Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM) Carlow County c.1851/52. |
A-B | B-C | C-C | C-D | D-E | F-K | L-M | M-M | N-R | S-T | U-Y |
Name | Location | Comment |
S | ||
Saunders, James | Tullow St. | |
Scott, David Henry | Fairy-Lane | |
Scully, John | Brewery-Lane | |
Scully, Patrick | Dublin Rd. | |
Seale, John | Hanover-Bridge | |
Sharpe, William | Bridewell-Lane | |
Shaughnessy, Mary | Carlow | |
Sheahan, Cornelius | Tullow St. | |
Shedson, Mary | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Sheehan, Margaret | Pollerton-Road | |
Shelly, Thomas | Dublin Rd. | |
Shepperd, Michael | Tullow St. | |
Short, Bryan | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Shortall, Thomas | Dublin Rd. | |
Silk, John | Rathnapish | Comment : John and Pat |
Silk, Pat | Rathnapish | Comment : John and Pat |
Silk, Patrick | Carlow | |
Silk, Patrick | Rathnapish | |
Silk, Patrick | Staplestown-Road | |
Silk, Patrick | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Smith, Mary | Brown St. | |
Smith, Patrick | Wellington-Square | |
Smyth, Geo. | Tullow St. | |
Smyth, Richard | Pollerton-Road | |
Somers, Robert | Mill-Street | |
Spearing, George | Brown St. | |
Spears, Arthur | Barrack St. | |
Spellane, Timothy | Mill-Lane | |
Spong, Frederick | Cornwall-Quay | |
Spong, Frederick | Dublin St. | |
Star, William | Centaur St. | |
Stewart, Catherine | Bernard's Lane | |
Stewart, Percival | Burrin-Street | |
Stewart, Richard | Pollerton-Road | |
Stokes, John | Burrin-Street | |
Storey, William | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Story, Patrick | Carlow | |
Stoyte, Thomas | Dublin Rd. | |
Styles, Edward | Tullow St. | |
Sullivan, Martin | Pollerton-Road | |
Sullivan, Patrick | Lowry's-Lane | |
Summers, John | Castle-Hill | |
Sunderland, Henry | Pollerton-Road | |
Sunderland, John | Carlow | |
Sutton, John | Barrack St. | |
Sutton, Michael | Pollerton Little | |
Swift, Patrick | Pollerton-Road | |
Vaux'S, Henry | Tullow St. | |
T | ||
Taylor, John | Burrin-Street | |
Taylor, William | Brown St. | |
Tennant, Richard | Burrin-Street | |
Thomas, Jocelyn | Mortarstown Upper | |
Thompson, Abigail | Tullow St. | |
Thompson, Jno. | Brown St. | |
Thompson, Martin | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Thompson, Patrick | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Thomson, John | Centaur St. | |
Thomson, John | John-Street | |
Thorpe, Gabriel | Bridewell-Lane | |
Thorpe, Ulyses | Burrin-Street | |
Timmins, Bridget | Barrack St. | |
Timmins, Catherine | Athy St. | |
Timmins, Charles | Castle-Street | |
Timmins, James | Athy St. | |
Timmins, John | Carlow | |
Timmins, John | Burrin-Street | |
Timmins, Mary | Mortarstown Upper | |
Timmins, Michael | Carlow | |
Timmins, Michael | Chapel-Lane | |
Timmins, William | Carlow | |
Timmons, Charles | Carlow | |
Tobin, Moses | Mill-Street | |
Tobin, William | Dublin St. | |
Todd, James | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Toole, Luke | Carlow | |
Toole, Thomas | Castle-Hill | |
Tracey, Edward | Tullow St. | |
Tracey, Honoria | Scragg's-Alley | |
Tracey, Patrick | Tullow St. | |
Travers, Thomas | Staplestown-Road/The Clash | |
Traynor, Michael | Pollerton-Road | |
Trench, Rev. Frederick | Carlow | |
Tritten, Robert | Athy St. | |
Tuckey, Chas. H. | Carlow | |
Tuite, Thomas | Bridewell-Lane | |
Tummins, Edward | Barrack St. | |
Tunstead, Thomas | Brown St. | |
Twomy, Charles | Rathnapish | |
Tynan, Christopher | Castle-Street | |
Tynan, Joseph | Scragg's-Alley | |
Tynan, Joseph | Tullow St. | |
Tynan, Patrick | Castle-Street | |
Tynan, Patrick | Green-Lane | |
Tynan, Thoma | Burrin-Street |
A-B | B-C | C-C | C-D | D-E | F-K | L-M | M-M | N-R | S-T | U-Y |
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