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Surname | First | Age | Mar. Status |
Residence | dd/mm/yr | Ship Port |
Destination or Address | Nearest Relative In US previously, (Note) |
Page Line# |
Daly | James | 28 | S | Castlegregory | 30/12/1924 | Regina Queenstown |
brother, Charles, 502 E 159th. St., NY |
mother, Mrs Daly, Castlegregory | 182 #26 |
Daly | John | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 27/4/1900 | Germanic Queenstown |
aunt, 666 E137th St., NY |
127 #13 | |
Daly | Maggie | 18 | S | Castlegregory | 27/4/1900 | Germanic Queenstown |
aunt, 666 E137th St., NY |
127 #15 | |
Daly | Mary | 17 | S | Castlegregory | 27/4/1900 | Germanic Queenstown |
aunt, 666 E137th St., NY |
127 #14 | |
Daly | Mary | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 2/4/1905 | Celtic Queenstown |
brother, John O'Callaghan, 331 Tremont St., Boston |
78 #7 | |
Daly | Morgan | 22 | S | Castlegregory | 27/4/1900 | Germanic Queenstown |
aunt, 666 E137th St., NY |
127 #12 | |
Daly | Nellie | 22 | S | Tralee | 18/10/1908 | Celtic Queenstown |
brother, Michael, 220 W 74th, NY |
father, Michael, Clahane, Castlegregory (Clahane, Tralee ?) |
136 #6 |
Deady | Catherine | 20 | S | Brandon | 26/10/1907 | Campania Queenstown |
brother, John Deady, 431 W4th., NY |
Mrs. Deady, Brandon | 223 #5 |
Deady | Catherine | 27 | S | New York | 3/11/1922 | Carmania Queenstown |
friend, Miss Anna Kelly, 210 E45th., NY |
sister, Mrs. M. O'Connor, Fahamore, 1913-22(waitress) |
#20 |
Deady | Edward | 20 | S | Dingle | 13/09/1912 | Majestic Queenstown |
brother, John Deady, 77 Douglas St., Brooklyn |
aunt, Mrs Ellen Finn, Ballyguin ?, Brandon |
89 #8 |
Deady | Eugene | 21 | S | Brandon | 19/02/1920 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Julia Deady, Lowell, MA |
father, John Deady, Liss (line through entry) |
144 #1 |
Deady | Eugene | 22 | S | Brandon | 19/12/1920 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Julia Deady, Lowell, MA |
father, John Deady, Liss, Brandon (line through entry) |
144 #1 |
Deady | Eugene | 22 | S | Brandon | 29/01/1921 | Cedric Queenstown |
sister, Julia Deady, 85 W4th, Lowell, MA |
brother, John Deady, Liss | 124 #21 |
Deady | John | 19 | S | Castlegregory | 15/4/1904 | Cedric Queenstown |
uncle, Eugene Deady, 437 W26th, NY |
91 #16 | |
Deady | John | 29 | Somerville, MA | 6/12/1914 | Kroonland Naples |
unable to load manifest | 60 #4 | ||
Deady | Julia | 23 | S | Dingle | 9/09/1916 | St. Louis Liverpool |
cousin, Mary Doherty, 10-16 Gorham St., Lowell, MA |
mother, Mary Deady, Brandon | 136 #16 |
Deady | Thomas | 24 | S | Castlegregory | 19/02/1921 | Celtic Queenstown |
sister, Mrs O'Connor, Holyoke, MA |
mother, Kate Deady, Ballyduff | 134 #28 |
Dean | Michael | 25 | S | Castlegregory | 27/4/1899 | Majestic Queenstown |
Resident | 300 #11 | |
Deane | Thomas | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 20/09/1900 | Teutonic Queenstown |
US citizen Holyoke |
(paper maker) |
179 #19 |
Deen | Frank | 23 | S | Castlegregory | 27/09/1905 | Oceanic Queenstown |
brother, James Deen, 33 Elm St, Holyoke |
95 #12 | |
Deen | Mary | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 29/09/1924 | Laconia Queenstown |
uncle, Frank Deen, 58 Franklin, Holyoke |
father, Michael Deen, Castlegregory | 69 #17 |
Deen | Michael | 25 | S | Castlegregory | 27/4/1901 | Majestic Queenstown |
Holyoke, resident | 300 #11 | |
Dennehy | Mary | 26 | S | Camp | 18/10/1908 | Celtic Queenstown |
cousin, John O'Keefe, 152 East St., Brooklyn |
mother, Mrs Ashe, Camp, Glenagalt | 112 #6 |
Dennehy | Mary | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 11/8/1899 | Germanic Queenstown |
sister, Nellie Dennehy, 156 W116th., NY |
3 #2 | |
Dennehy | Mary | 24 | S | Castlegregory | 14/5/1907 | Cedric Queenstown |
friend, Mrs Abbe NY |
Castlegregory,yes | 86 #20 |
Surname | First | Age | Mar. Status |
Residence | dd/mm/yr | Ship Port |
Destination or Address | Nearest Relative In US previously, (Note) |
Page Line# |
Dineen | Hannah | 28 | S | Castlegregory | 10/10/1901 | Oceanic Queenstown |
Sis Ellen 533 W 125th St |
7 Y | 180 #29 |
Dineen | Hannah | 36 | S | Castlegregory | 5/10/1912 | Celtic Queenstown |
unable to load manifest | 131 #26 | |
Dineen | John | 24 | S | Castlegregory | 31/5/1911 | Caronia Queenstown |
brother, Pat Dineen, 885 Brook ? Ave, NY |
father, John Dineen, Tullig | 171 #14 |
Dineen | John Joseph | 11 | S | Castlegregory | 12/07/1903 | Cedric Queenstown |
home, Mary Moriarty, 513 W19th, NY |
Born US | 20 #9 |
Donnelly | Patrick | 21 | S | Fahamore | 21/4/1898 | Teutonic Queenstown |
Mary Garvey, 63 Congress St., Springfield |
576 #15 | |
Donoghue | Bridget | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 24/10/1904 | Celtic Queenstown |
cousin, Mrs. Lynch, 533 W125th St. |
24 #27 | |
Donoghue | Bridget | 20 | S | Duagh | 24/01/1904 | Celtic Liverpool |
cousin Mary Garvey, 533 W 125th St, NY |
67 #12 | |
Donoghue | Hannah | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 1/06/1902 | Celtic Queenstown |
wrong manifest page | 58 #27 | |
Donoghue | Hannah | 26 | S | Castlegregory | 7/09/1912 | Celtic Queenstown |
cousin, Mrs Michael Lynch, 507 W119th, NY |
father, Anthony Donoghue, Castle | 55 #15 |
Donoghue | John | 30 | S | Castlegregory | 2/5/1914 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Hannah Donoghue, 950 Woodcrest Ave., NY |
father, Anthony Donoghue, Castlegregory, no (bootmaker) |
123 #14 |
Donoghue | Mary | 16 | S | Castlegregory | 10/5/1906 | Majestic Queenstown |
sister, Ellen Rourke, 128 W22nd St., NY |
124 #29 | |
Donoghue | Mary | 18 | S | Stradbally | 8/10/1903 | Majestic Queenstown |
cousin, Patrick Griffin, 42 Webster St., Hartford, CT |
112 #11 | |
Donoghue | Michael | 25 | S | Castlegregory | 3/06/1909 | Caronia Queenstown |
father, Thomas Donoghue, Castlegregory |
127 #11 | |
Donoghue | Michael | 28 | S | Castlegregory | 2/5/1914 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Hannah Donoghue, 950 Woodcrest Ave., NY |
father, Anthony Donoghue, Castlegregory | 147 #11 |
Donoghue | Patrick | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 29/4/1903 | Oceanic Queenstown |
cousin, Mary Garvey, 63 Sharon, Springfield, MA |
70 #24 | |
Donoghue | Patrick | 29 | S | Castlegregory | 11/5/1912 | Cedric Queenstown |
sister, Annie Donoghue, 40 Ely St., Holyoke |
father, Michael Donoghue, Fahamore, Yes |
135 #11 |
Donoghue | Patrick | 19 | S | Stradbally | 27/5/1909 | Majestic Queenstown |
sister, Annie Donoghue, Hartford, CT |
father, Jeremiah Donoghue, Stradbally |
66 #1 |
Dorgan | Eugene | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 1/06/1902 | Celtic Queenstown |
wrong manifest page | 62 #24 | |
Dorgan | Michael | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 6/06/1900 | Oceanic Queenstown |
cousin Griffin, Chicago | 213 #11 | |
Dowd | Bridget | 21 | S | Brandon | 24/09/1920 | Celtic Queenstown |
sister, Mrs Mary McCarthy, 1113 Willow Ave, Hoboken NJ |
father, Martin Dowd, Murrigrane | 24 #9 |
Dowd | Catherine | 20 | S | Brandon | 16/4/1923 | Celtic Queenstown |
sister, Mrs Wm. Power, 295 Marion St., Brooklyn |
father, Martin Dowd, Murrigrane | 116 #25 |
Dowd | Edmond | 26 | S | Goulane, Castlegregory |
28/4/1905 | Teutonic Queenstown |
cousin Michael O'C. 40 Horatio St., NY |
110 #13 | |
Dowd | Ellie | 22 | S | Dingle | 16/4/1923 | Celtic Queenstown |
aunt, Mrs. Mary Rohan, 558 W 170th., NY |
father, John Dowd, Kilmore | 77 #4 |
Dowd | Hannah | 23 | S | Castlegregory | 1/09/1924 | Republic Queenstown |
brother, Matthew Dowd, 16 Yale St., Westfield, MA |
brother, John Dowd, Cloghane | 43 #4 |
Dowd | Hannah | 22 | S | Dingle | 15/08/1921 | Celtic Queenstown |
sister, Mary Dowd, 108 Muzzy St., Chicopee Falls, MA |
father, Thomas Dowd, Murrigrane | 131 #12 |
Dowd | Jeremiah | 49 | Castlegregory | 19/3/1898 | Teutonic Queenstown |
Dowd | Jeremiah | 24 | S | Castlegregory | 1/09/1924 | Republic Queenstown |
brother, Matthew Dowd, 16 Yale St., Westfield, MA |
father, Patrick Dowd, Castlegregory | 29 #11 |
Dowd | Jeremiah | 29 | S | Castlegregory | 1/09/1924 | Republic Queenstown |
brother, Matthew Dowd, 16 Yale St., Westfield, MA |
father, John Dowd, Cloghane | 43 #6 |
Dowd | Jerry | 22 | S | Dingle | 13/5/1910 | Lusitania Queenstown |
cousin, Mary O'Connor, 40 Horatio St., NY |
father, John Callaghan, Dingle (probably Cloghane) |
118 #26 |
Dowd | Johanna | 22 | S | Dingle | 18/10/1908 | Celtic Queenstown |
cousin, Annie Callaghan, 2098 8th Ave., Ny |
mother, Mary Dowd, Kilmore | 136 #23 |
Dowd | John | 59 | Castlegregory | 19/4/1908 | Teutonic Queenstown |
419 W 17th, NY | Page missing (line through entry) |
26 #3 | |
Dowd | Julia | 19 | S | Castlegregory | 11/5/1911 | Adriatic Queenstown |
sister, Mary Dowd, 402 W14th., NY |
father, John Dowd, Goulane | 94 #7 |
Dowd | Mary | 19 | S | Castlegregory | 22/10/1898 | Lucania Queenstown |
sister, Nellie Dowd, 6th Ave, Holyoke |
cousin of previous entry | 222 #27 |
Dowd | Mary | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 18/4/1909 | Baltic Queenstown |
cousin, Thomas O'Connor, New York |
father, John Dowd, Goulane | 54 #3 |
Dowd | Mary | 18 | S | Castlegregory | 4/5/1912 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Nora Dowd, 35 Kenworth, Waterbury, CT |
father, Michael Dowd, Stradbally | 102 #16 |
Dowd | Mary | 17 | S | Castlegregory | 11/11/1924 | Scythia Queenstown |
uncle, John Griffin, 203 Lime St., Holyoke |
father, Jeremiah Dowd, Camp, Castlegregory |
32 #27 |
Dowd | Mary | 21 | S | Cloghane | 30/4/1915 | Megantic Queenstown |
brother, Patrick Dowd, 1292 Halsey St., Brooklyn |
father, Martin Dowd, Murrigrane | 101 #23 |
Dowd | Mary | 23 | S | Dingle | 18/06/1920 | Baltic Queenstown |
aunt, Mrs Patrick Woods, 108 Muzzy St., Chicopee Falls, MA |
father, Thomas Dowd, Murrigrane | 171 #11 |
Dowd | Matthew | 25 | S | Castlegregory | 19/03/1923 | Celtic Queenstown |
cousin, Matthew Dowd, 16 Yale St., Westfield, MA |
father, Patrick Dowd, Clounsharragh | 145 #7 |
Dowd | Michael | 24 | S | Brandon | 16/4/1923 | Celtic Queenstown |
sister, Mrs Wm. Power, 295 Marion St., Brooklyn |
father, Martin Dowd, Murrigrane | 116 #26 |
Dowd | Michael | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 9/12/1924 | Carmania Queenstown |
sister, Bridget Dowd, 147 Elm St., West Springfield |
father, John Dowd, Farran, Brandon | 98 #19 |
Dowd | Michael | 21 | S | Dingle | 7/4/1912 | Caronia Queenstown |
sister, Bridget Dowd, Wowncona ? House, Westfield, MA |
father, John Dowd, Cloghane | 176 #7 |
Dowd | Nellie | 28 | S | Castlegregory | 24/10/1904 | Celtic Queenstown |
home, 2270 8th Ave., NY |
40 #11 | |
Dowd | Nora | 20 | S | Brandon | 10/5/1913 | Baltic Queenstown |
brother, Patrick, 365 Sumpter ? St., Brooklyn |
87 #17 | |
Dowd | Nora | 30 | S | Castlegregory | 2/9/1896 | Teutonic Queenstown |
Springfield | ||
Dowd | Nora | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 6/5/1909 | Oceanic Queenstown |
aunt, Mrs John Finn, 15 Union St, Northampton, MA |
father, Edward Dowd, Stradbally |
173 #3 |
Dowd | Nora | 20 | S | Lixnaw ? | 23/5/1913 | Celtic Queenstown |
brother, Patrick, 365 Sumpter ? St., Brooklyn |
father, Martin Dowd, Brandon, Castlegregory |
165 #27 |
Dowd | Patrick | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 20/11/1922 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Bridget Dowd, 147 Elm St., West Springfield |
brother, John Dowd, Brandon | 59 #19 |
Dowd | Patrick | 22 | S | Cloghane | 18/08/1920 | Mobile Queenstown |
cousin, Patrick McCarthy, 58 Inwan St., Waterbury, CT |
father, Michael Dowd, Ballinira, Cloghane | 215 #3 |
Dowd | Sylvester | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 30/10/1914 | Cedric Queenstown |
unable to load manifest | US citizen | 44 #9 |
Dowling | Jeremiah | 26 | S | Castlegregory | 29/5/1912 | Caronia Queenstown |
Blank | father, Daniel Dowling, Lixnaw, 1905-10 NY |
35 #10 |
Downes | Ellen | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 7/5/1903 | Teutonic Queenstown |
cousin, Patrick Griffin, 248 E49th., NY |
120 #6 | |
Downes | Robert | 30 | S | Castlegregory | 21/5/1900 | Ivernia Queenstown |
sister, Kate Downes | 89 #1 | |
Downs | Hannah | 23 | S | Castlegregory | 27/4/1899 | Majestic Queenstown |
brother, Rochester, NY | 316 #28 | |
Driscoll | Margaret | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 27/5/1921 | Celtic Queenstown |
sister, Mary Driscoll, 35 Elm St., Holyoke |
Patrick Driscoll, Ceandeeha | 235 # |
Driscoll | Margaret | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 20/06/1921 | Celtic Queenstown |
sister, Mary Driscoll, 35 Elm St., Holyoke |
Patrick Driscoll, Ceandeeha | 91 #21 |
Duhig | John | 24 | S | Castlegregory | 11/5/1911 | Adriatic Queenstown |
cousin, John Somers, Yonkers |
father, Michael Duhig, Castle | 94 #10 |
Duhig | Michael | 30 | S | Castlegregory | 24/11/1924 | Cedric Queenstown |
sister, Nellie Duhig, 502 E 169th, NY |
brother, Thomas Duhig, Castle | 118 #9 |
Duhig | Nellie | 26 | S | Castlegregory | 17/09/1916 | St. Paul Liverpool |
sister, Mary Duhig, 34 W 50th, NY |
father, Michael Duhig, Castle | 84 #11 |
Surname | First | Age | Mar. Status |
Residence | dd/mm/yr | Ship Port |
Destination or Address | Nearest Relative In US previously, (Note) |
Page Line# |
Eaton | Anna | 23 | S | Castlegregory | 24/10/1921 | Cedric Queenstown |
sister, Mrs F. O'Donnell, 79 Underhill Ave, Brooklyn |
father, John Eaton, Castle (shorthand typist) |
109 #26 |
Eaton | John | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 12/11/1920 | Baltic Queenstown |
brother in law, Frank O'Donnell, 379 St Mark's Ave., Brooklyn |
father, John Eaton, Castle | 58 #25 |
Eaton | Julia | 22 | S | Castlegregory | 7/09/1912 | Celtic Queenstown |
aunt, Mrs Margaret Nolan, 379 St Mark's Ave, Brooklyn |
father, Johjn Eaton, Castle | 55 #11 |
Eaton | Julia | 29 | S | Castlegregory | 12/11/1920 | Baltic Queenstown |
brother in law, Frank O'Donnell, 379 St Mark's Ave., Brooklyn |
father, John Eaton, Castle,Yes | 58 #24 |
Eaton | Maggie | 19 | S | Castlegregory | 7/09/1912 | Celtic Queenstown |
aunt, Mrs Margaret Nolan, 379 St Mark's Ave, Brooklyn |
father, John Eaton, Castle | 55 #12 |
Eaton | Margaret | 27 | S | Castlegregory | 17/07/1920 | Celtic Queenstown |
aunt, Mrs Nolan, 79 Underhill Ave., Brooklyn |
father, John Eaton, Castle (stenographer, line through) |
73 #6 |
Eaton | Mary | 18 | S | Castlegregory | 10/5/1913 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Julia Eaton, 25 Grace Court, Brooklyn |
father, John Eaton, Castle | 72 #4 |
Eaton | Thomas | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 10/5/1913 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Julia Eaton, 25 Grace Court, Brooklyn |
father, John Eaton, Castle | 72 #3 |
Egan | Ellie | 22 | S | Cloghane | 8/5/1922 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Ann Egan, 54 Fairfield Av., Holyoke, MA |
father, Thomas Egan, Liss | 208 #9 |
Egan | Eugene | 26 | S | Castlegregory | 23/5/1894 | Teutonic Queenstown |
wrong page | #547 | |
Egan | Frank | 21 | S | Castlegregory | 3/5/1905 | Umbria Queenstown |
brother, Michael Egan, 638 E139th., NY |
65 #7 | |
Egan | Hannah | 20 | S | Dingle | 9/09/1916 | St. Louis Liverpool |
aunt, Mrs Mary Williams, 11 Clinton Ave., Westfield, MA |
father, Thomas Egan, Brandon | 136 #17 |
Egan | James | 13 | S | Dingle | 25/09/1904 | Celtic Queenstown |
father, Sylvester Egan, 55 Pemberton St., Waterbury, CT |
67 #19 | |
Egan | John | 24 | S | Castlegregory | 5/8/1899 | Campania Queenstown |
brother, Eugene Egan, 608 E 139th, NY |
196 #5 | |
Egan | Josie | 23 | S | Dingle | 31/5/1900 | Majestic Queenstown |
brother, Patrick, 16 Mechanic St., Westfield, MA |
(probably from Brandon) |
73 #11 |
Egan | Katie | 19 | S | Brandon | 24/07/1920 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Hannah, 1093 Dwight St., Holyoke |
father, Thomas Egan, Liss | 61 #3 |
Egan | Katie | 20 | S | Dingle | 31/5/1900 | Majestic Queenstown |
brother, Patrick, 16 Mechanic St., Westfield, MA |
(probably from Brandon) | 73 #12 |
Egan | Kitty | 27 | S | Castlegregory | 6/06/1909 | Cedric Queenstown |
father, Sylvester Egan, Pemberton St., Waterbury, CT |
Uncle, John Dowd, Castlegregory, 1898-1908, Waterbury (Kilmore ?) |
189 #14 |
Egan | Michael | 17 | S | Dingle | 17/07/1901 | Oceanic Queenstown |
sister, Katie, 55 Pemberton St., Waterbury, CT |
7 #1 | |
Egan | Nora | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 30/8/1899 | Teutonic Queenstown |
brother, Eugene, 316 Madison St., Syracuse, NY |
169 #15 | |
Egan | Nora | 11 | S | Dingle | 7/5/1903 | Teutonic Queenstown |
father, Sylvester Egan, 55 Pemberton St., Waterbury, CT |
119 #22 | |
Egan | Patrick | 11 | S | Dingle | 25/09/1904 | Celtic Queenstown |
father, Sylvester Egan, 55 Pemberton St., Waterbury, CT |
67 #20 | |
Egan | Sylvester | 18 | S | Dingle | 7/5/1903 | Teutonic Queenstown |
father, Sylvester Egan, 55 Pemberton St., Waterbury, CT |
119 #21 | |
Egan | Thomas | 21 | S | Dingle | 7/5/1903 | Teutonic Queenstown |
father, Sylvester Egan, 55 Pemberton St., Waterbury, CT |
119 #20 | |
Ellsworth | Catherine | 44 | M | Castlegregory | 30/08/1913 | Baltic Queenstown |
aunt Mrs. Fitzgerald, Kansas City, MO |
father, Thomas (no surname), Tullig, Castlegregory, 24 Y,(probably Fitzgerald) |
118 #12 |
Enright | Catherine | 17 | S | Castlegregory | 28/10/1924 | Cedric Queenstown |
sister, Nora Enright, 243 E89th., NY |
father, John Enright, Candeehy | 45 #2 |
Enright | Hannah | 18 | S | Castlegregory | 15/10/1922 | Celtic Liverpool |
sister, Nora Enright, 203 Park Ave., NY |
father, John Enright, Ceandeehy (line through entry) |
132 #10 |
Enright | Hannah | 19 | S | Castlegregory | 22/10/1922 | Baltic Queenstown |
sister, Nora Enright, 377 Tuxedo Pk., NY |
father, John Enright, Ceandeeha | 74 #12 |
Enright | John | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 28/02/1921 | Carmania Queenstown |
sister Nora | father, John Enright | 254 #24 |
Enright | Mary | 20 | S | Castlegregory | 18/4/1914 | Cedric Queenstown |
no original manifest | ||
Enright | Mary | 27 | S | Tralee | 16/01/1923 | Carmania Queenstown |
father, John Enright, Derrymore West | 61 #27 | |
Enright | Nora | 19 | S | Castlegregory | 11/06/1920 | Celtic Queenstown |
aunt, Maggie Enright, 106 W73rd, NY |
father, John Enright, Candeeha | 85 #26 |