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The following is a brief account of the shooting death of free state officerPat Coye at Feale Bridge in January, 1923. Later that fatal day in the ongoingbattle a member of the attacking Republican party Jerry Lyons was shot deadat Mein.
Capt. P. Coye left Brosna Barracks at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, 27th January1923, with five other soldiers and travelled towards Abbeyfeale. When theyapproached a bend on the road at Kilmanihan East, fire was opened on themfrom about 100 yards away with rifles and machine guns from the side of acliff. After about ten minutes they were surrounded and machine guns wereturned on them from behind. Darcy, one of the soldiers, was wounded and whencalled on to surrender, Capt. Coye said he would not surrender and told Darcyto say his prayers. He shouted also the First Westerns never surrender. Hethen fell and when asked if he was shot he made no reply. John Keogh andBartly Carrig, two of his comrades, were also wounded.
Before the ambush part of the Feale Bridge was blown up and guarded by aparty of I.R.A. men, under the command of Jerry O'Leary, on the Kerry sideof the bridge. Brosna barracks was also sniped during the attack to preventassistance reaching the ambushed patrol.
After the surrender of the soldiers the attackers, under the command of HumphreyMurphy retreated towards Castleisland via the Meenleitrim road. Sometimelater, word was sent to Capt. Fallon who was travelling from Newcastle Westto Listowel. He collected a few men from the post at Abbeyfeale and wentin the direction of the ambush. When he reached Feale Bridge he saw thatit had been blown up and covered by heavy rifle fire from the Listowel side.He succeeded however in crossing the river and was joined by Capt. Con Brosnan.They fired some shots at the retreating I.R.A. men. Capt. Fallon and hiscompanion Capt. Mortel commandeered a horse and side car, donned two women'sshawls and drove along on the side car towards Meenleitrim. They caught upwith the retreating men near Meenleitrim Bog.
Capt. Fallon then rested his rifle o the ditch and fired at them. At thisstage young Denny O'Connor was shot dead and Jerry Lyons was wounded on hiship. The dead body of Denny O'Connor was then taken to Abbeyfeale.
Jerry Lyons and a number of hostages were then taken to Abbeyfeale. Lyonswas questioned by the army at Abbeyfeale and was later removed to hospital.The body of Capt. Coye was later taken to Limerick and then to Craughwellby train, from where it was taken to Loughrea Cathedral. He was buried inKilchriest Cemetery.
The late Capt. Coye was connected to the volunteer movement. He was anenthusiastic worker in the cause of Sinn Fein and following the rising hewas interned with his two brothers at Frongoch. During the Anglo Irish Warhe held the rank of Brigade Quarter Master in the I.R.A. and was much soughtafter by the Black and Tans who raided his fathers house frequently. He hada number of hair breath escapes from them. After 1920 he represented theKilconieran electoral division on the Loughroa District Council. Upon theformation of the National Army he was appointed Captain in the Western Divisonand held many important commands in Co. Galway. He was later transferredto Ennis and subsequently took command o the forces at Newcastle West. Fromthere he was sent to Brosna. He was only a few months at Brosna when theambush took place.
from Knocknagoshel Then and Now, No. 11, 1994
Thanks to Ray Marshall for contributingthis!