Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Baptism Records
Baptismal Records Borris
County Carlow, Ireland

Joyce Family Research  Transcribed by Bob Joyce

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10. 5. 1782 Elenor Lawrence? Byrne Catherine Joyce Lacken Edmund Byrne Tammy Byrne
24. 7. 1782 James James Byon? Mary Drew? Ballymurphy Matthew Joyce Anne Kavanaugh
27. 6. 1782 Elizabeth Thomas Murphy Anne D or P ends in n? Rageran John Joyce Mary Joyce
29. 7. 1782 Margaret James Carty Anastasia M? Kilmison Patt Lawly Anne Joyce
29. 7. 1782 Elinor Edmund Joyce Mary Guylon? Lacken Di Doyle Anne Doyle
28. 4. 1783 Anne Thomas Byrne Catherine Hynes? Ballymurphy Matthew Joyce Mary Drew
28. 4. 1783 John Mathew Doyle Mary Fenlon Killethim? James Joyce Mary Haley
23. 5. 1783 Winney Luke Joyce Mary Kelly Bal Teady? Holden Winnyfred Nowlan
22. 7. 1783 Elizabeth Edmund Seal? Anne Joyce Ballyliduslay? Michael Dolasty Mary Keeririan?
17. 9. 1783 Elinor James Arb_l? Anne Joyce ? ? ? Catherine Ryan
30. 10. 1783 Patt Harry Joyce Mary Byrne Car_? Tim Carty Elinor Commefort?
21. 9. 1783 Catherine D_? Shark? Mary Joyce ? James Walch Mary Byrne
25. 12. 1783 Thomas Andrew Murphy Mary Joyce Ballyglaihecn? Martin Cocoran Bridy Corcoran
28. 1. 1784 Mary Michael Joyce Anne Prendergast Bl_lae? Andrew Hogan Anne Pendergast
27. 3. 1784 James Luke Joyce Elinor Lennon Ballinvally? James Neil Mary Gurle?
6. 4. 1784 Samuel Matthew Joyce Mary Henessey Ballymurphy John McCabe Betty Fenelon
26. 7. 1784 Mary Patt Joyce Anastasia Foley Killathem? Patt Corcoran Anne Gellane?
20. 6. 1784 Thomas Edmund McGemmon? Elizabeth Wall Ballebrack? James Joyce Mary Doyle
13. 10. 1784 William Edmund Seol? Anne Joyce Bally Figuelay Peter Doyle Catherine Tobin?
14. 2. 1785 Judeth James Butler? Elinor Butler Borris Michael Joyce Alice Pratt
26. 2. 1785 Elizabeth John Joyce Mary Corcoran Killcollrim? M Doyle Joan Healey
13. 3. 1785 Patt John Joyce Bridget Fenlon Killmison Michael Doyle Mary Fenelon
18. 8. 1785 Pierce Patt Joyce Margaret Murphy Ballyheuilay Laurence Nowlan Mary Lash?
25. 9. 1785 Mary James Ambule Anne Joyce Borris Richard Nowlan Honor Doyle
12. 10. 1785 John Patt Fenelon Elizabeth Doyle Ballymurphy John Joyce Anne Fitzharris?
24. 9. 1785 John Thomas Joyce Catherine Byrne Serorbeen? Gregory Sherfolk Anne Sherfolk
14. 9. 1785 William William Lawpon? Betty Bennet Knocscur? Solomon Freaner? Anne Joyce
9. 9. 1785 Michael John McCabe Mary Doyle Killmison Luke Joyce Bridget Doyle
3. 12. 1785 Eillen Patt Joyce Catherine Gariecan? Kill John Lawler? Elinor Lawler?
29. 11. 1785 Margaret John Murphy Mary Magher Ballymurphy Luke Joyce Catherine Kavanagh
7. 1. 1786 John Patt Byrne Anne Dwyer Ballenvally Samuel Joyce Anne Doyle
28. 1. 1786 Mary Michael Corcoran Bridget Murphy Kilealrim? Mathew Foley Mary H?
9. 1. 1786 (son) Andrew Murphy Mary Joyce Gaion? James B_? Mary Byrne
6. 4. 1786 Michael Thomas Joyce Anastasia Bolger Ballyligurlac? ? Moran Mary Codey
29. 7. 1786 Thomas Bryan Doyle Catherine Joyce Carik_? Darby? Doyle Elizabeth Byrne
13. 9. 1786 Michael Michael Joyce Anastasia Pendergsast Ballytignalay? Michael Doyle Anastasia Nowlan
1. 2. 1787 John Daniel Kiimble? Mary Kmheh Ballypekin? William Fenelon Cathy Joyce
29. 3. 1787 Patt Thomas Joyce Catherine Byrne Scrorheen Gregory Sheitall Catherine Sheitall
30. 4. 1787 Elizabeth John Joyce Margaret Corcoran   Michael Devereuixx? Honor Corcoran
20. 4. 1787 Patt Michael Joyce Elinor Lawley? Borris Jown Lawley Catherine Byrne
30. 5. 1787 Patt James Kavanaugh Mary Shea Ballybrack James Joyce Honor Murphy
9. 4. 1787 Margaret Pat Kavanaugh Mary Shea Ballybrack James Joyce Honor Murphy
29. 4. 1787 Anne John McCabe Mary Doyle Killmoyven Samuel Joyce Winny Doyle
30. 4. 1787 Darby Patt Ryan Joan ? ? John Joyce Mary Corcoran
6. 7. 1787 James William Bolger Catherine Murpny Balitiguelay Thomas Joyce Mary Fenelon
25. 1. 1788 Mathew Arthur Kavanaugh Bridget Doyle Rockvauage Mathew Joyce W?  
16. 3. 1788 Patt Michel Deavereiuxx Judy Kennedy Killcoltrim Andrew Doyle Bridget Joyce
24. 5. 1788 Joan James Joyce Catherine Fenelon Ballymurphy James Bryne Elynor Kehoe
14. 6. 1788 Anne Arthur Higenns Kinny? Bealy Thellimoyan? Luke Joyce Bridget Higinns
4. 11. 1788 Elinor Luke Joyce Mary Joyce Borris William Shark Jenny Kelly
4. 1. 1789 Margaret John Joyce Bridget Fenelon Ballymurphy Patt Murphy Mary Joyce
31. 3. 1789 John Ryan Holdan Jane   Kilcol John Joyce Mary Kenny
4. 3. 1789 Anne Luke Joyce Elinor Lannen? Ballinvally Thomas Clooney Cathy Doyle
12. 4. 1789 James Andrew Murphy Mary Joyce Crane David Murphy Anastasia  
2. 6. 1789 John James Asbul Anastasia Joyce Borris Owen Nowlan Mary Kavanaugh
15. 10. 1789 Elinor Michael Hary Anne Rice Knocroe Hofman Carpy Elizabeth Roche
13. 9. 1789 John Patt Joyce Mary Murphy Borris Laurence Quinn? Dolly Doyle
7. 1. 1790 Bridget Michael Coleman Bridget Furlong Ballymurphy Mathew Joyce Mary Furlong
1. 1. 1790 Patt John Joyce Mary Corcoran Kileollrum William Brenan Mary Brenan
17. 2. 1790 Pierce Mattew Joyce Mary Mourisy Ballymurphy Simon Nowlan <ary Kavanaugh
11. 3. 1790 Michael Man? Nowlan Honor Whelan Ballymurphy James Joyce Mary Muri..
24. 4. 1790 Darly Patt McDaniel Cathy McDaniel Knoxscun Jim McDaniel Cathy Joyce
15. 5. 1790 Luke Patt Joyce Judy Byrne Kilcothrum John Doyle Hillary Fenelon
27. 9. 1790 Michael James Aspel? Mary Joyce Borris Tom Holden Mary Holden
1. 10. 1790 Mary James Joyce Cathy Fenelon Ballymurphy Henery Joyce Mary Fenelon
31. 1. 1791 Bridget John Joyce Biddy Fenelon Bsllymurphy Luke Joyce Mary Murphy
21. 3. 1791 Patt John Murphy Mary Mourisy Ballymurphy James Joyce Mary Mourisy
20. 4. 1791 Patt Luke Joyce Mary Kelly? Borris Michel Dohurty Elenor Curran
18. 7. 1791 Anne Jerry Doyle Mary Gough Laican Nate Ryan Caty Joyce
2. 6. 1791 Anne James Hennesy Mary Foley Ballymay Simon Bolger Caty Joyce
11. 6. 1791 John James Qwin Mary Doyle Balindaly? Michel Scully Mary Joyce
13. 9. 1791 Michel Luke Joyce Nelly Lennon Ballinvaley Art Doyle Betty Redmond
2. 8. 1791 Edmund Michel Joyce Elenor Sawlip Borris William Bolger Betty Cody
8. 10. 1791 Caty James Joyce Bidy Kavanaugh Sayilaian? Patt Kavanaugh Mary Gonnell
21. 4. 1791 Robert Edmund Joyce Cathy Shannon Lauan? James Shannon Mary Rice
22. 4. 1791 Cathy James Joyce Mary Corcoran Kilcoltrum Pat Joyce Cathy Joyce
26. 6. 1792 Margaret Thomas Brenan Bridget Barron Chashel William Brenan Cathy Joyce
1. 7. 1792 Mary John McCabe Mary Doyle Ballymurphy Patt Joyce Mary Murphy
12. 7. 1792 Judy John Nowlan Mary Gormuan Kilcoltrum Darry Joyce Mary Hagarty
28. 12. 1792 Margaret Denis Whelan Margaret Whelan Ballymurphy Ned Joyce Mary Fenelon
13. 1. 1793 Cathy James Joyce Bridget Fenlon Ballymurphy James Branit Bridget Joyce
23. 4. 1793 Winifred Patt Joyce Anastasia Byrne Kilcolhuseny? Ned Bramen Bridget Doyle
22. 5. 1793 John Owen Doyle Catty Heanin Ballyleiglea Luke Joyce Elizabeth Kealey
11. 5. 1793 John James Nowlan Mary Joyce Borris Ned Nowlen Anty? Shark?
5. 9. 1793 Michael James Doyle Mary Murphy Spabele? Darby Doyle Cathy Joyce
8. 1. 1794 Dennis Michael Cocoran Judy Joyce Kilcolh_ Patt Joyce Elizabeth Joyce
13. 2. 1794 Bridget Pierce Murphy Elenor Barron Finmorecary Garret Sancell? Cathy Joyce
14. 3. 1794 Elenor Luke Joyce Mary Kelly Ballytaglen Dennis Shank Nancy Kerran?
7. 4. 1794 Andrew John Lahee? Ann C_? Tinnecarriay? Patt Joyce Mary Kavanach
7. 5. 1794 Cathy Martin Qwen? Mary Shaughingey   James T_? Mary Joyce
13. 6. 1794 John Daby Doyle Cathy Murphy Carikin? Matt Byrne Mary Joyce
10. 8. 1794 Mary Michael Joyce Nelly L__by? Borris m_? ? ? Dean?
13. 9. 1794 Margaret Patt Fitzpatrick Margaret Kealy H_ellen John Doyle Catty Joyce
26. 12. 1794 Anne John Joyce Bridget   Ballymurphy Michael Joyce Anne Joyce
4. 2. 1795 Bridget Terence Byrne Elizabeth Redmond Ballinally? Bryan Galway Bridget Joyce
11. 2. 1795 Alley James Costello Mary Mulroney Loaken Thomas Joyce Elinor Mulroney
1. 3. 1795 Judy Michael Quinn Cathy Cahil Borris Michael Hyians? Mary Joyce
11. 2. 1795 William Patt Renfield Cathy Carty Knockur? Michael M_ell Mary Joyce
5. 4. 1795 Patt James Holden Bridget Flanagan Lacken Robert Joyce Judy Quinn
29. 4. 1795 John James Mursiky Mary Rourk Bally_? Ned Joyce Cathy Joyce
7. 6. 1795 Catty Luke Joyce Mary Heuden Ballymurphy Patt Murphy Bridget Doyle
25. 5. 1795 Eillen? Thomas Monahan Elinor Nowlan Borris Mathew Grinan Bridget Joyce
14. 1. 1796 David Mark? McGabet Mary Fenlon Ballymurphy Ned Joyce Cathy Joyce
26. 3. 1796 Judy Pat Joyce Anastas Byrne? Newtown   Byrne? Honour Corcoran
26. 3. 1796 Judy Pat Joyce Anastasia   Newtown B_ Corcoran Honour Corcoran
1. 4. 11796 Pat John Joyce Mary Doyle Mat Joyce Mary Heden? Kilmisel
1. 4. 1796 Pat John Joyce Mary Doyle Kilmisil Matt Joyce Mary Hedin?
6. 5. 1796 Mary James Doyle Mary Murphy Spahil? James Joyce Bidy Thealy
17. 7. 1796 James James Joyce Brigit Kavanaugh Balibraoh? Morgan Kavanaugh Mary Joyce
15. 8. 1796 Briget Ned Joyce Paty (Caty?) Shanena? Luke Joyce Mary Joyce Laken
23. 101796 Caty Luke Joyce Mary Cody Michel Codey Margaret Codey Boris
30. 12. 1796 Martey James Nowlan Caty Joyce Tim? Holden     Borris
14. 1. 1797 Margaret Mat Foley Bely Byran Barmoiry? Harry Joyce Mary Nolan
26. 2. 1797 Pat Joseph Doyle Bidy Joyce Balinvaly James Sculy Mol? Joyce
14. 3. 1797 Mary James Costaly Mary Malroney Laken David Joyce? Nel Joyce
27. 2. 1797 John Tim Murphy Nancy Byrne Laken Tom Joyce Jane Keal
2. 6. 1797 John Pat Murphy Caty Noulan Balimurphy Mat Joyce Mary  
2. 6. 1797 John Pat Murphy Caty Nowlan Balimuphy Mat Joyce Mary Corcoran
27. 7. 1797 Anne Peter Holden Anne Bran Borris Edward Holden Anne Joyce
27. 7. 1797 Anne Pat Kenedy Anne Kenedy Balimurphy John Joyce Mary Murphy
18. 11. 1797 Edward Harry Heas? Caty McSolell? Balimurphy Pat Rian Caty Joyce
27. 12. 1797 Pat James Falon Paty Kelly   Tom Colman Mary Joyce
1. 1. 1798 James Lary Holden Peg Makedy Laken Robert Joyce Caty Makoy Laken
27. 1. 1798 Caty Tim Holden Nancy Kelly James Holden Bidy Joyce Boris
17. 9. 1799 Pat Pat Comfort Nancy Kavanaugh Cloneglose Pat Doyle Bidy Joyce
1. 9. 1799 Michel William Dreelan Anne Kavanaugh Michel Joyce Catherine Foley Ballymurphy
7. 9. 1799 Michel Denis Geffron Judy Murphy Kiry? Joyce Judy Gormon Barmona?
6. 12. 1799 Tom Tom Morisy Nancy Pender Cashil John Joyce Sal Doyle
25.12.1799 Bety Anon? Lanen Mary Joyce Balihine John   Peg Byrne


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