Easton Boarding House
- Easton Boarding House. Athy Road.
- Mrs. David Kelly. This school was
opened in 1810; held throughout the year. The mistress is a
Roman Catholic; about 43 years of age; of excellent
character, and very eminent in her profession. Has no
compensation but from her pupils; terms 30 guineas per
annum. The school is held in a private house rented by the
Mistress, is happily situated, and gives the best. This
school was opened in 1810; held through the year
accommodations. Not connected with any Association.
- No
- Average attendance:
- (a) Summer 1824 – Females 30;
- Established Church 3,
- Roman Catholics 27.
- (b) Last winter, 27.
- (c) Summer 1823, 24.
- All can read; would take a child to
read in 12 months. Books – Such as are generally used in
such schools. The pupils of Established Church read their
own Bible privately, or under a governess of their own
profession. Observation. - This school is likely to increase
in pupils.
Source: Schools of Kildare and Leighlin
1775- 1835 by Martin Brenan
11 July 2015
While doing research on
Easton House I have had a reply from
Betty Ryan-O'gorman and she described the house as follows:
"The school was the house
I was reared in -(Rosehill). When it was a school the house
beside it (Kincora) now Solicitors office, O'Gorman's was part
of it. I don't know how there could have been sufficient space
for 30 girls as the rooms are quite small. I only knew about it
because my Dad told me - he leased our house for 99 years in
1938. Nobody who lived in the area would have had that knowledge
as it was so long ago. I'm sure there is a record of it
somewhere - it was belonging to the Bruen Estate when we were
there - it is still in the Ryan family..One of the oldest houses
in Carlow and I seem to remember a reference to it being a
school for young ladies in an old Carloviana Magazine."

March 1818 |
1824 |
- April 1 1826
The above newspaper cuttings refer to Mrs.
Davis Kelly who was a school mistress at
Easton House, Athy
Road Carlow.
The following
statement accompanied an article in the newspaper
after it failed to sell at auction recently.
Sitting on around eight acres, the house is situated
in Carlow town and dates back to Victorian times.
While its most recent function was in health care,
the house has a colourful history. Originally known
as Easten, it opened in 1810 as a girls boarding
school for both Catholic and non Catholic students.
And when it comes to property sales the building has
an interesting history. When the school closed, the
house was put onto the market but a stalemate ensued
when two interested parties bid the exact same
figure. Neither was willing to hand over an extra
shilling so the dispute had to be solved in a
different way. It was then decided that both men
would have to sprint to the house from the front
gate and whoever got in through the dining room
window first was to be the new owner. Mr. Arthur
Fitzmaurice proved to be the better athlete and went
on to live in the Athy Road property until he died
in 1892.
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