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(Kevin Murphy has kindlydonated an old family letter discussing many surnames and locations in Kerry.Even if you are not researching these names you might find the letterinteresting. It was written by Dennis Keane to his son around 1919. ThanksKevin for transcribing it for us and for donating it!
(If anyone else has something that might be of interest to Kerry researchers please email me!Waterlilys@aol.com)
Barrett, Boyle, Brown, Casey, Connor, Coody, Cullinane,Curmock, Enright, Hilt, Jones, Keane, Kearney, Keefe, Keerins, Lawler, Leo,Lyons, McCarthy, McCormick, Murphy, O'Connor, O'Conner, O'Donaghues, Poff,Stack, Sullivan, Twiss, Lord Ventry
Ballnahalla, Ballyroe, Ballyseedy, Brahig,Castleisland, Castlemaine, Closh, Cool, Cordal, Doumullin, Dureen, Firies,Kilkushnane, Kilmurry, Knockdown, Mullin, Scartaglin, Tralee, Tullig
Chicago New Years Day (Around 1919)
Hello Timothy - Happy New Year to you all
I was going start in and give you a scolding for being so ignorant in regardto your relatives. You want to know how I am related to Mrs. Murphy, if itwas through the Browns. Not at all. Me and Mrs. (Anne, Ann) Murphy couldnot be any nearer except if we were Brothers and Sisters. Do you know I amhalf O'Connor. My mothers name was Mary O'Connor and Mrs. Murphy's fathersname was Michael O'Connor and they were brothers and sisters, which leavesme and Mrs. Murphy first cousins. Same as you are to the Keanes of 48th Placeor the Keanes of 43rd St. So you and Nellie Murphy (Mrs. [Warren] Hilt )are first and second cousins. So you see I'd not have to be a Brown to berelated to O'Connor of Doumullin being half O'Connor myself.
Now in regards the Browns. There were three differant families, not bloodrelations but related through marriage.That is the way we all get related.My grandmother on my Father's side was Norah Brown. Her sister Mary Brown,was married to Tim Sullivan of Mullin*, Father of Tim and Humphrey Sullivanin the west side if you remember him. Mrs Hilt will tell you who he was,as they came to Chicago from Washington D.C.
Another sister of Grandmother's, Peggy Brown was married to Hugh O'Connerof Mullin, Father of Ned Hugh, Mike Hugh, and Con Hugh O'Conner 1st cousinsof con Coody, Mike Coody and Johnny Coody of Brahig* top of Brahig betweenMrs Lyons farm and the O Donaghues.
Another sister of Grandmother's; Betsey or Elizabeth Brown was married toJohn Connor of Doumullin, Grandfather to the present O'Connors now in Baltimore.
Grandmother had three Brothers; Bill Brown of Scantaglin*, Edmond Brown,Castle Island*, and John Brown, Castle Island.
Ned Brown kept a saloon, grocery, dry goods and drapery in Castle Islandfor years. Also had some Paddocks back of the townon the banks of the RiverMaine. He used to come to this every year for about two months and made fourthousand dollars on that trip selling books on the train from New York toSan Francisco. He knew the line of books to sell, was a smart man was educatedfor the priesthood.
John Brown kept a saloon and owned several houses in Castle Island yearsago. Also had a farm of land at Mullin, 2 farms at Knockdown, but when hisfirst wife died he took to drink and partly lost them all. Grandfather wasin one of them farms until he died at Knockdown. Now it is owned by one TomJones of Closh* in Cordal** Parish of Coole***.
Another sister of grandmothers was married to Daniel Keefe of Doumultin andhis sister was married to one Ned Brown of Mullin. He was no relative ofTim Brown of Doumultin who, was shot at the time of the Rent Manifesto andfor whose death Poff and Barrett was hanged. Brown was married to a cousinof mine Kerrins from Krau.
Now I hope you do not have to take a day off or have to buy a pair of glassesor get ____ and ____ for I am not half way yet . You spoke of one old____who used to come here years ago . I'd say Eddie looked like Ned Brown whyS _____ side, her maiden name. Her father was brother to my Keane. She wasmarried to a Mr Casey from Fisies* near Killarney. He was an uncle to JohnnieCasey who used to board with us and was married to Nellie Enright, Jim Enrightssister. She has two daugthers in the westside married and very wealthy. Youought to remember Maggie and Mary Casey.They're cousins of yours but youdid not know you did not care. Maggie got hurt some years ago by a suspensionbridge downtown and got 37 thousand dollars from the City of Chicago. Shehas a 15 thousand dollar residence near some park in the west side. Her husbandsname is Cullinane a cousin of mine also, from Mount Falvey parish of Scantaglin.Mary is married to a doctor an awful nice young ______ and at Tom Keanesfuneral .
Now on my mothers side was Johanna Keane and no relation whatsoever to myfathers Keanes. She had a brother in Tullig near Castle Island. His namewas Maurice Keane. His son, Johnnie Keane. He is living on the farm now anda daughter Pegg Keane married to Dan Lawler of Ballnahalla Parish of Coole.Now grand mother had a sister married to Pudd Kearney of Closh, Cordal Parishof Coole. Father of Patrick James and John Kearney of Closh or Cordal, alsoPeter Kearney school teacher of Kilmurry Parish of Coole. Also mother ofTom Kearney, flour merchant at Castle Island. Maurice Kearney, Ballyroe westof Tralee .
Grandmother had another brother Patrick Keane of Dureen Parish at Scantaglin.His son got massacred a few years agoin Mexico. You remember him, he washere with his little Daugther 3 or 4 years ago. Got murdered when he gotback to his ranch in Mexico. He had a sister Mary Keane an old maid supposedto be rich . She was here a couple of times. She is now dead by all accounts.Mrs Hilt will tell you all about cousin Peter and cousin Mary Keane. Howthe Connors of Curt glas*, or Curmocks as they were called were cousins ofmine. Also the Curmocks of Kilkushnane* Parish of Coole. Of course they werenot all 1st cousins, but 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The same old Clan any way. Theonly one around there was nothing to me was Edward Boyle, Lord Ventrys gamekeeper at Cordal and he came from Tipperary or Hell or someplace years ago.Joe and Geo Twiss knew him well.
Now tell your young friend Mr McCarthy from Brahig to tell you one man inthe parish of Scantaglin Coole or Castle Island you are not related to. Ihave his home in Brahig entirely surrounded all of whom he knows well. Ihave given you two different families of Keanes in one also three familiesof Browns in one. You can show this lettter to Mr.Mc Carthy he will understandit better than you as the names of the people and places I have mentionedare more familiar to him.
Tell Father Stack he does not know where the harbor was in Scantaglin. Iknow well where Pound Road was and so did ever old Ballad Singer and Tricko the Loop Man in Ireland. Many a mutton pie I ate there I wish I had a coupleof them now. Castle Island was a great Horse Fair years ago and I supposeit is yet It was a lovely vale running from the top of Coole Headlys bridgeto Castlemaine, Ballyseedy, Tralee and into the lower Lake Killarney. surroundedby hills and its three old ancient castles. The center of all surroundingtowns. It was 10 miles from Killarney 10 miles from Tralee,10 miles fromListowel, 10 miles Abbeyfeale and 10 miles from Brasna* and 10 miles fromKing Williamstown.
Tell them boys out there to name another town in Ireland like that for me. Father Stack must be from Brasna at Feales Bridge there were quite a fewStack families there in my time. Ask him if he can kick a football and ifhe can he is from the Parish of Cloher* or Bally McElliyott* . Tell him Isaid God bless him. Maybe he thinks a Castle Island man does not talk toGod at all. But we were the boys.
Your mother thought I had not enough of a letter to put in this envelopeso she wrote another for me to put in it and the way she writes it is likean old horse with a broken leg walked over the paper. I received your giftto me and thanks very much. Seldom I wear them. I am all done up in Militaryclothes. I got several shirts from the boys. I got 20 pairs of army shirts3 or 4 pairs of shoes so I am all done up in khaki and more my hair turnedquite black, no more gray hairs. I rubbed some sage tea and sulpher to itand it turned black in one week. I got nothing for Christmas only a tin sugarbowl full of tobacco with the picture of a bald headed man on the lid. Idid not lose a day in almost two years. I am not checking the cars ever sincethe year I was sick you got married. I am packing export meats at Armours. Kind of lively work but all activity not running around but in one spotall day for eight hours. We get 51 cents an hour 8 hours a day and sick time.Time and a half for overtime. Double time for Sundays and holidays. DanielLeo has left the L.R.R.is working in a bank Greenbaum and Sons, La SalleSt. Everyone here is well. No sickness this winter and beautiful weather. Everbody is working and lots of money despite the H. C. L.
When you conclude reading this letter do not forget where you started asI am afraid you will not ask me about your ___ more for a long time. Youcan copy this off and have it printed and made into a Bible like and thinkof your long tail family.Very lonesome here this Christmas without a littleSup of the Creator. Had one little glass.
Was to a show Saturday night the first in 18 years and the last for 30 years.More the name of the show was "Up in Mabels Room " They are kidding me sinceabout it. I am still waiting for Bill Connors and Jim Enright to die so asto get some of my pipes back they stole from me over the past 20 years.
I am sending you that song "The big boat that First Brought Me Over " Ofcourse I know you can never sing it. It takes me or John McCormick to singthat song and of the two I could sing it better than he could. but my singingdays are gone. One x for you 2 xx for Loretta and 3 xxx for Marion Goodbyeand God bless you all. Goodbye, write soon.
Your loving Dad,
Dennis Keane
Bally McElliyott - Ballymacelliott
Brahig - Breahig
Brasna - Brosna
Castle Island - Castleisland
Cloher - Clogher
Closh - Clash (Two townlands in Kerry called Clash,near Dingle and Killarney)
Fisies - Firies
Curt glas - Gortaglas
Kilkushnane - Kilcusnaun
Mullin - Mullen
Scantaglin - Scartaglin
Note: Parishes and townlands have changed and mergedover the years it could account for some discrepancies.
**Cordal - could not find a parish called Cordal,but found townland called Cordal East and West in the parish of Ballincuslane,Kerry.
*** Coole - could not find a parish called Cool/Coole.I did find a townland called Cool in the Parish Kilgobban near Tralee, Kerry.Cool east and west in Valencia parish, Coolies near Killarney, and Coolsnear Killarney.
Kevin Murphy, who donated the Keane letter, has taken a tripto Ireland and made contact with Tim Brown who knew many of those mentionedin the Keane Letter and has written the following regardingit:
Tim Brown Of Mullin. Scartaglen Castle Island Letter
As regards the history of the Gallivans I do not claim to be an expert intracing the genealogy of families and am not to be compared to Coin OMahoney who occasionally speaks over the radio. But, a lot of theinformation I gleaned I got it from the late Owen Sullivan of Gerah (?)Farranfore who was a great authority in family matters. As it appears thatOwens mother Kitty Aherne and your grandfather Connie Gallivan were secondcousinsAs both their grandmothers who were Hogans by name being sisters.
To begin with it appears the Gallivans originated from Breahig in the farmwhere Andy Leary now resides. The present Andy Leary his mother was JuliaGallivan as apparently a Leary man got married into the farm his being Ibelieve from Ballintourig. In some far distant days toward the end of theeighth century or the early part of the nineteenth century, a family ofHogans lived near the present Edenburn Sanitorium in the townsland of Maghin the farm where the O'Neill's now reside. One of these Hogangirls got married at the early age of sixteen years to a Gallivan man at Brehig inthe farm where the Leary's now live. He was according to Owen Gallivan eitherDenny or Jack Gallivan. This Hogan girl and her husband were thegrandparents to your grandfather Connie ? and also to my grandfather NedBrown of Mullen and I think I could safely assume they were the ancestorsto all the Gallivan and their lineage around Scartinglin ? at the present time.This Hogan woman married to Gullivan had another sister a Mrs. Ahern wholived to the extraordinary age of 108 yrs. She lived at Scart Gortatlia nearNohoval School in the place where Mick Ahern now lives. She was the greatgrandmother to his father and
Also to Owen Sullivan. The mother of these Hogan girls was a Reidy woman.Davy Connor of Dromulton who lived to the age of 101 or 102 years was agrandnephew to this Mrs. Aherne and a great grandson to her sister. Longlivety runs occasionally in some families + in some of their members. Mymother's grandmother was Johanna Gallivan. She was an aunt to your grandfather. I never heard my mother sayshe had any other sister or I don't think she remembered her. My motherused to say she remembered old James Gallivan an uncle to her father. Hewas either an uncle or the father to your grandfather and was a son to thisHogan woman.Bryan Connor who had a public house in Castleisland between Market Houseand the Railway Gates (Bernie's father) his mother was Norrie Gallivan.I heard the late Jack McEllistrim the creamery manager say he knew her well and sodid Mrs. McCarthy who lived here at the railway station. Paddy Groves ofBallydwyer is a nephew to Bryan Connor and a grandson to this NorrieGallivan. She told me some years ago her grandmother hailed from Breahighence the Owen Sullivans version must be right. This Norrie Gallivan hadanother sister Jude Gallivan, she was the mother of Mike Johnny Fleming ofInch Kilcummin who used to be a member of the Kerry County Council someyears ago. As far as I know but I am not definite these two Gallivan womenwere first cousins to your grandfather and also to mine and nieces to mymothers grandmother.
The Kerin family of Gortglosare sister's children to Mike Johnny and also the Daly family of Doonen Kilcummin near Coolick Bridge I well remember a sister to your grandfather Peg Gallivan (Mrs. Bob Twiss) of ? She died in June 1915 aged about 85 years. She had a sister Mary of Mullen who was the mother of Thade Rearden. I remember a good many years ago now a brother to Wade Rearden paid a visit home from America. I think his name was Dan. He stayed for a while at Geoffrey Himings of Currow. I dare say he must be dead long ago. Thade Readon had five
sisters whom I knew of the eldest Jude (Mrs. ?) had a farm at Maugha inthe remote part of Ballymacellighot which they bought some years ago andwhere her son is now married. Previous to that, they had been dairying. Shelived to a great age and is now dead only a few years. Her husband whohailed from Knockshorow ? died in the summer of 1922. As I remember beingat his funeral to Kilsacon. Another sister was Nora (Mrs. Geoffrey Fleming)who lived in Carrow village. Mary was Mrs. John Kieffe of Gerah Farranford,Maggie was Mrs. Mike Domers of Killeenturna. There was another sister whonever married I think her name was Nell. I believe she died at Killenturna? with Mrs. Somers. I am not aware if there were any others of the Reardenin America but I know that Mrs. Geoffrey Fleming was there as I heard her sayat one time that she went to the States at the age of sixteen years.Another family of Gallivans lived in Bawnaglanna. He was Johnnie Gullivana brother to your grandfather. I knew him quite well. His wife was Peg Dennehy. He had only one son Con who is now dead a long time but there were fiveor six girls in the family. One was Mrs. Bill Brosnan of KnockaderryFarranfore. Another was Hannie who was married to Michael Oconnor ofBawnaglanna ? . Maggie was Mrs. Fred Dwyer of Lyne Currow. Another was Mrs.Tom Reidy and the youngest was Mrs. D. Fleming, their last two being livingat Currow Ross.
About the Gallivans up at Scartaglin there was Con Gallivan of Mullen whosewife was Hannah Kelliher from Direen. He had three daughters and a son, theson died when about ten years of age , one of the girls also died whenyoung. He had two sisters married here at home. One was Mrs. Tom HughBrosnan of Killeenturna and the other who had no family was married to TomLooney of Glounthane. Con Gullivan also had two other sistersAnd two brothers in America. One sister Biddy who my mother knew well inAmerica and was a pal of hers was married to an O'Donnell man. The othersister Mary was a Mrs. Fleming one of the brothers of James who was neverover robust died rather young in America. The other brother was Denny whowas married to a Baly woman from Tureengarrive near Ballydebmond. The fatherof the Mullen Gallivans was James Gallivan a first cousin to yourgrandfather and also to mine. I remember many years ago an O'Donnellboy accompanied by his uncle Con Gullivan called to see my mother. He said shewas the only person in Ireland he knew.
There was also John Gullivan who had a shop near Adurille Bridge his wifewas a Herin woman one of his sons was the late P. P. of Brosna. He hadanother brother Denny who was in America for some time. He was married toone Maine ? ? who was also in the United States they had no family. JohnGallivan of Adville had an aunt Mary who was the mother of Bell Connell andDavid O'Connell also of Adville. I think there were some sisters ofthe O'Connells in America also. I believe all the friends, Browns, O'Connells,and Gallivans in America were almost together in Waterberry. Den Prendivillean old I.R.A. man who now lives in the top of the town near Heartnetts Hotelwas born and reared at Breahig. He told me some time that three of the fourfamilies of Gallivans lived at Breahig at one time but it must be long agesago. I think I am now gone fairly well into the history of the Gallivanfamily and have nothing more to add as far as I know.
You may also like to know who were the descendants of this other Hogansister who lived to the remarkable age of 108 yesrs. As I mentioned alreadyshe lived at Scart Gortatlea near the present Nohovall School. She was thegreat grandmother to Mick Aherne's father. The late Jim Calleghan ofKilfeilm Currans, his mother was Betty Aherne. She also
Was a granddaughter to this Hogan woman while the grandfather of the presentMick Aherne of Kilfeilm who was the brother to Mrs. Callaghan was aGrandson. Old Joe Murphy of Ranaleen who lived on the road Kilsarcon wasa brother to Fr John Murphy by one time P.P.( Parish priest K M ) of Firies. His (unlegible)the grandfather to Joe Connor who lived at the cross as you goto Edenburn Hospital. This Joe Murphy was married twice, his first wife was an Aherne woman, a sister to Mrs. Callaghan. She only lived twelve months after hermarriage as apparently she may have died in childbirth.
The mother of Owen Sullivan was Kitty Aherne. She was not a sister but a first cousin to Mrs.Callaghan. She could have been reared near Nohovall School as she was anaunt to Jack Aherne and a great aunt to the present Mick Aherne and hisbrother Jack who has the garage in Castleisland. I forgot to mention thatyour mother's grandmother was Jude Brosnan . I heard my mother say afew times she knew her quite well. She died with her daughter Peg atLisheenbawn and I believe but I am not quite definite that her husband diedthere also.
Thanks so much to Kevin Murphy for donating this letter!