 45
| Also RICHARD BYRNE who | departd. this life ye 22nd | April 1794 agd.
29 years | Lord have mercy on their souls | Amen.

Photo No.61
Here lieth the body | of ELINOR BYRNE deceasd. | July the 9th 1752 aged
20 | years. Lord have mercy on her soul | Amen | Also GUDITH BYRNE |
deceasd. March the | 29th 1780 aged 72 yrs

Photo No.62
Here lyeth the | body of THO | MAS SHEA dec | eased ye 1 of April | 1729
aged 30 (Remainder hidden by path)

Photo No.63
Here lieth ye body | of EDWARD McDANIEL | deceasd. October ye 3d | 1744
aged 70 years

Photo No.64
IHS | Here lieth the body of | MARY BYRNE who depd. | this life May the
25th 178- | aged 38 years. Lord have | mercy on her soul. Amen.

Photo No.65
Here lieth the body of MARY RORKE | departed this life April 26th 1796
aged | 90 years Also JOHN RORKE departed | this life Septr. 29th 1797
aged 93 years | Also MATHEW RORKE departed this | life May 4 1817 aged 59
years | Also my son OWAN RORKE departed |this life 13th May 1820 aged 18
years | also  ELIZABETH RORKE who departed | this life 20th Septr. 1833
aged 83 yrs.

Photo No.66
IHS | Here lieth the body | of WILLIAM BYRN dec | easd. July the 16th
1741 | aged 20 years

Photo No.67
IHS | Here lieth the body | of JAMES HENRY who | departed this life | May
the 1st 1786 aged | 26 yers. Lord have mercy | on his soul. Amen.

Photo No.68
IHS | Here lieth the body | of MARY CAIN deceasd. | aged 75

Photo No.69
DANIEL KAV | ANAUGH de-| ceasd. Decem | ber ye 3d 1726 | aged 39 years

Photo No.70
Here lie the mortal | remains of | MARY LINDSAY of Wicklow | who departed
this life the 6th of | September, 1849, aged 72 years | Also her beloved
husband | THOMAS LINDSAY | who departed this life the 7th of | November
1853, aged 86 years | This stone was erected by their | adopted son

Photo No.71
Erected by WILLIAM DOUGLASS | in memory of his Mother ANNE (remainder

Photo No.72
(This Headstone is lying on its side.  The photo has been turned so that
researchers may read the inscription)
IHS | Here lieth the body of | MILES KAVANAGH departd. | this life April
19th 1812 agd. | 70 years. Also his 2 children | PATRICK & ANNE KAVANAGH
| Requiestcant in pace. Amen.

Photo No.73
(A broken Headstone)
IHS | Here lieth the body | of INNOCENT DOYLE | deceasd. March the | 10
1755 aged 30 year | Lord have mercy on his soul. Amen | Also ye body of

Photo No.74
(This Headstone is lying partly behind another, and is also partially
underground.  For the purpose of the transcription of the Inscription
assumed words etc. are in brackets)

(Here li)eth the body of | (HEN)ERY BYRNE who depd. | (this li)fe ye 19th
of November | 1772 aged 60 years. Also | CATHERINE BYRNE who depd. | ye
2nd of March 1782 aged | (Remainder not available)

Photo No.75
Here lieth the | body of ARTHUR | BYRNE deceased | Sept 7 1758 aged 50(?)

Photo No.76
DANIEL KAV- | ANAUGH de- | ceasd. Decem- | ber ye 3d 1726 | aged 32 years

Photo No.77
Here lieth the | body of MARY MUR- | RAN deceasd. June | ye 11 1757 aged
13 yrs.

Photo No.78
(Headstone partially hidden behind two other headstones, but details
could be seen)
Here lieth the body | of PETER RYAN who depd | this life 29 May | 1787
agd 51 years.

Photo No.79
This is a broken Headstone.  It appears to read: -
Here lieth the body | of ANN O'TOOLE alias | DOYLE deceasd. March(?) | 17
1725 aged 33.
Note: The surname may read just TOOLE.

Photo No.80
(Headstone damaged by a previous visitor to this cemetery)
Erected by Mrs. MARY KAIN (sic) of Ballina- | measia in memory of her
beloved | husband TERRENCE KAINE who depd. | this life 26th Decr. 1823
aged 66 years | Also her son JOHN KAINE who depd. | this life 30th March
1826 aged 21 years | Also the above Mrs. MARY KAINE who | depd this life
March the 1st 1847 aged 77 years.

Photo No.81
Erected by | THOMAS MURPHY of Rathnew | in memory of his beloved Mother |
MARGARET MURPHY | who died Octr. the 31st 1852 agd. 52 years | The above
named THOMAS MURPHY | who departed this life 22nd March 1887 | aged 60
years | Also FRANCIS MURPHY brother of | the above named THOMAS MURPHY |
who departed this life 27th October 1888 | aged 50 years.

Photo No.82
This stone was erected by | TERENCE DALY in memory of his father | JOHN
DALY who departed this | life August the 9th 1844 aged 78 years | Also
MICHAEL DALY | Brother of the above TERENCE | who departed this life
Septr. 14th 1846 | aged 52 years

Photo No.83
This stone was er- | ected by HENRY BY- | RNE in memory of his | wife
ELIZABETH BYRNE | who departed this | life the 27 day of Octr. | 1760 (or
1766) aged 73 years

Photo No.84
(Erected) by HENERY | WILLIAMS in memory | of his mother ANNE | WILLIAMS.
Also his | daughter MARY WILLIAMS.

Photo No.85
Erected by | Mrs. ELIZABETH RYAN | in memory of her beloved husband | Mr.
PHILIP RYAN | Late of Sussex Terrace, Dublin | who departed this life
22nd Octr. 1857 | aged 30 years | He was a loving child, and the best of
| husbands.  His death was deeply regretted | by a numerous circle of
friends. | May he rest in peace. Amen. | Here also are deposited the
remains of | the above ELIZABETH RYAN who departed | this life on the
24th of January 1858 aged 25 years | Also MARY RYAN who died | on the
30th of January 1858 aged 17(?) years

Photo No.86
Erected by | PHILIP RYAN | of Sussex Street, Dublin | in memory of his
beloved father | PETER RYAN | of Rathnew, Co. Wicklow | who departed this
life on the 25th Febry. 1838 | aged 66 years | Also his brother EDWARD |
who died on the 19th March 1852 | aged 33 years

Photo No.87
Erected by | THOMAS DOUGLAS | of Kilnamanagh | in memory of his beloved
father | WILLIAM DOUGLAS | who departed this life April 9th 1866 | aged
85 years | Also his mother | MARY DOUGLAS | who departed this life March
28th 1868 | aged 74 years

Photo No.88
Erected by | JOHN CARR, of Dunbur, in memory of his | son, WILLIAM CARR,
who departed this life | the 22nd October 1855, aged 20 years | Also his
son JOHN CARR who departed this life | the 17th of January 1856, aged 22
years | And the above JOHN CARR died January | the 31st 1859 aged 64
years | Also his wife CATHERINE CARR who | departed this life the 22nd of
September | 1868 aged 69 years | And his brother JOSEPH CARR who | died
the 4th of January 1864 aged 59 yrs. | Also JOSEPH CARR son of the above
named | who departed this life May 13th 1876 | aged 85 years | THOMAS
CARR died 31st August 1891 | aged 53 years | Requiescant in Pace.

Photo No.89
Erected by | JOHN CLARKE of Rathnew in memory of his | beloved father
MICHAEL CLARKE who died | June 20th 1798 aged 50 years | Also his mother
CATHERINE CLARKE died July | 10th 1842 aged 80 years | And his wife ANNE
CLARKE died 23rd Sept. 1867 | aged 72 years | The above JOHN CLARKE died
7th Decr. 1872 aged 84 years

Photo No.90
Here lieth the bo- | dy of PETER CLARK | deceased Janry. -- | 1766 aged
20 yrs. | Lord have mercy on | his soul. Amen.

Photo No.91
Here lieth the body | of THADEE DARCY de- | ceasd. March the 19 | 1747
aged 30 years

Photo No.92
Here lieth the body of | MARGARET BYRNE | deceasd. March the | 25th 1781
aged 69 yrs. | Lord have mercy on her soul. | Amen.

Photo No.93
Erected by | MICHAEL GIFFNEY of Ashford | Co. Wicklow in memory of his
beloved | father MICHAEL GIFFNEY who | died Novr. 22d 1852 aged 59 years
| Also his mother HONORA May the | 19th 1872 aged 74 years | Also his
children MARY died 16th Sept. | 1867 aged 8 days. WILLIAM died on | 29th
Sept. 1879 aged 3 years 8 months. | and NORAH MARY died 13th March 1890 |
aged 21 years | Also his beloved wife ELLEN GIFFNEY | who died 13th May
1895 aged 54 years.

Photo No.94
Erected by | MARGARET THOMPSON | in memory of her beloved husband | JOHN
THOMPSON | who departed this life 6th Janry. 1868 | aged 64 years | May
he rest in peace.

Photo No.95
Here lyeth ye body | of CATHORIN BYRN | deceasd. June ye 15 | 1726 aged
20 years | and ELLENOR BYRN de- | ceasd. Aprill ye 7 1729.

Photo No.96
Here lieth the | body of JAMES BYRN | son to JAMES BYRN | of Wicklow
deceased | Febry. the --- aged | 5 years
(The remainder of this inscription is hidden by another headstone)

Photo No.97
Here lieth the body | of JOHN BYRNE deceasd. | March the 7 1759 aged | 12
yrs. Also PATRICK BYRNE | who depd. this life the 10th | of April 1792
Aged 76 years | Lord have mercy on their souls | Amen.

Photo No.98
Here lieth the body | of MARGARET FLANAGAN | deceasd. November the | 17
1786 aged 64 years | Lord have mercy on her soul | Amen | Also BARNABY
FLANAGAN | who depd. this life the 1st of | March 1793 (or 1795) aged 69

Photo No.99
Erected by Mrs. ANN | DARCY to the memory of | her husband GARRETH |
DARCY who departed | this life June the 18th 1812 | aged 67 years |
Requiescant in Pace. Amen.

Photo No.100
Here lieth the remains of DENNIS | FLANAGAN of Ballyguile who departed |
this life 9th February 1831 aged 70 years | Also his beloved wife
WINEFRED FLANAGAN departed this live on the 7th of Jany 1851 | aged 84

Photo No.101
Erected by | HANNAH McCALL | in memory of her beloved | husband JOHN
McCALL | who died 3rd August 1875 | aged 35 years | Also her beloved
child | CHARLES JOHN McCALL who | departed this life May the 17th | 1876
aged one year and a half.