The following was researched and compiled by Breda Maher in 1985. It
was originally published in The Advertiser in September 1992 and edited
by M. Brennan.
No 1.
Before Benetton opened
their shop here it was occupied for a number of years by E. J. Nolan’s,
The Camera Shop. In Slater's Directory of 1842 and 1846 we can find a
Mr. Frederick N. Spong who was a seed merchant and Florist. He also had
nurseries and gardens in Pembroke while he himself lived in ‘Roseville’
Kilkenny Road. Carlow. There still remains the engraved name of
“Henrietta, Isabella and Charles Spong” on one of the upstairs windows
dated 1871. He was succeeded by ‘The Arcade’, a ladies outfitters and
haberdashery, which was in turn taken over by Mr. Moore prior to the
arrival of E. J. Nolan in 1929. E. J. Nolan traded as a chemist shop
until January 1984, when it changed its wares to an extensive
photographic business supplying all amateur and professional
photographers their needs. |
- The Arcade was on the corner of Dublin Street (to
the left) and Tullow Street (to the right). Note the
shop in Tullow street with the horse collar hanging
outside the door.
(date unknown)
- Photo supplied by Maribeth E. Nolan
- Adjoining Nolan's is O’Neill's private dwelling
house. At the beginning of the last century this premises was a shop,
which traded under the name ‘Sticky Back’ and was owned by the
aforementioned Frederick Spong. (source: Previously
published in the 1964 edition of Carloviana page 30). The ‘Sticky Back’ shop supplied six
photographs in a strip for 6d., and it also had an assortment of British
Army Tunics and Caps, so that anyone martial -minded could be photographed
as a warrior. It then became the property of David Henry, who ran a fruit
shop. Sometime later it passed to John O’Neill who continued the fruit
business for a time before establishing a fish mongers shop.
- Also see Oliver's Butchers shop image in
Dublin Street c.1910
E.J. Nolan, 1 Dublin
St., Carlow.
No. 2 Bernard Jenning’s Optician
was in the days of the stage coach an Inn known as
the ‘Red Cow’. In later years the property passed to Daniel McGrath, who
had a Drapery shop here. It was subsequently occupied by Miss Grace
Burton. In later years Joe McGrath ran a chemist shop; he was succeeded by
his nephew Dan Ryan and after his death the business was carried on by
Mrs. Ryan. The late Sam McHugh also had a pharmacist shop here for a time.
Tommy Alcock later ran a shoe shop in No. 2. |
Picture required |
No. 3 Scamps Boutique
was for many years the property of Michael Robinson
who carried on a toy shop trade. He also had a builders providers yard in
Haymarket together with a Joinery business. Later, a Miss Dowling who was
a dressmaker, lived here. Brennan’s the butchers preceded the present
occupants. |
No. 4 Bugles Pizza & Wine Bar.
This premises has seen many owners of various
occupations down through the years. James Dowling resided here at the end
of the last century, then the premises passed to a P. J. McEvoy and later
to John Williams who had a successful tailoring business here. His
brothers also had a Tailoring business, which catered for the hunting
fraternity. In Tullow Street where Atkinson’s are now situated. Members of
the Williams family still reside in Carlow. Then John Brennan and family
lived here for quite a number of years. The Irish Assurance Company had an
office here for a few years in the early 1950’s. No. 4 was then converted
to flats and various tenants resided here until James Brennan reverted the
premises to a private dwelling residence in the 1960’s. O’Rourkes of
Centaur Street had a shop here for a time and subsequently Carpenters had
a Craft shop, before Pat Shelly established a Video shop.
Arthur Wallace, one of the most infamous
characters that ever lived in Dublin Street, occupied No. 4 over 200 years
ago. Wallace was Post Master and he also had an apothecary business here.
He was charged with the theft of money from the postal packets and was
interred in the old jail. Wallace’s trial opened on the 5th August 1800 in
the Society of Friend’s Meeting Hall in Tullow Street (where the Y.M.C.A.
hall is situated). He was found guilty and was sentenced to death by
hanging. Friends of Wallace tried to obtain a reprieve of the death
sentence. When he learned that there was no hope of a reprieve Wallace
tried to cheat the hangman by taking a large dose of laudanum. The
condemned and very ill man was taken from the old jail to Barrack Street
in a sedan chair, where he was hanged. The site in Barrack Street where
the execution was carried out overlooked some property belonging to
Wallace in Little Barrack Street; this later became known as ‘Gallipot
No. 5 Hanleys House for Men. This was once a butchers shop owned by Michael
Keating, which then passed to John Robinson who was succeeded by Jas.
Duggan in the 1920’s. He had Seed and Flower shop here. Duggan claimed
that his “genuine tested seeds” were “famous everywhere”. He also had a
nursery store in Pembroke. In later years Drummonds carried on the same
type of business here. Later these premises passed to Stanley Hooper who
had an electrical shop for many years. Following Mr. Hooper’s death that
business was carried on by Miss Breen. After Miss Breen the Rea family
acquired No. 5 and established a Sports and Toy Shop. This premises has
now been absorbed by Hanley's.
Hanley's closed in April 2013 source
Peter Walker
No. 6
also under
the ownership of Hanley's, At the turn of the century T. F. Markey’s -
Ladies and Gents Outfitters. Markey claimed they had “the best value in
ladies, children and maids outfitting” - in all varieties and ever
particular”. Following Markeys, John O’Connor established a Watch making
and Jewellery business here. Finally in 1934 the Hanley family acquired
the premises and over 55 years later are still running a thriving gents
fashion shop. "House for Men was also located here. |

No’s 7 and 8 Brennan’s Pork Shop
incorporates two premises in Dublin Street. No. 7 was
formerly the premises’ of Ironmonger, Thomas Richards, who also dealt in
China, Glass and Earthenware. Records show that Fox and Greenhough later
acquired this premises. Fox & Greenhough had a Photographic studio in
Kilkenny for many years and one assumes they had a similar type of
business here in Carlow. In more recent times Manogue and Cleere had a
Tobacconist, Stationery and Photographic shop before Brennans, the present
occupants acquired the premises. |
8 Dublin Street,
No’s 9
Adjoining Brennan’s Pork Shop is O’Brien
Travel which was originally the premises where Lucy Edwards, the widow of
Thomas Edwards, lived with her family, Thomas Edwards, worked as Coach
Agent to Joseph Fishbourne and kept a journal of his life of and his
romance with Lucy before he married her (extracts of which have been
featured in the Carlow Advertiser). - Mrs. Edwards had a newsagents and
stationery shop. Other occupants throughout the years were Edward Hodges,
Elizabeth McDonald and finally Martin Kehoe.
In the late 1800’s the premises of O’Brien
Travel was the coach offices and yard of Mr. Joseph Fishbourne, the yard
and out offices were the stables and sheds for the horses and coaches. In
later years the aforementioned Thomas Edwards is listed as having a
Tannery business here. Before the turn of this century John and William
Ross established a Drapery shop on the site. They also had every type of
footwear ‘from common hobnails to the finest calf and kid goods. Ross’s
also sold hats, caps, gloves, hosiery, silk handkerchiefs and knitting and
fancy wools. Following Ross’s, George Goods parents took over the premises
and established a Drapery and Cycle Repair shop, known as “The White
House”. Mrs. Good kept the drapery side and the father W.P. Good carried
on the cycle repairs business. After Goods, the Wallace Bros. established
a Grocery shop before Restricks took it over and carried on the grocery
Dublin Street,
also at The Square,
The Laneway adjoining O’Brien Travel, which
runs to Goods of Tullow St. was originally known as Gurleys Lane, it was
named after Thomas Gurley Snr. a Solicitor who had his practice in Tullow
St. His son Thomas Jnr was a Solicitor at Belville near Carlow. It is
believed a stream ran through or under the land and out into the River
Burrin. The old laneway was a popular venue for Pitch & Toss. R.T.V.
Rentals is built on part of the laneway now. |
No's 10-13 The Royal Hotel
which has been in existence in
Carlow town for almost 227 years originally comprised only of No. 12
Dublin Street, it now incorporates No’s 10-13. Today the Hotel is
popularly known as The Royal but records show that through the years it
had been known under several variations ‘The Royal Arms Hotel’, ‘The
Queens Arms Hotel’ and ‘Cullen’s Hotel’. The Royal Hotel is the only Inn
in Dublin St., which survived as a hotel. Unfortunately The Royal Hotel
has now been demolished and has become a car park.
No’s’ 10 and 11
was originally a large bakery owned by Stanley Johns later passed to
Maurice Reidy who had a hotel here before the Royal Hotel acquired
ownership of the premises. In later years P. J. Byrne, Solicitor, had his
office here. He was succeeded by the late Desmond Early, Solicitor.
Endeering Flowers was situated here for a time. O’Brien Travel also had a
shop in this part of the extensive hotel.
No's 12
Cullen’s Hotel
(Royal Hotel) in Dublin Street,
James Cullen was the
proprietor in the mid-nineteenth century. Under his ownership
the hotel thrived and made a name throughout the country as
being one of the finest hotels in Carlow. It was the scene of
many grand social functions in the nineteenth century. Apart
from the Hotel business, James Cullen had a marble yard at the
rear of the hotel where stone cutting work of every
description was carried out. Cullen also had-a range of public
baths built. The baths were separate from the hotel and were
open to the townspeople and hotel guests. The Royal Hotel
was put up for auction in November 2002 and sold for
redevelopment. Speaking to KCLR News, local councillor
Walter Lacey says a lot of Carlow people would have fond
memories of the Royal Hotel: “It would have served Carlow
extremely well down through the years and the centuries. “In
2002 it was purchased and demolished and replaced by the
existing building, but certainly the Royal Hotel has a lot of
very fond memories for Carlow people. “There were great
functions held in it. My own wedding was held in it in 1980,
and I recall my Grandmother, a number of years before that,
would have worked in the Royal Hotel.” |
No. 14 Red Setter Guest House
(Gary Feeney) was formerly Patrick Bourke and Son, Victualler and Wool
Merchants. Bourkes was also agents for the Dublin and Wicklow Manure Co.
Mr. Bourke emigrated to Perth, Australia. The business then passed to
Oliver's who established a thriving Butcher Shop here.
Prop.: Gary Feeney
14, Dublin Street,
- The images are a collection of very old and interesting buildings found to
the rear of The Red Setter Public House on Dublin Street taken by Linda
Rogers c.2006 and sent in by Sue Clement. They seemed to show how the
early shops, buildings, etc,.of the town would have looked like in a by-gone
time. She believes the street may have been called Brown's lane. Anyone
know any different then please contact me at
No. 14 Olivers Butchers
Joe Walker standing
outside Oliver's Butchers at 14 Dublin Street Carlow. Joe
followed his father Peter and worked in the shop for 38
years. His father Peter is in a postcard of 64 Dublin Street
(at the end of the page). The photo was taken in the 1960 by a
couple from the USA and they poted it back to Joe Walker care of
the "Meat Market beside the Royal Hotel Carlow Ireland". Source: Peter Walker 2015 .
Olivers advert from the 1960's provided by Peter Walker |
No. 15. Carlow Insurances Financial Services
Ltd., (Michael and Colette Morrissey) where Thomas M. Byrne had
his Auctioneering business here before moving up to No. 18 Dublin
Street. At one time No. 15 Dublin Street was the
office and Printing works of a local weekly newspaper ‘The Carlow
Vindicator’; then the Commercial Club had it’s meeting room overhead.
Patrick Kinsella and Thomas Geoghegan later took over the premises and
opened a radio shop. Patrick Kinsella later continued on his own with the
electrical and radio business. |
No 16 Lamberts Newsagency.
Crossing Brown Street we come to what is at
present Lamberts Newsagency. Before Lamberts acquired No 16 in the 1960’s,
it was occupied by Miss McElwee who also had a newsagency. Lamberts No 16
and Lisandra’s Hairdressing Salon formerly Cunninghams barber shop, was
one house and reverting back to the days of the stage coach these houses
were known as the ‘Globe Inn. It was, according to records, one of the
first stone houses to be built in Dublin Street. The old inn was remodelled
in 1699.
A stone tablet on the front of the house (at Lambert’s Newsagency) bears the inscription ‘W.J.R. 1699’. The letters are the
initials of the then occupants Jonathon and Ruth Watson. Story has it that
King William lodged and wrote one of dispatches following the Battle of
the Boyne. Around 1870 Lamberts was occupied by John Core who was known
locally as ‘the Apple Man’ and ‘Whistling John’. Story has it that he
bought orchards of apples around the countryside. When the fruit was ripe
he would bring a number of youths on drays from the town to pull the
apples. John would seat himself on a box and give the signal ‘now boys
start whistling’. His idea was that if the boys were whistling they could
not be eating apples. Ownership of No. 16 and 17 passed to Samuel Hunt who
established the ‘Carlow Saddlery warehouse’. Hunt claimed he had the “best
horse saddles, carriages, gig and cart harness’s” Other occupants that
preceded Cunninghams were John Williams and the Singer Manufacturing Co.
Adjoining Lisandra’s Hairdressing Salon we
have Thomas M. Byrne, Auctioneers formerly Prendergast’s ‘Mother & Care’.
Present day Carlovian's will remember this as Sloan’s extensive furniture
and clothing shop. Alex Sloan and Co. was a Dublin Co., with premises in
Parliament Street, Dublin. Before Sloan’s acquired the premises in the
mid-fifties, Mary Doran had a shop here and before her
Mary Dillon ran a
thriving Hotel and Confectioner business for many yeas. In the late 1800’s
Robert Power carried on a apothecary business her and following his death
Eliza Power his wife gave up the apothecary and started a religious goods

No. 19 A.E. Coleman's
is the only premises in Dublin Street to retain the same name over the
doorway for the last 100 years. Coleman's are one of the oldest
established family businesses in Carlow town. Before the advent of the
car and when the bicycle was a relatively new concept of travel for the
Irish roads, Coleman’s carried on the business of Painting and Glaziers.
In 1899 Benjamin Coleman stocked all kinds of Window Glass - plain and
ornamented. They also made frames for pictures. An ancestor of the
Coleman's disappeared in 1798. Thirty-two years later his body was found in
an old quarry - where the courthouse garden is now situated. The body was
recognised by a steel plate in one of his legs, which was inserted as a
result of an accident. It was assume he was murdered by the rebels.
The goodwill established by Coleman over the
years is evident by the thriving business carried out there today.
The following appeared on the Website: I met
Walter Coleman at Charlotte Street where his grandfather
started a motor business in 1903. The building is the same as it was in
those days and now houses a bike business. The Colemans have been in
business in the town since 1859. My journey then took me to the Byrne
family in Dublin Street, where stories were recalled about the old
shopkeepers along Dublin Street in earlier days.
Source of images: Dermot O'Brien
19, Dublin Street,
Kals Bistro restaurant was formerly know as
Glamour Boutique (Mona McGarry) and previously the residence of
Johnson, later James Fenlon occupied this premises.
Edward Jameson,
Under-Sheriff to Carlow Grand jury, also resided here at one time. It was
later the residence of Mr. Samuel Coleman. His son
Percy Coleman was
connected to the Shackleton’s Flour Mills. Other tenants were Dr Stan
McHugh, Breifne O’Reilly, and in later years Stan McCullough.
Scissors Empire was originally Jane Dresser’s
residence. It then passed to John Ryan, and later James Lawler, who was an
accountant for Corcoran and Co., lived here. The premises then passed
Quillinans. It then became the private residence of
Garda Behan who was
succeeded by Pete Buckley.
Adjoining Scissor Empire we have the office of
the National Insurance Co., which was at the turn of the last century
occupied by Mrs. Susan Rainsford and her brother John Woodhouse, who
had a Tailoring business here.
Susan Rainsford’s husband had a coach
building premises in Cox’s Lane. Her sister was married to Samuel Hunt,
Saddler and Harness Maker who lived at No. 16 and 17 Dublin St (Lisandra’s
and Lamberts).
The Transport Union was then located here. After that the
building then passed to Thomas Rourke who had a Hairdressing Salon on the
first floor while Burton and Co. had their premises on the ground floor.
Burtons were followed by Prescotts then
Maurice Dowling Auctioneer, The
premises is now occupied by Carlow Gents Dress Hire (Peter Cashin) and
First Choice Menswear.
22 Dublin Street. In the 1929
MacDonald's Irish Directory there is a T. O'Rourke, operating a
Milliners and Dressmaker business at this
location. |
No. 23 Dublin Street. The Southern Fried Chicken
at No. 23 Dublin
Street was occupied at the turn of the
century by James Muldowney, it then passed to John Costello. After
Costello the property was acquired by Pat Murray and subsequently by
Mrs. Whitford
who preceded Patrick Kelly, Hackney man, before the premise went to Fast Food Take Away
and then a tailors. |

No. 24
Charlie Lewis’s
was owned in the latter half of the last century by
John Hogan. It was
also occupied for a time by a Mr. Donohue who carried on a small grocery
and dairy trade. The Lewis family has occupied these premises since the
early years of this century. Charlie Lewis is the longest established
shoemaker in Carlow town.
The late Charles Lewis pictured in 1920
outside the shoe-maker's shop in Dublin Street,
Carlow, established by his father, Robert Lewis. |
No. 25
Adjoining Lewis’s is
P. Murray’s Chocolate and
Sweet Shop.
Premier Sweet & Ice Cream Cafe. The were known
for their large stocks of high class confectionery and a variety of
cigarettes and cigars. Murray’s, like Lewis’s, have been in Dublin Street for quite a
number of years. The image is Murray’s Christmas window display 1922. In
later years a large Christmas tree with coloured lights was erected
outside the shop every year. It was prior to the census of 1911 that
Patrick Murray came to Carlow to work in the Royal Hotel in Dublin
Street. On the 4th March his wife gave birth to their first child while
resident at 23 Dublin Street. A short time later they moved to 25 Dublin
Street and Patrick opened his ‘high class confectionery and tobacconist’
shop, which became known to generations of Carlovians as Murray’s.Prior to Murray’s, who moved here before the first World
War, Henry Condell, carpenter and contractor, resided here.
Samuel Coleman
who was a housepainter also occupied the premises. |
No. 26 Bruce's Betting Office
and up to recently Premier Racing S.P. and before that
Richard Power’s
Betting Office was formerly the residence of Patrick Devine. Other
occupants were Francis Gales, John Craig, Fred Pollard, B. Williams and
Seamus O’Beara. Richard Power established his Turf Accountant business
here in the 1950’s. The Godfrey family resided here and the late Donal
Godfrey had his photographic studio here also. Blakes Hairdressing Salon
was situated here for a time. Also at No.26 on the first floor is
Architectural Planning Design (Frank Bird). |
No. 27
now the private residence of the
Dillon family was originally occupied by
George Langran. Mr. Langran was a reporter with the Carlow Sentinel, a
weekly newspaper published on Saturday
The offices and printing works were at No, 1
Athy Road. The Sentinel ceased publication after the First World War.
Subsequent owners of No. 27 were Edward Lloyd, Eliza Cornelius,
Mrs. Cath
Tynan, James Brennan and the Burke family. Miss
Dora Burke now Mrs. Dillon
had a Hairdressing Salon here before reverting the premises to a private
residence. McKenna and Southern had offices here before moving to their
new premises across the road.
No. 28
is now
occupied by the McDonald family. The late Godfrey McDonald was a well
known architect in Carlow. His son, a solicitor, has his offices here.
This was formerly occupied by James Hade who later passed it on to his
sons Arthur and William Hade. Arthur Hade was Board of Works Inspector for
Counties Carlow Wicklow, Kildare, Wexford and parts of Dublin. William
Hade was Engineer to the board of Poor Law Guardians. |
No. 29
by Willie Dooley Photographer was established as a Post Office.
Swale, Post Master lived here, it then passed to Samuel Coleman. Subsequent
occupants were W. J Wilkins, and A. Wynn respectively.
Hugh O’Donnell,
Solicitor lived here for approximately 5 years and was followed by Edward
Moody. |
No. 30 the last premises on
this side Dublin St. was a gent’s hairdressers owned by John Wills
before the end of the last century. The Carlow Masonic Lodge also had
offices here at the same time.
Records also show that the
Provincial Bank was
situated here around 1904. Mr. John Clover Assistant Clerk to Carlow
Union, Kilkenny Road, had apartments here. Present day Carlovian's will
remember this was, for a number of years the site of the Carlow Country
Library and Office. The building now stands empty an unused.
No. 37
of Frank O'Meara's birthplace and family home at 37 Dublin Street,
Carlow. The relevant house can be identified as the premises called
"Royal Insurance". This photograph was taken circa 1970's. O'Meara also
died here in 1888 at the early age of 35 years with his father Dr.
Thomas O'Meara present at his death.
Source: Carlow County Library website
No. 38
Pat Donohue had a Paint and
Wallpaper shop here in 1934. Its now the The Jury Room @ McHugh's
Courthouse Hotel. |
No. 42
John McQuaide, (1818 - 1897) owned a bookshop and business as stamp
seller at 42 Dublin Street (beside the present-day Capuchin Friary). He
was a member of Carlow Town Commissioners. He was also the Register of
Marriages for the town.
John McQuaide is pictured standing outside his bookshop in "Carlow in
Old Picture Postcards" Volume 1. Picture # 38.
A longer view of Dublin Street taken from
the corner of Coxs Lane. On the right, with glazing bars on the window,
is the home of John McQuaide; he is pictured outside the adjoining book
shop which, as the name overhead indicates, he also owns. Next door,
fronted by cast-iron railings, is the National Bank; the scrolled
brackets mark the entrance to the bank, the steps lead to the manager’s
private residence. Beside the bank is the house and shop of William
Douglas, house furnisher, next door is William Kennedy's public house.
Beside Kennedys we can see the entrance to Centaur Street. This
photograph was taken before 1889, as the Post Office has not yet moved
to the building on the far side of Centaur Street. |
No. 43 -
Founded in 1978, the Friary
contributes much to the life and spirit of Carlow. Carlow can
certainly be said to be a ‘Franciscan Town’ with both the Poor
Clare Nuns and The Capuchin Friars in situ. |
No. 44
Frank McAnally had a very
successful business as a Chemist which he sold to F. Corless who carried
on the business. |
No. 45
a licensed premise owned by Robert Booth and known as "Booth's House." |
48. This was originally the
location of the Old Carlow Post Office. |
The new Carlow Post
Office opened at Kennedy Avenue beside the Old Bridewell Lane.
The Old Carlow Post Office in Dublin Street is now the local office
of Irish Life. |
No. 49
The Golden Grill
No. 50.
Cigar Divan.
This business was established in 1882. Source: SmugMug, Inc., Miceal O
Braonain & Carlow Architectural Heritage by William Garner
No. 53. O'Loughlin's Bar
formally Bergin's Public House in the 1920's
No. 54
These Insurance Office premises were originaly a tailoring
business owned by
Laurence McCaul, Senr. In the days of the stage coach it was known
as "The Bear Inn." It was here that
James Carter put up when he was
sent by Waddy, Solicitor to the Post Office, to spy on Arthur
Wallace, the felon Postmaster. |
No. 56
- Leverett & Frye, 56 Dublin Street,
Carlow was an upmarket general grocery shop and bar, which
began trading in the 1900s and continued to do so up to the
early 1970s when it was converted into a bar. It later
became known as The Little Owl, first being run by returned
emigrant Bridget Griffin and then by Bill Rooney. It has
since being bought by a Carlow Businessman and opted to revert
to the original title when renaming the premises. Source by "Carloman" |
No. 57
Provincial Bank |
No. 58
in 1934
Duggan's had a Stationary shop which sold everything in this category. In
1986 the same business was been carried on by Miss Hayes their successor.
No. 59 - 64
had a large grocery store with a Wine & Spirits business at the rear.
This was a great meeting place for Peter and Betty Gorman who were the
owners of the premises in 1986.
62-64 Dublin Street
Jewellers shop in
62-64 Dublin Street. c1999
Photo: M. Brennan (see
- This photo of a Butchers shop in
64 Dublin Street was taken from
Market Cross c.1898. The butcher is Peter Walker and the boy in the
sailors uniform is Jim Oliver who later owned a shop (14 Dublin St) beside the Royal
Hotel and the Woolstore in Coalmarket. He died c.1990's aged 90
years of age. The man with the bicycle is Pat Keogh, then porter for the
County Infirmary
- Donated by "Carloman"
- See 1964 edition of Carloviana p.31