Royal Arms Hotel
And Livery Stables
Dublin Street, Carlow.
Cullen returns her most grateful thanks to her numerous friends and
the public, for the support so liberally given to her Hotel since
its erection, a period of nearly Fifty Years; and taken this
opportunity of soliciting a continuance of their patronage. The
above named Hotel situated in the centre of the town, within a few
minutes’ walk of the Railway Station, and contiguous to the Church,
Cathedral, Courthouse, Banks &c, &c., will be found most convenient
for Traders, Agents, Merchants and all other Travellers. The
strenuous attention shall be paid to the comfort of those who may
favour her Establishment, which has recently undergone every
necessary decoration in painting and papering.
connexion with the “Royal Arms Hotel” is an extensive and
commodiously arranged Bath-House, in which Baths can be had at the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Parties stopping
at the old established “Royal Arms Hotel” will be sure to meet with
those attentions which are so essential to their comforts.
charges will be found to be Moderate.
N.B. – A
well appointed Car awaits the arrival of the different Trains, to
convey persons to the hotel.
December 9, 1853.