Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Sir Dudley St Leger Hill
1787 - 1851

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The following documents were donated to the Carlow website by Kate Taylor (Coral M P Taylor, MA Oxon, FSA, Hon Lay Canon Wakefield Cathedral. Yorkshire.).
They were discovered among my late aunt's papers. She was a Granddaughter of William Parsons of Carlow. I am the Great Granddaughter of William Parsons.
Dudley St Leger Hill's sister, Lavinia, married one William Parsons of Carlow, One of their children, Edward Parsons, married Mary Ann McKnight. Among the children of Edward and Mary was Dawson Parsons, born 27 June 1868. Dawson was Margaret Parsons's father and my grandfather so I suppose Dudley Hill (father of both Dudley St Leger and Lavinia) was my Great-great-grandfather.

Above letter from Kate Taylor

(The date 20th December, 1913 was probably a typing error as we think it should read 1813)

At a Meeting of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the County and Town of Carlow, 20th December, 1913, the following address was unanimously voted to

Sir Dudley St. Leger Hill,

Knight of the Royal Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Knight Companion of the most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, and Colonel in the Portuguese Service:,  On his return to his native Town, from the Peninsula, who presented him at the same time with a very handsome Military Sword and two valuable Silver Cups; the whole highly ornamented, emblematical with corresponding devices.

Sir, It has seldom happened, since the Glorious days of the Immortal Wolfe, that the Veteran Soldier could be recognised in an Officer of your Years:, It Is, therefore, with pecular gratification we hail your Return to your native Country, covered, as you are, with honourable Wounds, and loadod as you also are, with the Plaudits of the Army In which you have so often signalized yourself.

The Country of your birth has seen with Pride and Admiration, repeated Records of your Valourous Deeds, from the unerring pens of a Wellington, a Beresford, and a Graham; shall we then, your Townsmen and Friends, view with apathy, or pass over in silence, those Heroic Exploits which have not only recommended you to distinguished marks of our Sovereign's favour, but entwined a never-fading wreath of Laurel around your youthful brow?  No, Sir, we are desirous of proclaiming


to your followers In Arms, that while we contemplate with emotions of exaltation your Service as a Soldier, we are no lees acutely alive to your high character as a Gentleman, and your Virtues as a Citizen.  Accept then, Sir, this Sword, as a pledge of the interest we take in our Country's cause, identified as it is with your individual Glory, and from a consciousness that we cannot confide it into better hands for the protection of the Honour and Dignity of our Sovereign, and for the Defence and Support of our national Rights.

Signed on behalf of the Committee,

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