Memorial No:
Daniel Dowling of Castlemore Farmer
John Hall town of Catherlogh Spurier
Plot in Carlow town by Joseph Cook of town of Catherlogh Dyer
Lane leading from William Wrights house to Bridwell town of
Catherlogh near Darby Conely and William Addams John Carter
Witnessed by James Dillon, William Wright Tobias Moore all of
town of Catherlogh Gent Nathanial Coughran town of Catherlogh
Gent. Daniel Dowling his mark and seale.
Book 47, page 172, memorial 30027,
Image 355 dated 22nd June 1725 and Registered 29th October
BETWEEN: John DOOLING of the town of
Catherlogh, co Catherlogh, Gent of the one part
TO: Peter BERMOND of the town of
Carlow, co Catherlogh, Merchant for the sum of ten pounds
small enclosed garden plot in Burren Street in the town of
Catherlogh being part of the Burton Lands lately by William
WRIGHT late of Catherlogh, deceased containing about one rood
bounded on ease west and south by John DOOLINGS lands on the
north by road leading from Burren Street to Ballycarney for
the life of John DOWLING.
WITNESSES: James SHERE and Edward
LALER both of Catherlogh.
Peter BERMOND [Seal]
Memorial No:
Grantor & Grantee:
Cullen to Dowling
Memorial of:
Articles of Agreement
5 October 1711
Between 1st Party:
Edward Dowling of Leighlen
Bridge co Carlow Innkeeper and Dorcas Dowling his daughter
2nd Party:
Edmund Cullen of Parke co
Carlow Gent
3rd Party:
Parke co Carlow
Names of Witness:
Roth of Butlersgrove co Kilkenny Gent and Allen Jones of
Leighlin bridge co Carlow Gent Patrick Dowling of
Leighlinbridge co Carlow Gent
in the presence of: Henry Ryves of
Drumguin co Carlow Gent
18 February 1725
Dorcas Hackett
Deputy Register:
William Parry
LDS Film No:
Additional information: Marriage
between Edmund Cullen and Dorcas Dowling £200 marriage
portion. [Dorcas Hackett – must have been previously married]
Book 52, page 137, memorial No 33913,
Image 80 dated 4th February 1726 and Registered 7th February
BETWEEN: John DOWLING of the town of
Catherlogh, Innkeeper of the one part. New House lately
erected and built by John DOWLING and joining John DOWLINGS
dwelling house in Castle Street, town of Catherlogh.
TO: John QUINN of the town of
Catherlogh, Merchant of the other part.
WITNESSES: Robert GAYHEN and Tobias
MOORE both of the town of Catherlogh, Gent.
John QUINN [Seal
Memorial No: 53.476.36505 - Dowling
to Neale
Book 53, page 476, memorial no 36505,
Image 537, dated 21st & 22nd December 1727 & registed 23rd
December 1727.
Anna Maria DOWLING of City of Dublin,
widow and James LECKEY of Lambstowne, co Wexford, Gent. –
deed of Lease - £1066.12.6d and yearly rent £45 together with
one fat Weather or five shillings for land of Cappenagh 350
acres and and lands of ? 226acres both in barony of Rathvilly
co Catherlogh conveyed by James late Duke of ORMOND to Robert
LECKEY father of the said James LECKEY. William VIGORS
BURDETT a minor son of Thomas BURDETT, Baronet deceased.
To:- Reverend Benjamin Neal,
Archdeacon of Leighlin.
Witnesses:- Francis LODGE of City of
Dublin, Gent and William DEVALL of City of Dublin, Scriv. and
Robert LECKY son of said James LECKY.
James LECKY [seal]
Memorial No:
Grantor & Grantee:
Cooper to Dowling
Memorial of:
Deed of Lease and Release
21/22 December 1727
Between 1st Party:
Edward Cooper of Sreagh
Queens county Gent James Leckey of Lambstown co Wexford Gent
2nd Party:
Anna Maria Dowling city of
Dublin Widow
3rd Party:
Townlands: Castletown co Carlow [345
Names of Witness:
Joseph Landers Clerke
Henry Buckley Notary Public
in the presence of: Joseph Landers and Henry Buckley
22 December 1727
James Leckey
Deputy Register:
William Parry
LDS Film No:
Additional information:
Book 76, page 15, memorial No 52493,
Image 278 dated 2nd November 1732 and Registered 31st
Castlemore, co Catherlogh, Farmer of the one part, Lease for
natural love for Jane his present wife and children by her
part of the Haggard Plot of ground by a Fee Term Deed unto
John HALL by Joseph COOK of town of Carlow Dyer. For life of
Daniel DOWLING and after his decease to Jane his wife and
after her decease to Nathaniel DOWLLING only son of Daniel
and Jane and after heirs of Nathaniel to Anne DOWLING and
Hester DOWLING only two daughters of Daniel.
TO: Richard WOLSELY of Mount Arran,
co Catherlogh, Esquire of the other part.
the city of Dublin and Loughlin DOYLE of Mount Arran, co
Carlow, Yeoman and William LENNON, Servant to Sir Daniel
MOLYNEUX of the city of Dublin, Baronet.
Richard Wolsely [Seale]
Book 86, page129, memorial no 59616,
Image 362 dated 10th November 1735 and Registered 3rd
November 1736.
BETWEEN: John DOWLLING of town of
Catherlough, co Catherlogh, Gent of the one part for
consideration Dwelling house, out office situate on the west
side of Dublin Street, in the town of Carlow in which Edward
FITZGERALD Apothecary formerly dwelt now in the possession of
Mathew LEMAISTRE bounded on one side by the Great Inn now in
the possession of the widow GELAGH on the other side John
DOWLINGS dwelling house. For the natural lives of Mathew
LEMAISTRE and ANN LEMAISTRE als POTS his wife and William
LEMAISHE brother to said Mathew LEMAISTRE.
TO: Mathew LEMAISTRE of the town of
Catherlough, co Catherlogh, Watchmaker of the other part.
WITNESSES; Robert DAVISON and William
SCOOLY both of the town of Carlow, co Carlow Gent and Abraham
MITCHELL of said town, Gent.
Matthew LEMAISTRE [Seal]
Memorial No:
Grantor & Grantee: Carpenter to
Memorial of:
Indented Deed of Lease
24 October 1746
Between 1st Party:
Edward Carpenter of
Killancane co Carlow Gent
2nd Party:
John Dowling of Carlow co
Carlow Merchant
3rd Party:
Townlands: Killancan co Carlow also
Monemore Old Leighlin co Carlow – Mansion House and offices
Names of Witness: James Dowling of
Leighlin Bridge co Carlow Apothecary and Edward St. John of
Ballybaarin co Carlow Gent
in the presence of: James Dowling and
Theo Perkins
6 December 1748
John Dowling
Deputy Register:
James Saunders
LDS Film No:
Additional information
Memorial No:
Grantor & Grantee:
Davis to Dowling
Memorial of:
Indenture of Lease
8 February 1748
Between 1st Party:
Dudley Davis of city of
Dublin Gent
2nd Party: John Dowling of
Leighlinbridge co Carlow Merchant
3rd Party:
Ratharnane [222 acres]
Ballwananan co Carlow
Names of Witness:
William Nowlan of city of
Dublin Gent and Redmond Hackett of city of Dublin Gent
Christopher Kellett of city of Dublin Gent in the presence
of: Christopher Kellet and Redmond Hackett
16 November 1749
Dudley Davis
Deputy Register:
James Saunders
LDS Film No:
Additional information:
Memorial No:
Grantor & Grantee:
Bayle to Dowling
Memorial of:
Indented deed of Lease
1 May 1756
Between 1st Party:
John Bayly of Gowran co
Kilkenny Esq
2nd Party: John Dowling of Carlow co
3rd Party:
Townlands: Gardens & Crofts; small
strip of land joining with the River Barrow commonly called
Isle Begg near Burrin Street Carlow
Names of Witness:
James Glow of Carlow co
Carlow and Thomas Purcell of Carlow co Carlow
in the presence of: John Fennel of
Carlow co Carlow
4 June 1756
John Dowling
Deputy Register:
James Saunders
LDS Film No:
Additional information:
Memorial No
197.532.131659 - Dowling to
A Memorial of Deeds of Conveyance by
way of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the
nineteenth and twentieth days of December one thousand seven
hundred and forty three, whereby John Dowling of the town of
Catherlogh in the county of Catherlogh Gent did for the
considerations therein mentioned did grant bargain sell
release and confirm unto Arabella King of New Row in the
county of Dublin widow all that tenement and plot commonly
called the Blackmoors Head Inn situate in Dublin Street in
the town of Catherlogh in the county of Catherlogh fronting
to and bounded with the said street fifty foot and bounding
with Mr Andrew’s then or late plot on the north with
Templecrony Lane on the west with Mr Masters Mr Goods William
Gardner’s and Edward Carroll’s then or late plots on the
south together with a backside and garden and also all houses
edifices buildings and improvements erected and made there on
and appurtenances thereunto belonging to hold unto the said
Arabella King her heirs and assigns forever which said deeds
of Lease and Release and this Memorial are witnessed by
Thomas Cooley of the city of Dublin Esq and John King of the
same city Gent. John Dowling signed and sealed in the
presence of us Thomas Cooley and John King.
Registered 6th April 1759
Memorial no
232.26.149778 - Dowling to
A Memorial of Deeds of Lease and
Release indented dated respectively the twenty eighth and
twenty ninth days of July one thousand seven hundred and
forty two both made between John Dowling of Catherlagh in the
county of Catherlagh Merchant of the one part and John Bayly
of Gowran in the county of Kilkenny Esquire of the other part
by which said Release said John Dowling in consideration of
thirty pounds ten shillings and ten pence to him paid by said
John Bayly did grant release and confirm unto said John Bayly
all the houses gardens and land which were set or demised to
said John Dowling by virtue of a Lease in said Deed of
Release recited or otherwise to him so made by Robert Curties
Surgeon and whereof the said John Dowling or his undertenants
were or then in possession by virtue of the same and are
situate lying or being in or near Burren Street in Catherlagh
aforesaid with the appurtenances to hold to the only proper
use of him the said John Bayly his heirs and assigns forever
which said deeds of Lease and Release are witnessed by John
Temell of Carlow in the county of Carlow writing Clerke and
Patrick Timins Gardener to said John Bayly and this memorial
is witnessed by the said John Fennell and Patrick Timins John
Bayly Seal
Registered 13th March 1764
Memorial No:
Grantor & Grantee:
King to Dowling
Memorial of:
of Lease & Release
16/17 March 1764
Between 1st Party:
Arabella King of city of
Dublin Widow
2nd Party:
John Dowling of Carlow co
Carlow Gent
3rd Party:
Townlands: Malt House with small
house or stable, small plot of garden east of the church.
Names of Witness:
Nicholas Brown of city of
Dublin Gent
and Arthur Thomas of city of Dublin
Gent Ann Carpenter of city of Dublin spinster in the presence
of: Arthur Thomas and Ann Carpenter
9 July 1764
Arabella King
Deputy Register:
William Hall
LDS Film No:
Additional information: Dennis and
John Gaffney both sons of Peter Faggney of Capanaboo Queens
county Farmer.