Report Based on
1831 Census
Report on the
Town of Carlow; with a Description of the
1. - CARLOW, (formerly Catherlough,) is distant 49 statute
miles from
Dublin, and is the capital of the County of the same name. It
is situate on the
left bank of the Barrow, and, as the River is here navigable
for barges, the
Town has become a considerable mart for Agricultural produce,
great quantities
of corn and butter being annually sent down to Waterford for
exportation. It
possesses the remains of an old Castle, and is a place of great
Antiquity; it has
also had various Charters, the last of which was granted to it
in the time of
Charles II. On the opposite side of the Barrow there is a
Suburb called Graigue,
which, though it is in a different Parish and in a different
County, we think ought
to be considered a part of the Town. The Parish contains about
2.000 statute
Acres, of which the Town occupies but a small portion. The
Parish Church,
however, is in the Town; and, in addition to it, there is a
Roman Catholic
Chapel, College and Convent; a large and handsome Lunatic
Asylum has also
very lately been erected at Carlow for the whole Province of
Lenister, but is not
yet occupied. The whole Population of the Town (exclusive of
the Suburb of
Graigue) is, according to the Census of 1831, 9, 102, and the
number of houses,
1.334. The Population has increased, but not very greatly,
since 1821.
2. - The Authorities of the place possess no Copy of their
Charter, nor could
we procure one. The following information, however, we have
collected from
the "Liber Hiberniae:"
first Charter was granted by King James the First , on the 1st of
April 1613, and by it the Portreeve and 12 Burgesses were
required to send two Members to Parliament.
3. - King Charles the second, in pursuance of letters dated
at Whitehall the
16th of April 1671, (reciting, that whereas many of the
Charters of the several
Cities and Towns in Ireland had become forfeited during the
late horrid
Rebellion, so that he might justly seize all their Liberties
and Franchises, yet,
for the encouragement of trade, that he was willing to extend
his favour to
such of them as the Chief Governor of Ireland should judge best
meriting the
same, and to grant them new Charters) granted a new Charter to
bearing date 24th December 1674, by which the Borough was made
consist of a Sovereign and 12 Free Burgesses, to whom was given
the power
of sending two Members to Parliament. The Freeman (of whom
there are
at present about 30 or 40) are not entitled to vote under this
- 4. - The Sovereign is
elected annually, and the same individual cannot be re-elected
until after the expiration of a year, so that it is necessary
to have at least two resident Burgesses, (as they are at
present,) who take the Sovereignty by turns.
The Corporation possesses no estates, but they have an annual
income of a
Few hundred pounds arising from a Toll on every thing sold in
the public
Market, (except potatoes;) the Freeman, possess no advantage,
except Exemption
From this toll. The Sovereign is by virtue of his office a
Magistrate of the
County,* in consequence of which the exact Limits of his
Jurisdiction as
Sovereign are not defined. We could not hear of any local Acts
of parliament
having ever been obtained for Carlow.
4. - There
* There is no Recorder, nor any resident Magistrate, except the
Sovereign. Neither are there any sessions or Goal for the Town
separate from those of the County.
- General
- Description.
- Several Charters,
- the last from
- Charles II.
- Parish contains
- 2.000 Acres.
Population, 9.102.
Housing, 1.334
- Not in possession of
- the Authorities on
- the spot.
- Possess no Estates.
- Levy a Toll.
- Sovereign is a Ma-
- gistrate of the
- County.
- No Local Acts of
- Parliament.