Returns his most grateful thanks to his numerous
Friends and the public for the support so liberally given to his Hotel
since its erection, a period of nearly 40 years, and takes this
opportunity of soliciting a continuance of their patronage. His Hotel
being situated in the centre of the town within a few minutes’ walk of
the Railway Station and contiguous to the Church, Cathedral, Court
House, Banks, etc., will be found most convenient for Traders’ Agents,
Merchants and other Travellers. The strictest attention shall be paid to
the comfort of those who may favour his Establishment which will always
be found supplied in the best manner.
The Proprietor also takes this opportunity of
apprizing those having recourse to his Establishment, as also the public
at large, that he has lately erected on the premises a range of Public
Baths which, at considerable expense, he has fitted up in the neatest
and most commodious manner, consisting of reclining and shower baths of
all descriptions, which can be had on the shortest possible notice and
at very moderate charges.
N.B. The Public Baths being at the rear of, and
altogether separate from, the Hotel, parties desirous of availing
themselves of the accommodation they afford can do so (if they wish)
without having any intercourse with the Hotel, the entrance to the Baths
being through the gateway leading into the Hotel Yard.